Posts Tagged ‘surrounding’

Ed Dowd Exposes the Big Lie Surrounding COVID Vaccine Injuries

“There seems to be a concerted effort” to rewrite COVID vaccine history, says data analyst Edward Dowd. While Chris Cuomo and Dr. Deborah Birx admit that vaccine injuries exist, they push the idea that they’re “small.” Well, that’s not what Dowd is seeing. His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen: • […]

Liz Gunn further reports police are still surrounding the Whistleblowers’ home after several hours following the raid (Adding updates)

UPDATES (latest first): New Zealand Jab Data Whistleblower interviewed after being released from prison NZ Whistleblower Arrested for Exposing the Truth: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See (Liz Gunn fleeing for safety)“Winston Smith” arrested by New Zealand police Watch at the link Source

Jimmy Dore Interview – The Fight For #OccupiedPalestine & The Information War Surrounding it

Joining me today is returning guest Jimmy Dore, here to discuss the occupied Palestine and the raging information war that is destroying logic and objectivity in far too many, even those who call themselves “journalists”.    Source Links: (44) LastAmericanVagabond on X: “Here is the newest completely unverified claim coming from the Israeli government that’s […]

Maui wildfire fund co-founder Johnson addresses criticism surrounding appeal for help

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson says he “completely” understands the criticism he received after launching a recovery fund for Maui residents following the Hawaiian island’s deadly wildfires. The “Black Adam” star took to Instagram on Sunday to share some “awesome news” about the People’s Fund of Maui, the effort he launched alongside Oprah Winfrey in August. The Aug. 8 wildfire — the… […]

Al Mayadeen: Two missiles from Gaza target surrounding settlements

 January 27, 2023 Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  Al Mayadeen’s correspondent reports that Israeli media said the Iron Dome intercepted two missiles fired from the Gaza Strip. The director of Al Mayadeen’s office in occupied Palestine reported, on Thursday night, that sirens sounded in the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip including Askalan, which is one […]

Sabri warns Muslims about dangers surrounding Al-Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Ekrema Sabri on Friday warned Muslims around the world about the dangers surrounding Al-Aqsa Mosque amidst repeated raids supported by the Israeli government, Al-Watan Voice reported. "Pre-planned Judaisation schemes are being implemented step by step and stage by stage," Sheikh Sabri asserted during Friday khutba, calling for Muslims around the world to recognise these […]

People Are Calling Out Salt Bae For Surrounding Argentina’s Team At World Cup

Soccer fans are questioning why the celebrity restaurateur was posing for pictures with the team shortly after their victory. Source

Is the nonstop drama surrounding Ronaldo really about his persistent unwillingness to promote the dangerous Covid jabs?!


China’s military begins surrounding Taiwan as it conducts largest live-fire drills in over two decades

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China’s armed forces, has surrounded Taiwan as it conducts its biggest live-fire drills since 1996 to intimidate the island nation.China scheduled the four-day military exercise to begin the day after United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi concluded her whirlwind visit to Taiwan, … [Read More…] Source

‘Evil in the heart of America’: Shocking doc exposes mystery surrounding alleged 1988 prostitution ring, detailing child victims’ horrific claims of being flown across US and abused by high-powered officials – and their accusations of ‘cover up’ by the FBI

So you thought baby rapers in the White House and congress was something new huh? Welcome to reality. I will link a piece on this site on the same subject. Sodom & Gomorrah did not have anything on Washington DC and the State Houses. The Ole Dog! ‘Evil in the heart of America’: Shocking […]

The Soul and the Illusion of the World Surrounding the Soul

The spot above is illustrative of the soul. Everything surrounding the soul is illustrative of the lasting meaningless of everything of the physical world in which the soul exist. The soul is eternal. The meat sandwich the soul uses to function in this physical world, any fame, prestige, wealth gathered during a life on this […]

The Geopolitics Surrounding Nord Stream 2

Multiple US interests continue to hinder the completion of Nord Stream 2 project and its uninterrupted supply of gas to Germany/Europe. For the US, Nord Stream project is, to a great extent, a tool to privatise European gas-markets for US gas supplies. While the Joe Biden administration was quick to waive sanctions on the project […]

The Great Nile and the Controversy Surrounding its Waters

After more than a month of consultations, the UNSC adopted a chairman’s statement calling for the resumption of the African Union (AU) mediation to reach “a binding agreement on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).” The adoption of the resolution coincided with the arrival of Christophe Lutundula Apala, Minister of […]

Locals in Turkey scramble to fight the fire surrounding their village

These were the dramatic scenes as locals in southern Turkey scrambled to fight a wildfire that had surrounded their village. Villagers in Cokertme raced to get a water hose long enough to reach the flames. Others tried to usher their farm animals from danger. One local resident said: “I feel very tired and helpless. We […]

Old and New Scandals Surrounding the South Korean Intelligence Service

The Republic of Korea’s intelligence agency has changed its name and motto several times, but this has not boosted its reputation.  The scandals associated with its previous leadership have not gone away, and new ones have piled on top of those. Let’s start with the old ones, because the “case of trolls in uniform”, and […]

The Fuss Surrounding Cho Kuk

On June 30, 2021, former Minister of Justice Cho Kuk filed a lawsuit against the influential conservative newspaper The Chosun Ilbo for 1 billion won ($890,000) in damages.  The thing is that in an article about one trio convicted of molesting a prostitute, an illustration was attached depicting Cho Kuk and his daughter Cho Min. […]

Compost Building & Training: Reno & Surrounding Area till May 20, 2021

» UFO NEWS ~ Increase in sightings of glowing lights in the sky plus MOREYesterday at 6:28 pm by PurpleSkyz » Crop Circles 2021 – Stanton St Bernard, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 10th May.Yesterday at 6:26 pm by PurpleSkyz » FDA authorizes Pfizer vaccine for youth ages 12 to 15Yesterday at 6:25 pm by PurpleSkyz » The Alignment Between Ancient Sites […]

Biden: Surrounding Contradictions and Ineffectiveness بايدن المحاط بالتناقضات لن «يشيل الزير من البير»

By Nasser Kandil Many questions are raised about what the new US President Joe Biden’s ascent to the Presidency will bring in the shadow of the dark page represented by ex-President Trump’s time in office. Many rush to envision a rosy period represented by Biden due to the large thorns left behind by Trump, although […]

D.C. mayor pushes for enhanced security surrounding Inauguration Day

Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C., is urging the Department of Homeland Security to bolster its efforts in securing the area for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, following deadly riots at the Capitol last week. In a letter to DHS acting Secretary Chad Wolf dated Saturday, Bowser asked that the period for the National Special Security […]

Biden Set Up for Failure with Serious Criminal Investigations Surrounding Hunter’s Lawlessness (Video)

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