Posts Tagged ‘retrospective’

Norway Lockdowns: A Retrospective

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL History has never seen anything like the globally coordinated lockdowns of mid-March 2020, with nearly every nation in the world simultaneously jettisoning its laws and liberties in favor of an experiment without precedent, one without a clear goal or exit strategy. Even to this day, the why and how of […]

COVID-19 Infection Rates in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Inmates: A Retrospective Cohort Study

4 sept 2023 New Study Compares Bivalent Vaxxed vs. Entirely Unvaxxed COVID Infection Rates Among California Prison Inmates “We analyzed COVID-19 surveillance data from January to July 2023 across 33 California state prisons, primarily a male population of 96,201 individuals.” Infection Rates (all ages): Bivalent Vaxxed: 3.24% Unvaxxed: 2.72% Infection Rates (age 50+): Bivalent Vaxxed: […]

Covid Retrospective: Highly Recommended!

Episode 185: Covid Retrospective Part 2-The Fact Hunter ( Episode 185: Covid Retrospective Part 2 The Fact Hunter Aug 17 2023 • 3 hrs 37 mins   In the second episode of this series, we listen to the damage that was done by the vaccine, the tyrannical mandates, “jab or job”, those who looked the […]

Victoria Police admits to using unlawful retrospective law in ‘lock up’ fines

Cowardly attack by Victoria Police on female pensioner. The Victorian Government, police and the courts are involved in an intricate web of deceit against persons who have been fined under the Chief Health Officer’s ‘directions’. In an embarrassing situation for police, in a ‘court of public record’ Victoria Police admitted that the organisation is using unlawfully […]

Retrospective law – against ICCPR etc

In Australia governments (federal and state) LOVE to make criminals out of people by enacting legislation to ‘fix’ the past. Quite simply put this is against the Rule of Law, also against your right to a ‘fair hearing’, against ‘human rights’ and also against the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. See further reading: […]

Luxor Temple: Get Ready for a Retrospective visit (Short film)

‘I lost count of how many times I have visited the magnificent temple of Luxor. But somehow, every time I step into the place I feel like it is the first time. I never lose that thrill, that energy when I am on the sacred ground of Luxor Temple’ Actually I love to refer to […]

David Icke – Retrospective

Awakening The World … … Every Heart Makes A Difference And The Non-Compli-Dance New times now added for the Americas and Australia/New Zealand. Read more … New David Icke App Now Available Europe … Australia … New Zealand … the United States David Icke’s round-the-world tour between September and December Australia and New Zealand dates […]

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