Posts Tagged ‘identities’

Top Cardinal Warns Mass Migration Being Used To Abolish National Identities

German Cardinal Gerhard Müller has warned that mass migration is being used by the elite to purposefully destroy national identities and abolish the idea of sovereignty. Cardinal Muller made the remarks in an interview with LifeSiteNews. […] The post Top Cardinal Warns Mass Migration Being Used To Abolish National Identities appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

The Billionaire Pritzker Family Is Pushing Transgender/ Synthetic Sex Identities on America

The Billionaire Pritzker Family Is Pushing Transgender/ Synthetic Sex Identities on America June 26, 2022 Tablet Mag and the 11th Hour Blog 11   Jennifer (born James) Pritzker is a retired lieutenant colonel in the Illinois Army National Guard and the father of three children who transitioned in 2013. Wiki Over the past decade, the […]

Climate Changer Al Gore Unveils Tech That ‘Tracks Identities of Guilty’ Greenhouse Gas Emitters

    Former Vice Presidnent Al Gore on Thursday unveiled creepy new technology capable of tracking down people ‘guilty’ of emitting greenhouse gasses. The climate change hoaxer proudly unveiled the new technology last Thursday during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports”. “We get data consistently from 300 existing satellites, more than 11,000 ground-based, air-based, […]

Gore Touts Technology Tracking ‘Identities’ of Greenhouse Gas Emitters — ‘We Can Take Action’

Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday sounded off on the technology created by the Climate TRACE coalition to monitor greenhouse gas emissions. Gore,  a long-time climate change activist, told MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that the technology would be able to track the “identities” of those “responsible” for emitting greenhouse gases. He advised that the […]

‘Genius’ dogs capable of learning names and identities of 100 items

A border collie fetches an object, but he isn’t obeying an ordinary command. He is bringing back the exact toy requested by its owner. With his friend Lizzy, Max is part of a group of 6 border collies being called genius dogs. All are capable of learning the names of around 100 objects and identifying […]

Court Orders Feds to Disclose Identities of Ghislaine Maxwell’s “Unnamed Co-Conspirators”

By Cristina LailaPublished September 3, 2021 A federal judge ordered the feds to disclose the identities of Ghislaine Maxwell’s “unnamed co-conspirators.” Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime pal of Bill Clinton, is currently in federal custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York awaiting trial. Maxwell worked as Jeffrey Epstein’s pimp for years and the DOJ […]

Next step in plans to govern use of digital identities revealed

Plans reveal how data can be shared between organisations so they run smoother and users can access services more easily From: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and Matt Warman MP Published 2 August 2021 The government has today published the second version of its digital identity trust framework which is part of plans to make it faster […]

Plans for governing body to make digital identities as trusted as passports

New proposals for governing body to ensure safe and secure use of digital identityFrom:Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and Matt Warman MPPublished19 July 2021Last updated19 July 2021 — See all updates Plans to boost legal status of digital identities to make them as widely recognised as driver’s licences and bank statements Easily recognised trustmarks to be […]

He killed a Nazi guard, fled ghetto with fake identities and joined the UK army

LONDON — It was the moment that undoubtedly saved Chaim Herszman’s life. In February 1940, the 13-year-old stabbed and fatally wounded a Nazi guard in the Lodz Ghetto who he believed was about to shoot his younger brother. Herszman fled the ghetto, leaving behind a family he would never see again — and commenced an […]

Coronavirus Live: Knesset passes law allowing disclosing identities of unvaccinated to authorities

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Asian-American Jews Explore Their Identities in New Video Project

“[It’s] really fun to break the stereotype of ‘You want Jewish food? Ok, it’s a bagel,’” Katz-Ali says in the video, after describing how she blends Indian cuisine with Jewish tradition. The series is the brainchild of two recent college students who found themselves craving a way to get to know other people whose identities […]

‘Who are we?’: Asian American Jews explore their identities in new series

When Maya Katz-Ali saw the ad on Facebook recruiting Asian Jews to participate in a new video project about identity, she scrolled through her list of friends to figure out who might be a good fit. The daughter of a Jewish mother from New York and a Muslim father from India, it didn’t occur to […]

BBC Slammed For Teaching 9-Year-Olds There Are ‘Over 100 Gender Identities’

The BBC has come under fire after a programme aimed at educating nine-year-olds declared that there are “over 100 gender identities.” The controversial programme, ‘Identity – Understanding Sexual and Gender Identities’, is being used to teach impressionable young children about gender and sex. The BBC appears to be ignoring official Government guidance published last year […]

BBC Educational Film Tells Nine Year Olds There Are Over 100 Gender Identities

A BBC program aimed at nine- to 12-year-olds claims that there are ‘over 100 gender identities’. Entitled, ‘Identity – Understanding Sexual and Gender Identities’, the film is being offered on the BBC website as part of its relationships and sex education package. The film also tells children that becoming transgender is a way to be ‘happy’ The […]

CIA & MI6 To Relocate Skripals To US…. With New Identities

Sergei Skirpal and his daughter  Yulia are to be offered a new life in America in an attempt to “protect them from further murder attempts,” according to British media reports. In reality the Skirpals, who somehow survived one of the deadliest nerve agents on the planet, cannot be allowed to reveal what really happened in […]

Identities of 650 Antifa Members Who Attended Charlottesville Were Just Released

A list containing 650 names of Antifa members who attended “Unite The Right” in Charlottesville last August has been compiled. It took the media months for them to stop reporting on how absolutely evil the Alt-Right is, never once focusing on the Antifa members who were the cause of all the drama.  Now a list has been compiled […]

Corporate Powers Are Stealing Online Identities, Posting Fake Comments To Push For Consumer Law Repeals

Forget Russian fake news for a moment. Another extremely consequential privacy-breaching, identity-theft hack is undermining our democracy and almost certainly being perpetuated by corporate America. A pattern of cyber deception is appearing across the federal government in the nooks and crannies of the process where White House directives or Congress’ laws are turned into the […]

Marseille suspect had 7 identities, was released by police day before attack

Last Friday, the man was detained in Lyon on suspicions of shoplifting, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said at a press conference Monday. He was nabbed at Lyon Part-Dieu shopping center after being accused of stealing a jacket, but was released the following day due to insufficient evidence. In Lyon, the man showed a Tunisian passport […]

Identities of Slain Soldiers Confirmed: Lebanese Army Commander

September 6, 2017 Lebanese Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, informed the families of servicemen held hostage by ISIL Takfiri group that the DNA tests confirmed the identities of their sons. During a closed-door meeting held at the Defense Ministry in Yarze, General Aoun officially announced the results of the DNA tests that proved that the […]

Orlando nightclub shooter feared slipping into psychosis and was obsessed with researching psychotropic drugs online, says acquaintance

(NaturalNews) Scores of Americans are still in shock over the horrific terrorist attack in Orlando, Fla., in which a lone jihadi walked into a gay nightclub and spent the next several hours gunning down patrons. As investigators continue to look into the attack, additional information is beginning to emerge, including this tidbit: Prior […]

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