Posts Tagged ‘bataclan’


[embedded content]… Unknown commented –   Bataclan / Abdeslam update In France one of the major court trials is beginning, relating to the multiple 13 November 2015 attacks in France at several locations including the Bataclan concert venue.  Key figure on trial is Salah Abdeslam, the one alleged attacker said to have survived, because his […]

HAPPENING: Negroid Ambush of Cops in Baton Rouge – Three Dead [UPDATED]

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 17, 2016 UPDATE: So, they were saying there were three Negro shooters, now they’re saying it’s just one Negro, who has been made good. They’re also saying three rather than seven other cops were injured (along with the three that are dead), but that one of the three is in critical […]

Whitehouse: 9/11 Was An Inside Job By Saudi Regime, Explosive Report

The U.S. government have released a redacted version of the declassified missing 28-page report taken from the Congressional Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 Commission report.  The report reveals that the Saudi regime had contact with and supported some of the hijackers who committed the 9/11 terror attacks. “While in the United States, some of the […]

FBI Agents Confirm They Were Silence By Hillary Clinton Campaign

Unnamed FBI agents have told the New York Post that Hillary Clinton forced them to sign an unusual non-disclosure form banning them from revealing the truth about the investigations.  According to the Post, the special form known as a “case briefing acknowledgement”, bans anyone connected to the case from testifying against Hillary. reports: “This […]

Selected Articles: The West’s Establishment Lies and Crimes Are Leading Us to The Unthinkable

Britain’s Draft “Investigatory Powers Bill”. Encrypted Date, Privacy and Civil Liberties Foregone

If the government has anything to do with it, privacy just got a whole lot worse. What the draft Investigatory Powers Bill holds for everyone is exactly what all the criticism was about in the first place – except it attempts to make it lawful. The Bill proposes that instead of deceiving every citizen in the UK […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

Chinese PM calls for direct talks over disputed S. China Sea islands

“In recent years, the South China Sea disputes, which should have been addressed by directly concerned countries through negotiation and talks, have been played up to become a problem concerning the South China Sea’s peace and stability and the freedom of navigation,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying in Kuala Lumpur late Saturday, while addressing the […]

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