As I always suspected. My forays into persuading local council (NZ) against the use of pesticides an uphill no win most of the time. Small concessions but they cannot see life without agrochem or perhaps the perks that may go with that? EWR From Sustainable Pulse News in the United Kingdom has revealed that the […]
Posts Tagged ‘agrochemical’
UK Environment Agency and Local Councils Invest Heavily in Agrochemical Giants – Revealed

Robots Fight Weeds in Challenge to Agrochemical Giants

Robots Fight Weeds in Challenge to Agrochemical Giants May 22nd, 2018 Via: Reuters: In a field of sugar beet in Switzerland, a solar-powered robot that looks like a table on wheels scans the rows of crops with its camera, identifies weeds and zaps them […]
General Strike Cripples Business Across Guinea

Print Friendly Above Photo: Policemen escort a demonstrator in an empty street of Conakry, on February 15, 2016, on the day of a nation-wide general strike in Guinea, with unions calling for lower fuel prices and better pay conditions (AFP Photo/Cellou Binani) Conakry (AFP) – Shops, banks and offices remained closed and streets empty of traffic […]