Posts Tagged ‘grain’

Norway to stockpile 82,500 tons of grain to prepare for famine and war

(NaturalNews) Norway is taking major steps to prepare for potential war and famine as the country kicks off a plan to stockpile grain.Yesterday, Norway’s… Source

Cheap grain from Ukraine and Green policies are destroying Europe’s food producers

Germany, France, Romania, Poland, Lithuania… Farmers All Over Europe Take a Stand Against Crippling ‘Green’ Policies By Paul Serran Jan. 24, 2024 11:20 am214 Comments   The European continent is in turmoil, plagued by a multitude of self-inflicted maladies coming from the insane, failed globalist policies pushed by the EU: unchecked mass migration, unemployment, economic stagnation, LGBTQ […]

Russian Strikes In Ukraine’s Odesa Damage Port And Grain Infrastructure

Russia has continuously targeted the Black Sea port city since pulling out of a deal that allowed Ukrainian grain exports to countries facing famine. Source

Russian foreign minister on Black Sea grain deal: ‘We were lied to’

Russia was lied to about the Black Sea grain deal, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday, reports Anadolu Agency. When asked by Anadolu if he has a response to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ remarks when he said some are questioning if Russia has “any real interest in re-joining the Black Sea Initiative,” Lavrov said he cannot […]

Russian grain diplomacy: Winning hearts, minds, and markets

SEP 12, 2023 The Ukraine conflict and the Black Sea grain deal have highlighted the ‘geopolitics of wheat’ and helped Russia gain leverage over Europe while expanding its influence in Africa and the Global South. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan In the complex fabric of international relations, the interaction between geopolitics and trade – particularly of vital […]

Erdogan: Excluding Russia from grain deal talks will not be sustainable

Any initiative to revive the Black Sea grain deal that excludes Russia will not be sustainable, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, reports Anadolu Agency. “A process for the grain issue that excludes Russia is unlikely to be sustainable,” Erdogan said at a news conference after the G-20 summit in India. The G-20 […]

Vladimir Putin Says There Will Be No New Grain Deal Until The West Meets His Demands

The Russian president spoke after talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday. Source

The Grain Deal has become a diplomatic success story, or is there a new phase coming? …

Unfortunately, one of the negative consequences of active hostilities is observed in the foreign trade relations of the countries participating in the conflict. A temporary danger zone does not guarantee safety along trade communication routes. Disrupting the prior steady trading system is costly to the trade balance and frequently leads to major humanitarian crises, such […]

‘Many may die’ warns UN after end of Black Sea grain deal

A spike in grain prices since Russia quit a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of Ukraine grain "potentially threatens hunger and worse for millions of people," the United Nations' Aid chief told the Security Council on Friday, Reuters reports. "Some will go hungry, some will starve, many may die as a result of […]

What Russia’s Withdrawal From Black Sea Grain Deal Means Globally

Moscow’s latest move has been condemned as a form of “blackmail.” Source

EU announces Ukraine grain deal after import bans by five member countries

After two weeks of intense negotiations, Brussels has announced a deal on Ukraine grain that it says protects Ukraine’s economy and the livelihoods of EU farmers. Source

Russia Extends Grain Deal for 60 Days, Wants to See Progress on Concerns

Commercial vessels including vessels that are part of Black Sea grain deal wait to pass the Bosphorus strait off the shores of Yenikapi during a misty morning in Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct. 31, 2022. (Umit Bektas/File Photo/Reuters) MOSCOW—Russia has notified all parties to the Black Sea grain deal that the agreement has been extended for […]

Australia’s Record Grain Harvest Leads to Strong Demand for Export Services: Report

Bulk grain exports in Australia during the past two years have reached a new record, with the industry exporting a reported total of 40.6 tonnes from 2021 to 2022—61 percent higher than the industry’s yearly average. This comes despite recent flooding events, labour shortages, and harvest delays. According to a report (pdf) by the Australian […]

China slams US stationing in Syria, oil and grain looting as illegal

December 2, 2022 Source: News wesbites By Al Mayadeen English  The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson slams US hypocrisy, accusing it of continuously violating international laws and rules while claiming that it advocates “the rules-based international order.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Zhao Lijian, opened fire on the US’ illegal presence in Syria, shedding light on the […]

No pain, no grain: Putin’s Black Sea comeback

After the western military attack on Sevastopol briefly halted Russian grain transports, Moscow is back in business with a stronger hand and more favorable terms. November 02 2022 By Pepe Escobar So, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan picks up the phone and calls his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin: let’s talk about the “grain deal.” Putin, cool, calm […]

Lebanon receives first Ukrainian grain shipment under Istanbul deal

Lebanon's first grain shipment from Ukraine under the Istanbul grain export deal arrived in the port of Tripoli yesterday, Anadolu news agency reported. Ukrainian Ambassador Ihor Ostosh said, during the reception held to receive the ship, that Kyiv seeks to prevent a food crisis despite the negative impact of the Russian invasion. "Despite all the […]

Turkiye emphasises importance of exporting Russian grain, fertiliser

Emphasising that the Istanbul grain deal is running “smoothly”, the Turkish President, on Friday, said more than four million tons of grain have, so far, been exported from Ukrainian ports, Anadolu News Agency reports. As part of the deal, “more than four million tons of grain has been exported through the grain corridor. It is […]

Turkiye emphasises importance of exporting Russian grain, fertiliser

Emphasising that the Istanbul grain deal is running “smoothly”, the Turkish President, on Friday, said more than four million tons of grain have, so far, been exported from Ukrainian ports, Anadolu News Agency reports. As part of the deal, “more than four million tons of grain has been exported through the grain corridor. It is […]

Turkiye emphasises importance of exporting Russian grain, fertiliser

Emphasising that the Istanbul grain deal is running “smoothly”, the Turkish President, on Friday, said more than four million tons of grain have, so far, been exported from Ukrainian ports, Anadolu News Agency reports. As part of the deal, “more than four million tons of grain has been exported through the grain corridor. It is […]

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