Posts Tagged ‘mercenary’

Mercenary or scholar: disrupting military-funded research at the University of California 

Militaries need universities to develop technologies of war. Student researchers who are vital in developing these technologies are uniquely placed to disrupt them. Source

Putin Not Planning To Attend Funeral For Mercenary Leader Prigozhin, The Kremlin Says

Russian media reported the Wagner chief could be laid to rest as early as Tuesday. Source

Kremlin Denies Role In Plane Crash That Presumably Killed Mercenary Leader

A preliminary U.S. intelligence assessment concluded the plane was downed Wednesday by an intentional explosion. Source

Russia: Mercenary Leader Prighozin Was Aboard Plane That Crashed, Leaving No Survivors

The crash also comes after Russian media reported that a top general linked to Prigozhin was dismissed from his position as commander of the air force. Source

Wagner mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin aboard crashed plane, says Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has so far remained silent about his death. Source

Video Appears To Show Russian Mercenary Chief Prigozhin For First Time Since Mutiny

Yevgeny Prigozhin is seen telling his troops they will spend time in Belarus training its military before deploying to Africa. Source

FL Rep. Luna: Ukraine asks $200 per day from every American to establish mercenary army like Russia’s Wagner Group

FL Rep. Luna: Ukraine asks $200 per day from every American to establish mercenary army like Russia’s Wagner Group Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) revealed that the Ukrainian Parliament demanded $200 per day from every American to create a mercenary army similar to Moscow’s Wagner Group. During a recent appearance at Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” […]

Russia’s Wagner mercenary group claims control over Ukrainian city of Bakhmut

The Russian mercenary group Wagner claims to have taken control of Bakhmut’s city hall and centre. Source

Russian mercenary group Wagner may lose thousands of fighters

In the coming weeks the Russian mercenary group Wagner could lose most of the prisoners it recruited into its ranks as their military contracts expire. Source

Russian Oligarch And Mercenary Leader Releases Prisoners Who Fought In Ukraine War

“Don’t booze too much, don’t take drugs, don’t rape women … You have learned a great deal — first of all: how to kill the enemy,” Yevgeny Prigozhin told the men. Source

North Korea Supplying Rockets, Missiles to Russian Mercenary Group, Claims US

The United States has claimed that North Korea delivered infantry rockets and missiles to the Russian private military contractor Wagner Group last month for its use against Ukraine. “We can confirm that North Korea has completed an initial arms delivery to Wagner, which paid for that equipment,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby […]

Prisoners are refusing to join Russian mercenary group, US official claims

The Wagner Group, a Russian private paramilitary organisation, has not been entirely successful in its efforts to recruit 1,500 prisoners, with many are refusing to join, a senior US defence official said on Monday. “Our information indicates that Wagner has been suffering high losses in Ukraine, especially and unsurprisingly among young and inexperienced fighters,” the […]

Israeli mercenary fighting for Ukraine taken captive by LPR

1 Jul, 2022 Source: Israeli ,media By Al Mayadeen English  “Israel’s” Foreign Ministry confirms that an Israeli mercenary fighting alongside Ukrainian forces was captured by LPR forces. An Israeli mercenary fighting for the Ukrainian armed forces was captured during fighting by LPR forces. The Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that it was aware of the […]

Remains of Roman Mercenary and His Sword Unearthed in Wales

Significant historical finds have been unearthed at Five Mile Lane in Wales that astonished the workers undertaking a road improvement project there – a Roman mercenary buried with his sword, Celtic farming tools from the Iron Age, ancient burial sites, and the remnants of a group of round houses, reports Barry and District News UK […]

CNN’s Leading People To Their Doom By Promoting Mercenary Propaganda For Ukraine

4 MARCH 2022 By Andrew Korybko Source CNN’s information warfare piece that was analyzed in this analysis is a perfect example of warmongering propaganda and should be universally condemned by all peace-loving people across the world. The US-led West is unprecedentedly censoring all contrarian narratives that contradict Washington’s “politically correct” interpretation of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine on the basis […]

El Cid: Christian Champion or Mercenary for the Moors?

Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, more commonly known as El Cid, was an 11 th century Spanish knight, military leader and mercenary. This larger-than-life-figure is celebrated as a champion of Christianity during the  Spanish Reconquista . While its often hard to separate fact from fiction, the reality of his life was rather more complex. After being exiled […]

Sanction the Axis of Mercenary and Terrorist Evil: Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Georgia

Credit Azerbaijan deployed thousands of mercenaries in last year’s 44-day war that it and Turkey waged against Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh and Armenia. Azerbaijan thereby flagrantly violated the UN’s International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries (UNMERC) which it signed in 1997. Forty-six countries have signed UNMERC including Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, New […]

Captured Syrian mercenary: ‘We were ORDERED by Azerbaijan to Slaughter every Armenian in the Village’

Home » Crimes, Middle East, Wars / Conflicts » Captured Syrian mercenary: ‘We were ORDERED by Azerbaijan to Slaughter every Armenian in the Village’     A captured Syrian mercenary who was fighting for the Azerbaijani military against Artsakh has testified how he, along with hundreds others, were recruited and sent through Turkey. Yusuf Alaabet […]

US Mercenary Exposes Trump Administration Links To Abortive Venezuela Invasion

Above photo: US mercenaries Airan Berry (circled at top) and Luke Denman (bottom) after being captured in Venezuela. Senior Trump administration officials were in on the planning of and offered assistance to the abortive May 3, 2020, invasion of Venezuela carried out by a mercenary band that included at least two former US special forces […]

Evidence Of Viking Mercenary District Found Near Istanbul

Archaeologists in Turkey have found what they believe to be a Viking mercenary district near Istanbul. The area dates back to the Middle Ages when Istanbul was known as Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire . The discoveries are providing more evidence on the role of Viking mercenaries in the Byzantine […]

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