Posts Tagged ‘secede’

Mike Stone – Conservatives! Secede from the Matrix!

“Almost everyone you know in your life  is dangerous to both you and your family.  “Americans continue to feed the very machine that oppresses them, the very machine that wants to see them dead. “But unless and until cuckservatives wise up  and make changes in their own lives,  nothing is going to change. “What I’m […]

A “state” Can Not Secede From The US Corporation When They Have Never Legally Been Part of Lincoln’s Marxist Military Mandatory Dictatorship

Sovereign country-Date of SecessionSouth Carolina December 20, 1860Mississippi January 9, 1861Florida January 10, 1861Alabama January 11, 1861Georgia January 19, 1861Louisiana January 26, 1861Texas February 1, 1861Virginia April 17, 1861Arkansas May 6, 1861North Carolina May 20, 1861Tennessee June 8, 1861 The American revolutionaries understood the individual colonies called sates after the revolution statrted were individual sovereign […]

Calls Grow For Staten Island To Secede From NYC As Illegal Immigrant Crisis Escalates

By Matthew Lysiak via The Epoch Times Growing safety concerns over the city’s bussing of illegal immigrants into Source

Three Ways To Secede

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Three Ways To Secede June 2 2021 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! Prepping For Secession Here! The Plight Of The Unvaxxed Here! Time To End The Jewish Fed Here! Holocaust Hoax For Kids! Here! The Lie Of The US Dollar Here! Apocalypse Now! Here! Secession Is The Only Way Here! […]

Live Q&A: Oregon Counties Vote to Secede Into Idaho; Israel and Hamas Agree to Ceasefire

Live Q&A: Oregon Counties Vote to Secede Into Idaho; Israel and Hamas Agree to Ceasefire Several Oregon counties voted to consider seceding to Idaho in a May 18 vote, in a move they claim is about a judgment on lifestyle and values. And in other news, Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire. In […]

Oregon counties vote to secede to Idaho

Voters in five rural Oregon counties approved measures on Tuesday to consider joining the state of Idaho, a part of a long-shot grassroots movement to break with a state dominated by liberal voters west of the Cascade Mountains. Voters in Malheur, Sherman, Grant, Baker and Lake counties all approved measures that would require county officials […]

NY town votes to let Orthodox enclave Kiryas Joel secede

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