Posts Tagged ‘fatalities’

Baltimore bridge ship crash fatalities: 2 confirmed dead, 4 still missing

All crew members of the ill-fated cargo ship that collided with and caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, March 26, have been located and found unharmed, ship management company Synergy Marine Group said in a statement. Unfortunately, a construction crew working on the bridge suffered casualties, with eight […]

Tesla Wins Court Battles In U.S., China, Over Alleged Autopilot Fatalities

Tesla Wins Court Battles In U.S., China, Over Alleged Autopilot Fatalities Tesla has won its battle in court over a fatal Autopilot crash that killed a California driver four years ago.  A jury in Riverside, California sided with Tesla in a lawsuit which blamed Tesla’s Autopilot for the fatality. Passengers who had survived the accident […]

European Medicines Agency Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug Reactions and 30,551 Fatalities by COVID-19 Vaccinations

The official European Union database of suspected drug reaction website is now reporting 30,551 fatalities and 1,163,356 adverse drug reactions from COVID vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AztraZeneca through November 13, 2021 based on the data submitted to its system. According to European Medicines Agency, an official website of the European Union, the […]

Never Mind the Fatalities – Nothing to See here

15-year-old California boy dies 2 days after second dose of COVID-19 vaccineDate: October 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source:(Natural News) A 15-year-old boy in Sonoma County, California, died tragically just two days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.The boy, who was otherwise healthy, was found unresponsive in his bedroom when his mother […]

Total EU, UK and USA- ADR’S Covid- 19 Injection Damage and Fatalities (September 2021)

EU/USA /UK– 40,666 Covid-19 injection related deaths, plus over 6.6 million injuries now reported by over 1.9 million people so far in September 2021, this is a rise of over 10k fatalities across these combined geographies since mid July EU to 11th September 2021 – 24,528 Covid-19 injection deaths and almost 2.3 million injuries, reported […]

Kabul Bombing Fatalities Rise to 100+ Dead Including 13 U.S. Troops

The number of people known to have died in the Kabul bombing attack rose overnight to at least 95 Afghans and 13 U.S. personnel, as the evacuation flights from the city’s airport reached its final hours. The death toll of Thursday’s attack at the gates of Kabul airport steadily rose in the hours after the […]

More Jab Fatalities

Oregon Senator’s Wife and 19-Year-Old College Student Among Latest Victims DEAD Following Bioweapon COVID-19 Shots Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsTragic stories continue to come documenting the horrific loss of life and crippling effects of the COVID-19 shots, which many medical doctors and scientists are now calling “bioweapons.”Most of these are simply statistics reported […]

Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events and Fatalities data (US, UK, EU) May

LINKS TO THE ABOVE DATA EU Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events and Fatalities data:EU to 29th May 2021 – 12,886 deaths and 1,246,050 injuries UK Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events and Fatalities data:UK to 19th May 2021 -1,213 deaths and 859,481 injuries US Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events and Fatalities Data US to 21st May 2021 – […]

Fatalities Climbing

48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking “Anti-vaxxers” and Writing His Own Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections Total Views : 31,004 by The COVID BlogTOLEDO, OHIO — A 48-year-old plastic surgeon is dead in a story that demonstrates the limitless levels of surrealism when it comes to these experimental shots and government/media narratives.Dr. Thomas Flanigan received the first dose of […]

Swiss and American climbers die on Mount Everest in year’s first fatalities

A Swiss and an American climber have died on Mount Everest, in the first known fatalities of the year. Abdul Waraich, 41, from Switzerland, reached the peak of the world’s highest mountain before suffering from exhaustion, expedition organisers said. “Abdul successfully reached the summit but began experiencing issues during his descent,” said Chhang Dawa, from […]

Vaccine vs Virus: Fatalities Skyrocket as COVID Vaccines Increase

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, has been in place since 1990 as a way for healthcare providers to document adverse reactions to vaccines. While imperfect in many ways, VAERS provides an early warning for potential health risks of vaccines. In recent weeks, VAERS has reported over 1,600 deaths related to the COVID […]

Myanmar: Reports of fatalities as junta steps up crackdown on protests

At least three people are reported to have died in Myanmar as security forces made mass arrests and appeared to use lethal force on Sunday, as they intensified their efforts to break up protests a month after the military staged a coup. The fatalities are reported to have happened during a violent crackdown in Dawei, […]

Plane crash fatalities rose in 2020 despite fewer flights tue to COVID-19 pandemic

The number of people killed in commercial passenger plane accidents increased in 2020 despite a huge drop in flights due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an aviation consultancy has found. According to the Dutch-based To70, there were 40 accidents involving commercial passenger flights in 2020, five of which were fatal, resulting in the deaths of 299 […]

Breaking: Fatalities Confirmed After Vehicle Plows into Crowd in Münster, Germany

A van crashed into a crowd of people outside a restaurant in Germany this afternoon – killing three people and injuring more than 30 others. Authorities are treating the incident, which happened outside the four-star eatery Grosser Kiepenkerl, in Münster, as a terror attack – although this is yet to be officially confirmed. First pictures […]

At least 248 fatalities in earthquake, we are facing an emergency: Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto

nsnbc : Following the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that rocked Mexico’s Puebla region and caused destruction and death even in Mexico City, 125 km from […]

HAPPENING: ISIS Attacks Iranian Parliament! Multiple Fatalities!

StaffDaily Stormer June 7, 2017 Major happening! Declaration of war????? Independent: At least eight people are dead and several more have been injured in twin shooting and suicide bomb attacks at the Iranian parliament and the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran. One guard and six others were killed in the incident in parliament early on […]

Multiple fatalities reported in suburban Orlando, Florida shooting

     Police in Orange County, Florida are investigating a crime scene in suburban Orlando involving “multiple fatalities.” There is no active shooter, and the situation is “contained and stable,” the authorities said. The shooting happened in an industrial park in northeastern Orlando. There is a heavy police presence at the intersection of Forsyth Road and […]

22 fatalities in bombing at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester

nsnbc : 22 have been killed in a bombing during an Ariana Grande concert in the city of Manchester, United Kingdom Monday night. The bombing […]

Karmanos Cancer Center doctor caught running over a dozen sock puppet accounts to impersonate online identities

(NaturalNews) There is evil in this world. Remember Hitler? He poisoned people to death on purpose – millions of people. What if you found out right now that medical doctors are engaged in poisoning millions of Americans as we speak, yet under the “radar,” and under the canopy of a crooked, insidious form […]

Monsanto loses major PCBs poisoning lawsuit – forced to pay $46 million to victims

     Three plaintiffs have been awarded $17.5 million in damages caused by Monsanto and three other companies for negligence in the production of PCBs. A jury voting 10-2 in St. Louis found Monsanto, Pfizer, Solutia, and Pharmacia must pay the plaintiffs and assessed an additional $29 million in punitive damages against Monsanto for its continued […]

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