Posts Tagged ‘tolerance’

FreedomWorks has a radical rebrand in mind — from tea party to tolerance

FreedomWorks, the hard-line conservative policy group that helped launch the tea party movement, is attempting a major makeover. One of the most renowned political groups to have branched off from the Koch Brothers’ network has decided to transform itself into a more moderate group, one sounding traditionally libertarian notes while pursuing the types of ideological […]

How Easily Tolerance Becomes Dictatorship

  Totally liberal White woman turns against wokism (Judeo-communism) in San Francisco:   Liberalism wallowing in its own filth: (cut and paste) Stay tuned to EFR for extreme doses of reality….and expose’s of multiculturalism   Praise Yahweh and pass the ammunition. The post How Easily Tolerance Becomes Dictatorship appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Sweden’s freedom of speech is trumped by a Muslim masterclass in tolerance

It's Eid Al-Adha, a blessed time of year for Muslims and a magnet for attention-seekers who do their best to provoke and incite them to react violently so that they can sell a mediocre book, film or cartoon, or create a volatile political situation to demonise Islam. It happens, twice a year, every year, on […]

Tolerance Is Overrated: It’s Time To Start Gatekeeping American Society Again

Whenever we have to address the issue of “progressive” ideology in America today, the debate inevitably finds its way around to the grand idealism of “acceptance” and “tolerance.” The assertion by leftists is that they are on the side of “freedom” and human rights, and that by confronting or separating ourselves from certain behaviors we […]

Leading Palestinian Cleric: Omicron Due to Tolerance of Homosexuality — ‘Deadly Bigotry’

Palestinian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Issam Amira in a recent address blamed the toleration of homosexuality on the part of governments and media for the recent Omicron wave which threatens to sweep countries globally. In a sermon delivered earlier this month at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount complex — Judaism’s holiest site which marks […]

Germany vows ‘no tolerance’ after Israel-flag burning outside synagogues

BERLIN — Germany on Thursday vowed “unwavering” protection of its synagogues after scattered demonstrations over the escalating military conflict between Israel and Gaza-based terror groups saw protesters shout anti-Israeli slogans and burn Israeli flags. “There must be no tolerance for attacks against synagogues in our country,” German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told the Funke media […]

Strengthening our Struggles through Zero Tolerance to Patriarchal Violence

Public Statement on the Sexual Assault and Abduction of a Young Woman Activist at Tikri Border We deeply mourn the death of a 26-year old activist from APDR (Sreerampur) in West Bengal, who passed away on 30th April, 2021 at Bahadurgarh in Haryana. She was deeply inspired by the farmers’ movement and had gone to […]

After years of delays and strife, Jerusalem Tolerance Museum nears completion

In 2000, Rabbi Marvin Hier held a dinner in Los Angeles for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the anti-Semitism monitor and Jewish advocacy group he leads. As the evening drew to a close, Hier handed out baseball caps with “Winnick Institute” written on the front: the name of the tolerance museum the SWC was planning in […]

UNRWA to Biden administration: ‘zero tolerance’ for antisemitism

Days after resuming US funding for the troubled UN agency that administers to Palestinian refugees and their descendants, the Biden administration says it has the commitment of UNRWA to “zero tolerance” for antisemitism, racism or discrimination. “UNWRA has made clear their rock-solid commitments to the United States on the issues of transparency, accountability, and neutrality […]

ACH (1344) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Hypocrisy In The Name Of Love And Tolerance

ACH (1344) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Hypocrisy In The Name Of Love And ToleranceTHE ACH SHOW In today’s show originally broadcast on September 17 2020, Andy interviews Dr. Peter Hammond, for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Hypocrisy In The Name Of Love And Tolerance.” We discussed: the threats of […]

See the "tolerance" of the deranged Left on display as they chant "Nazi scum" in a public bar

About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from […]

Google’s mob "tolerance" encouraged "crowdsourced harassment" to condemn employees for being white

(Natural News) Earlier this week, former Google employee James Damore filed a lawsuit against his former employer on the grounds that the company, among other things, is extremely hostile towards white heterosexual males. There are a number of notable allegations made in the lawsuit, but perhaps the most significant one has to […]

Cologne to Distribute ‘Tolerance’ Wristbands to Combat New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks

The city of Cologne has announced they will be handing out “respect” wristbands to encourage understanding between individuals on New Year’s Eve and prevent the kind of sex attacks that occurred in 2015. The wristbands are part of a new campaign called “respect” which is sponsored by the city government and controversial Cologne Mayor Henriette […]

Cologne Officials To Combat NYE Sex Attacks With ‘Tolerance’ Wristbands

Problem solved! From Breitbart: The city of Cologne has announced they will be handing out “respect” wristbands to encourage understanding between individuals on New Year’s Eve and prevent the kind of sex attacks that occurred in 2015. The wristbands are part of a new campaign called “respect” which is sponsored by […]

Tolerance and Spirituality: Debunking the Islamophobic View of an “Intolerant Islam”

Watching The Hawks – Why Niger & No Tolerance in Fidelity

Watching The Hawks – Why Niger & No Tolerance in Fidelity Watching The What is the US military doing in Africa? The recent wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations begins to spill over from Hollywood into wider society. Daniel Hopsicker delves into the past of Barry Seal, Americas most famous drugs and guns […]

VIDEO: Russia’s “Jewish Museum & Tolerance Centre” Remembers The Holocaust

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America’s culture war against tolerance

By Lawrence Davidson Tolerance amid growing intolerance In case you haven’t noticed, the United States is a country deeply divided on a large number of basic issues: racial issues, gender issues, issues of sexual preference, the role of government in society, the role of religious views in shaping laws, and so on. Influential Institutions, such […]

Dr. Darío Fernández-Morera – The Myth of the Golden Age of Tolerance in Muslim Spain

Apologists for Islam never tire of referring to the “Golden Age” of tolerance that supposedly characterized seven centuries of Muslim dominated Spain. This fundamentally flawed assessment draws the wrong conclusion based on fragmentary evidence and distorts the larger picture. It ignores the reality of enormous destruction wrought by the three Arab-Berber Muslim invasions that repeatedly […]

Chuck Norris Speaks Out on Chemtrails: ‘Sky Criminals’

Actor and activist Chuck Norris called out the “sky criminals” in his latest op-ed examining several pieces of evidence showing a global geoengineering scheme may possibly already be underway. In a shocking World Net Daily editorial, the “Walker, Texas Ranger” star warned governments may already be covertly subjecting populations to weather modification experiments. Highlighting a […]

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