Posts Tagged ‘blatant’

Trump hush money trial is blatant election interference designed to keep him off the campaign trail

Trump hush money trial is blatant election interference designed to keep him off the campaign trail It is becoming increasingly obvious that President Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial is little more than an attempt to prevent him from successfully campaigning for president, with the trial not only seeking to damage his reputation and potentially put him […]

Persian Gulf leaders, Erdogan call for end to Israel’s ‘blatant aggression’ in Gaza

Leaders of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have jointly condemned Israel’s “blatant aggression” against the Palestinian people. They also warned that the Israeli regime’s war on the Gaza Strip will have “dire consequences” for the entire region and the international community as well. The leaders of the six nations […]

Pfizer Hearings Expose Blatant Pharma Dishonesty, Niger Revolution & East Palestine Just Got Worse

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/3/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Disney+ Cartoon for Children Is Blatant Anti-White Propaganda

“Slaves built this country” is a complete lie, though they did enrich a small amount of rich people, many of whom were jewish. Source

Twitter Steps in to Stop Blatant Anti-Russian Racism

Liberala Dagens Nyheter spreads such gross incitement against Russians in its Saturday supplement that Twitter has stopped the spread of the image. The front page of DN’s Saturday supplement is adorned with a picture of Laura Swaan Wrede, who is head of the Home Guard. The reader learns that Swaan Wrede’s grandmother used to say […]

Kremlin blocks the official US gov’t websites for the FBI, State Department & C.I.A. due to blatant propaganda and misinformation

Russian media watchdog takes on CIA website Roskomnadzor has blocked access to the webpage along with those of FBI and US State Department READ HERE: The official websites of US intelligence agencies have been blocked in Russia after state media watchdog Roskomnadzor put them on a blacklist on Friday for spreading misinformation and discrediting Russia’s […]

IRIB head blasts Western sanctions as blatant instance of ‘media dictatorship’

TEHRAN- The director of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) has criticized the sanctions imposed on the broadcaster by the West, asserting that they are a flagrant violation of the right to free expression and a clear example of “media dictatorship.” Source

‘Blatant Murder’: Al Jazeera Accuses Israel of Killing Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

“We pledge to prosecute the perpetrators legally, no matter how hard they try to cover up their crime, and bring them to justice,” the media network said in a statement. The media outlet Al Jazeera accused Israeli forces of “deliberately targeting and killing our colleague” on Wednesday after Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot […]

Hezbollah MP: The Blatant American Interference in the Lebanese Affairs Has Reached Its Maximum

October 4, 2021 By Staff Member of Hezbollah’s “Loyalty to the Resistance” Parliamentary Bloc Sayyed Ibrahim Al-Moussawi asserted that “The American administration is practicing a policy of dictation, where the blatant American interference in the Lebanese affairs has reached its maximum, as it is permeating all the levels, amid the silence of some parties about […]

Citing Corrupt Think Tanks For News Reports Is Blatant Propaganda

One of the weirdest things about the mass media propaganda which manipulates the way people think, act and vote to maintain the status quo is the fact that mainstream news outlets routinely cite the employees of think tanks that are sponsored by war profiteers and government powers as expert sources for their reports. And they […]

Hypnotherapists have been noticing blatant hypnosis and NLP techniques being used by the government and state-controlled media

Hypnotherapists have been noticing blatant hypnosis and NLP techniques being used by the government and state-controlled media: 👉 Fractionation:You get them to do something not once, but again and again, increasing the level of intensity each time. Usually you do it 3 times. (At the first lockdown I said – watch out, there’ll be a […]

US blatant disregard for International laws | The Communiqué with Richard Medhurst

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Source

Blatant Media and Free Speech Censorship without Shame or Remorse!

We do our best to try and write something of value here. So it is always distressing when we know about the motives of other journalists is confirmed – over and over again. It’s finally happened – they’ve got footage of a CNN writer in a bar admitting to writing propaganda, aka “fake news”. As if we […]

Congressman Confronts CDC About Their Blatant Lie That People Who Have Already Been Infected With COVID Still Need Vaccine

In December 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices issued a report authored by 15 scientists that falsely claimed a Pfizer study had proven the vaccine was highly effective for people who’d already had coronavirus — yet when Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) confronted the CDC with studies that […]

Mandatory/Forced Vaccinations a Blatant Violation of the Nuremberg Code

New Human New Earth Communities Mandatory/Forced Vaccinations a Blatant Violation of the Nuremberg Code By: Roger Landry (TLB) We as a nation stand on the precipice of medical tyranny with a supposed government agency (actually a corporate entity … FACT) mandated for our protection, seeking or proclaiming the power to mandate or force vaccinations on […]

Rep. Tom Cole: Nancy Pelosi’s House Rules ‘A Blatant and Cowardly Assault,’ ‘Dark Day’ for Free Debate

Representative and ranking member of the House Rules Committee Tom Cole (R-OK) issued a statement in response to the Nancy Pelosi’s proposed House Rules for the 117th Congress — including the elimination of gendered terms, such as “father, mother, son, and daughter” — calling the package “a blatant and cowardly assault on the voices and views of the […]

These are only 17 of Joe Biden’s most blatant lies and sordid scandals

Trump Campaign Releases “17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate” If you were looking for a list of things President Trump is likely to hammer Joe Biden over during tonight’s debate, his campaign has published a list of 17 questions that “Joe Biden must answer in the debate.” They range from the $3.5 million wire transfer […]

Trump retweet slammed as ‘most blatant act of racial incitement in the history’ of the presidency

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SCAMDEMIC; Dr. Vernon Coleman – Guarded Secrets & Blatant Deceits

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Exposed: YouTube, Google & Facebook Blatant Censorship Tactics

The Facts: A recent study has emphasized how effective vitamin C may be for COVID-19, and how effective it is for viral infections in general. They also recommend nutritional interventions given the history of vaccine failure for viral infections. Reflect On: Why is published peer-reviewed research being labelled as false? Why are ideas presented in […]

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