Posts Tagged ‘paxton’

Texas AG Ken Paxton says Trump verdict is “dark and shameful day in American history”

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies yesterday during a controversial trial in New York, and Texas Attorney General Ken… Source

Ken Paxton lashes out at Biden administration, Texas House over impeachment

In his first interview since he was acquitted over the weekend in a historic impeachment trial, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) lashed out at the Biden administration and the Lone Star State’s House Speaker Dade Phelan (R) over his impeachment and trial.  “So you think that the effort to remove you from office really… […]

Paxton on possible challenge to Cornyn: ‘Everything’s on the table for me’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), who was acquitted over the weekend in his historic impeachment trial in the state, took swipes at Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and kept the door open to a possible run for the senator’s seat in 2026, saying “everything’s on the table” at this point.  “Why don’t you run against… […]

Texas Attorney General Kenneth Paxton Acquitted in Senate Impeachment Trial, Reinstated as AG

The Texas Senate voted that Texas Attorney General Kenneth Warren Paxton, Jr. should be acquitted. The majority vote on each article in his impeachment trial was for acquittal. The senators voted to dismiss the four remaining impeachment articles and adjourn for the session, Sine Die. Source

What the Ken Paxton saga shows about MAGA and Trump

Ken Paxton and his MAGA allies framed his stunning impeachment trial as the last gasp of the GOP’s weakened establishment. “RINOs and far-left radicals” were coming after him, Paxton said of the trial that has engulfed Texas politics for more than a week. Former President Donald Trump issued a similar warning, while Donald Trump Jr. […]

Top whistleblower against Texas AG Ken Paxton admits they reported him to the FBI without any evidence

(NaturalNews) A star witness for the prosecution in the high-profile impeachment trial against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton admitted on the stand that he and… Source

Texas AG Former Chief of Staff on Paxton’s Adultery: ‘My heart broke for’ His Wife

The former chief of staff to suspended Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton confronted her boss after his security detail, state-employed personal assistant, and other staff members complained about Paxton’s adulterous relationship with Laura Olson. She also testified about the impact of calendaring changes, extra hours, and weekends staff had to work due to his behavior. […]

Texas AG Impeachment Day 1: Paxton Pleads not Guilty, Dismissal Denied, Key Witness Testifies

During the first day of the Texas Senate impeachment trial of suspended Attorney General Ken Paxton, the Senate “jurors” soundly rejected the defense motions to dismiss the 16 articles of impeachment brought by the House of Representatives. Following the vote Source

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial is in the hands of Republicans who have been by his side

AUSTIN, Texas — Billionaires, burner phones, alleged bribes: The impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is going to test the will of Republicans senators to oust not only one of their own, but a firebrand who has helped drive the state’s hard turn to the right for years. The historic proceedings set to […]

Trump slams Texas ‘RINOS’ over Paxton impeachment effort

The Texas House later voted to impeach Paxton, triggering his suspension from office. Trump lashed out in particular at Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, who Trump called “barely a Republican at all.” Trump also declared the proceedings “election interference,” and said “Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!” In 2020, Paxton asked […]

GOP-controlled Texas House votes to impeach Republican AG Ken Paxton

Moments after the vote, Paxton’s office said the impeachment was “based on totally false claims” and pointed to internal reports that found no wrongdoing. House investigators said the attorney general’s own probe into Paxton’s actions includes false and disproven claims. “No one person should be above the law, least not the top law enforcement officer […]

Attorney General Ken Paxton says he will defend Texas sodomy law if Supreme Court revisits Lawrence vs. Texas

Hey Paxton. It has always been against the law to rape a child up the ass! Jesus the Christ said to EXECUTE a baby raper. When is the last time the sub corporation ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ of the USA corporation run by baby rapers executed a baby raper for raping a child up the […]

Poll: Trump-Endorsed Ken Paxton Up by 27 Points in Texas Attorney General Republican Primary 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has a 27-point lead in the Texas Attorney General Republican primary runoff election, according to a recent poll.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to Appear at Election, COVID-19, QAnon Conspiracy Theory Conference in December

For the last several months, Clay Clark, a business consultant who hosts a podcast called “Thrivetime,” has been leading a “ReAwaken America Tour” in venues around the country. As Right Wing Watch reported in June, Clark himself is a radical anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, and so it is no surprise that he has crammed his events […]

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Six School Districts for Defying Ban on Mask Mandates

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) on Friday announced that he is suing six school districts for defying Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) ban on mask mandates. Paxton said in a statement: Not only are superintendents across Texas openly violating state law, but they are using district resources—that ought to be used for teacher merit […]

AG Paxton: Democrats ‘Could Be Arrested as Soon as They Step Back on Texas Soil’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday said that the Democrats who have fled the state in an effort to block an election bill could be arrested as soon as they set foot back on the soil of the Lone Star State. “If you care about the Constitution, there are constitutional duties to show up […]

Texas AG Paxton: ‘Only Reason Democrats Oppose Voter ID Is Because They Love Cheating’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has warned that the only reason Democrats opposte Voter ID laws is because they love to cheat. During an interview on New York City ABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Paxton warned if states like Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania “don’t get their act together” when it comes to signature […]

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden for ‘Unlawful’ Halt to Deportations

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s administration for what he says is an “unlawful” executive order that halts deportations of illegal aliens. Hours after taking office on January 20, Biden signed an executive order that halts deportations of most illegal aliens for at least 100 days. The order […]

Texas AG Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Google over Ad Practices

Texas attorney general Ken Paxton along with the attorneys general of eight other states have filed an antitrust case against Google, alleging the company abuses its monopoly power in digital ads to harm consumers and businesses. Filed in the federal court of Texas, Paxton’s suit has been joined by the states of Arkansas, Indiana, Idaho, Kentucky, […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

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