Posts Tagged ‘fundamentals’

The Copper Bull: Speculation Vs. Fundamentals

The Copper Bull: Speculation Vs. Fundamentals Via, Copper has gone mad: Liquidated shorts from a flood of speculators, an AI bubble, a supply crisis, and a renewable energy craze have all combined with high global inflation to recently send it to historic all-time highs. While I believe there will be major corrections as some of these factors come […]

National Socialism Fundamentals (Simplified)

Note: Free PDF on “National Socialism – The Fundamentals” is linked here: These “fundamentals” SIMPLIFIED come, for the most part, directly from Hitler’s book, “Mein Kampf”, which was written in 1925, and other sources.  Mein Kampf was Hitler’s autobiography. These “fundamentals” SIMPLIFIED are for the purpose of a quick introduction to National Socialism.  By no […]

Police Abused My Mother with My Little Sister Present

The following post and video was submitted to via the ‘submission tab’ by Jasmine Anderson. She details an incident between her mother and Salt Lake City Police officer Reinwand.  I received an email on July 4th, 2016 that contained video footage of my mother being punched in the face and back of the head multiple times […]

Listen: Student organizing pays off in divestment victories in Chicago and Florida

Nora Barrows-Friedman The Electronic Intifada Podcast 18 February 2016 The student government at the University of Illinois at Chicago unanimously passed a divestment resolution on Monday evening. It calls on the administration to pull its holdings in several US and multinational corporations that profit from Israel’s violations of Palestinians’ rights. Palestine activism-related victories were also […]

Family Guy Predicted Antonin Scalia’s Death While On Quail Hunting Trip In 2007 Episode

As if it was not enough that Scalia’s death had an eerie resemblance to the 1993 movie, The Pelican Brief, now it has come to the attention of many that comedy show, from Fox, Family Guy predicted Scalia’s death as well. Scalia died on a hunting trip. On Family Guy, […]

Silver Ready to Breakout – Technicals and Fundamentals Suggest $50/oz in Early Autumn

Gold Core Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Gold and silver have fallen after yesterday’s gains due to the very poor consumer confidence data and Federal Reserve murmurings of further monetary easing. Gold is trading at USD 1,792.50, EUR 1,245.10, GBP 1,098.30, CHF 1,471.50 and JPY 137,624 per ounce. While silver is trading at USD 41.21, EUR […]

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