Posts Tagged ‘IKEA’

Lessons From Life Of Organizer Fred Ross For Committed Activists

Print Friendly Above Photo: A young Fred Ross, right, with Woody Guthrie at the Arvin farm labor camp near Bakersfield, California, in 1939.   The biographies of icons frequently fall into one of two categories. On the one hand they may be laudatory, in some cases turning the subject into a saint. At the opposite end, […]

Austria presidential race: Far-right Hofer, Green Van der Bellen in dead heat – exit polls

ORF reported exit polls standing at 50.1 per cent for Norbert Hofer and 49.9 per cent for 73-year-old veteran ecologist Alexander van der Bellen. But this did not last long, with the two later leveling out at 50 percent each. With the race so neck-and-neck, the situation could still change, with results shifting in either […]

The Brussels Terror Attacks Prove the War on Terror is an Epic Failure

The sanest thing we could have ever done after the two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers in 2001 was ask why. What motivates people to take so many lives and their own so spectacularly? After all, when a crime is committed, the first thing any law official looks for is a motive. But […]

Breath Awareness: 4 Insights On How Breath Can Provide Mind-Body Healing Benefits

How many times have you been worked up, and had someone tell you to “breathe”? That one word holds so much power. As soon as someone brings to our attention that we’ve escaped our breath, we immediately take an indulgent inhale. Breathing is innate. We do it without thinking simply because our bodies require it […]

America’s junk food diet could lead to fatal heart attacks in majority of children, suggests vegetarian doctor

(NaturalNews) Dr. Charles R. Attwood, a board certified pediatrician and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has spent 35 years teaching the world about the impacts of nutrition and fitness. His involvement in national health and nutrition policy is the reason the 1996 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans acknowledged for the first […]

Mexico probes security forces as new mass grave with over 100 bodies found

At least 105 bodies were found in an indigenous community in Morelos province, which is known for the country’s highest abduction rate, according to a statement released by the region’s prosecutor Javeir Perez. Perez said there was no official authorization to bury the bodies. According to Mexican law, all unidentified bodies must be buried in […]

Oregon Spent over $80,000 in Taxpayer Money on White Privilege Conference

From: The state of Oregon recently spent more than $80,000 in taxpayer money on a two-day diversity conference focusing on “white privilege” and “microaggressions.” The event, entitled “Building a Stronger Oregon through Diversity & Inclusion” occurred Sept. 29 and 30 (a Tuesday and a Wednesday during the work week) in […]

War News, a “Quiet Day,” November 6, 2015 – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]

Draconian Penalties For Nudity Only A Problem For Americans When It Happens In Other Countries

In most all of the United States, it is illegal to be naked in public, because many people living here have sticks shoved so far up their asses they can’t walk properly. There is the occasional nudist beach or colony here and there, but for the most part, public nudity is illegal. In fact, it is […]

Sweden’s Response to Violent Migrants: Stop Selling Knives, and Protect Immigrants from ‘Backlash’

By Oliver Lane | The response of the Swedish authorities to the ‘stabbings’ which killed what is reported to be a Swedish native mother and son shopping in the Västerås branch of IKEA – the largest in the country – has mystified some international observers. Immediately after the attack by the […]