Posts Tagged ‘globalism’

RH – Globalism Is Jewish Supremacism

Israel Shamir – Globalism is Jewish Supremacism   The post RH – Globalism Is Jewish Supremacism appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Israel Shamir – Globalism is Jewish Supremacism

(left, Israeli journalist and Christian convert, Israel Shamir)  Judaism Seeks to Replace God  This is what the Scamdemic, “Vaccines,” Agenda 2030 and the New World Order are all About “It is possible there are no (or almost no) Jews who fully understand what the Jews want.” Shamir writes. In the Jewish globalist paradigm, “Israel wants […]

Pedophiles for Globalism-Bill Clinton, Tony Blair & the Pope of Pedophile Priest

Blair with good buttie Jimmy Savile who is known to have raped dead bodies, raped multitudes of children, provided children to British fake royals, politicians and “elites” to rape and sometimes murder Pedo pope with his known Pedo Cardinal which the pope protected from punishment for raping children You “bless” the little boys popester. I’ll […]

The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)

The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded) From Brandon Smith In July of last year as the hype surrounding the Covid pandemic was finally dying out, I came across a video promoting a barely publicized project called the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism.” The group, headed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, is the culmination of decades of […]

Sept 6 – Vigano – Globalism Represents Satanism

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  Westerners are learning the hard way that globalism is Communism and the overthrow of all that makes life worth living.  Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’ He argued it is “essential” for Catholics “to understand that the Second Vatican Council and the […]

Interview 1815 – Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed via James joins Ernest Hancock for their regular, bi-monthly conversation on the Declare Your Independence radio broadcast to discuss nationalism, regionalism, globalism and how to really oppose the ideology of collectivism. With a significant detour into yeoman farmers and (un)intentional community, you won’t want to miss […]

Globalism Will Die After the Ukraine Conflict Ends (And That is a Good Thing!)

World Lavrov: Globalism Will Die After the Ukraine Conflict Ends Comment:  As Cayce predicted Russia would be the real revival of man caring about his fellow man BORN in RUSSIA. By infostormer  – June 17, 2023 1 Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that once the Ukraine war ends, globalism will die with it. […]

Globalization, Not Globalism: Free Trade versus Destructive Statist Ideology

After the 2008 financial crisis, calls rang out across establishment publications and the executive offices of Wall Street that we were witnessing the death of globalization. The calls grew louder and more numerous after Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, the pandemic, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Yet the data appears to dispute this narrative. […]

ACH (1924) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The Rising Resistance To Globalism

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 29 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The Rising Resistance To Globalism.” We discussed: the significance of the recent election win for the Brothers Of Italy party; the numerous methods we can adopt in order to resist Globalism; […]

COVID, Globalism, Monopoly Communism, and the Biodollar

The Purpose of the Gates nanodot tattoo is to brand our DNA with a digital transceiver and use our own bodies as debit cards.  This is what the “Global Reset” is all about.   They need an untraceable currency to monitor every transaction,  manipulate every human being.  There is no doubt that this is part of […]

Gross Mutt Shills for Neo-Liberal Globalism

Mixed race mutt lauds globalism and neo-liberalism. SUPPORT MP

Election Data: President Trump’s Anti-Globalism, Pro-Police Message Wins Over Hispanics

President Trump’s message on the 2020 presidential campaign trail — focused on the defense of law enforcement and the working class, and against globalization — resonated massively with the nation’s growing Hispanic American population. Election data reviewed by Politico reveals that in 78 of the nation’s 100 majority-Hispanic counties across the United States, Trump improved his […]

Blue-Haired Shebeast Defends Hippy Globalism & Race-Mixing

A blue-haired shebeast had the typical shitlib political views that every degenerate has. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Blue-Haired Shebeast Defends Hippy Globalism & Race-Mixing

A blue-haired shebeast had the typical shitlib political views that every degenerate has. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Blue-Haired Shebeast Defends Hippy Globalism & Race-Mixing

A blue-haired shebeast had the typical shitlib political views that every degenerate has. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Blue-Haired Shebeast Defends Hippy Globalism & Race-Mixing

A blue-haired shebeast had the typical shitlib political views that every degenerate has. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Mixed Race Lesbian Poster Child for Kalergi Globalism

Mixed race children of Kalergi always seem to justify the jewish program of globalism and race-mixing. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

The Coming Decline of Globalism

    INTRODUCTION As a nationalist in the west, it’s often difficult to find any reasons for optimism. A typical month may involve any combination of social media bans, deplatforming and physical threats from society’s dregs, and there is seemingly little to show for the sacrifice by way of tangible victories. I might be forgiven […]

How The Globalism Con Game Leads To A ‘New World Order’

The following article written by Brandon Smith was originally published at When globalists speak publicly about a “new world order” they are speaking about something very specific and rather sacred in their little cult of elitism. It is not simply the notion that civilization shifts or changes abruptly on its own; rather, […]

How The Globalism Con Game Leads To A “New World Order”

By Brandon Smith When globalists speak publicly about a “new world order” they are speaking about something very specific and rather sacred in their little cult of elitism. It is not simply the notion that civilization shifts or changes abruptly on its own; rather, it is their name for a directed and engineered […]

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