Posts Tagged ‘narratives’

The Rafah Massacre: A Detailed Rebuttal Of Israel’s Contradicting Narratives

Israel launched airstrikes, on May 26, against civilian tents north of Gaza’s Rafah city, murdering at least 45 people and injuring over 200. The initial Israeli response was to claim the strikes were legal, later stating that it was a mistake, before finally attempting to blame the incident on Hamas. This reaction from the Israeli […]

Czech Study Challenges Vax Narratives in Both Directions

In recent days, Brownstone Institute published an article about a new Czech study that sheds an uncomfortable light on the effectiveness of Covid mRNA vaccines. The study itself does not prove that the shots are ineffective, but it strongly suggests that claims of efficacy have been at least somewhat, if not wildly, overstated. One of […]

TikTok pressured to ban all truth and push only official narratives

(NaturalNews) Starting on May 17, the popular social media app TikTok will begin censoring users’ For You Feed (FYF) to exclude content that is deemed to contain… Source

Spreading hate and bigotry: WSJ and NYT’s offensive pieces ignite fury over Islamophobic narratives

In a world where headlines often shape perceptions, two leading newspapers’ recent pieces have sparked a fierce debate over the role of media in perpetuating Islamophobia and bigotry, challenging us to confront the shadows cast by biased narratives. Source

DeSantis: Haley comments on abortion bans ‘indulging media narratives’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) denounced attacks from fellow presidential candidate Nikki Haley over his and other candidates’ stances on abortion rights, saying Haley is “indulging media narratives.” Haley has repeatedly said that GOP attempts to ban abortion at a federal level are misguided and would not pass Congress, and that the party should instead… […]

3 Suspicious narratives behind the big push toward electric vehicles

(NaturalNews) If the average American household switched to electric vehicles (EVs), the additional electricity consumption per household would be equivalent… Source

Ann Vandersteel and Christie Hutcherson urge Americans to PUSH BACK against false narratives – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) Ann Vandersteel and Christie Hutcherson have urged Americans to push back against the false narratives being given to them.The two discussed how… Source

WATCH: Covid19/11 – Narratives Intertwined (Full version)

In 2021, on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Off-Guardian asked 15 experts, including scientists, medical practitioners, journalists and activists, to share their views on 9/11 and the Covid-19 narrative. Perhaps these two narratives have more in common than we realise? A global War on Terror filtering into a global war against a virus, both instrumental […]

Mayorkas: Americans ‘Radicalized’ by ‘False Narratives’ Are the New Terror Threat

Alejandro Mayorkas, the jewish Homeland Security Secretary, used the anniversary of 9/11 (carried out by Israel) to call concerned Americans terrorists. [embedded content] Share now! Source

LIVE 10:30AM ET: Pelosi Criticized for Hiding Role in Jan. 6 Security Failures; Vaccine Narratives Take 180 Degree Turn

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being criticized for hiding her role in the security breakdowns on Jan. 6, and some allegations say she may be culpable for the chaos. Republicans are trying to obtain documents on Pelosi’s role on the day, and claim their efforts are being blocked. As investigations continue into who was responsible […]

Meta, Twitter Remove ‘Network of Accounts’ That Promoted ‘Pro-Western Narratives’ While Opposing China, Russia, Iran: Report

Facebook and Twitter took down a network of social media accounts that “used deceptive tactics” to promote pro-Western narratives that supported the United States and its allies while opposing countries like China, Russia, and Iran, according to a report released on Aug. 24. The joint investigation by the Stanford Internet Observatory and Graphika, a social media analytics firm, […]

The Battle of Narratives, and Africa’s Food Crisis

On July 11 Josep Borrell, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, declared that, for now, the EU is not winning the “global battle of narratives”. But five months have not yet passed… He then again repeated his time-worn claim that Europe is on the side of truth – although many […]

Twitter Says It Will Consider Censoring “Emerging Narratives” About Ukraine War

RT News, otherwise known as Russia Today, is facing an outright ban from broadcasting in Britain and potentially the rest of the world following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Censorship of RT has long been in the works and was being discussed prior to the escalation of tensions, with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Culture […]

The COVID Narratives Around Masks, Myocarditis & Natural Immunity Implode As Mass Psychosis Revealed

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/2/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Iranian ambassador says it’s necessary to clarify truth from false narratives

Iranian ambassador says it’s necessary to clarify truth from false narratives – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN— Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva said on Thursday that it is essential to make a distinction between truth and false narratives, according to IRNA. Esmail Baghaei Hamaneh made the remarks as ambassadors of OIC […]

Video: New Lt. Gov of Virginia Declares She Is ‘Destroying’ Democrat Race Narratives

The Virginia Lt. Gov.-Elect Winsome Sears (R) who won an historic victory this week, urged that she is “destroying all of the narratives about race,” that Democrats are using to attack Republicans, and challenged MSNBC’s resident race baiter Joy Reid to a debate, after Reid spent Tuesday night complaining that all Republican campaigns are centred on […]

Merging of climate and covid narratives established at Russian forum

MOSCOW, RUSSIA—Rae Kwon Chung (L), United Nations Agenda 21 contributor and Chairman of the Global Energy Prize International Committee, at the first press conference by laureates of the 2019 Global Energy International Prize. He was advisor to eight U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and contributed as a lead author for an IPCC special report on […]

Human Origins – The Narratives of Our Creation Conference 2021

The 4th  Ancient Origins Conference  is happening! Join us on the weekend of  November 20-21, 2021  for Human Origins – The Narratives of Our Creation. A team of leading authors, experts, and researchers will lead you on a journey around the world to investigate  the creation beliefs of ancient cultures  – and address  the controversies  surrounding […]

There are not ‘dual narratives’ when it comes to justice

Delegations to Palestine have provided an optimal way for committed individuals to travel to that country and witness firsthand the myriad ways Palestinians suffer under Zionism. Many groups organize such trips, frequently focusing on a specific theme: The American Friends Service Committee has been a leader in exposing Israel’s brutal treatment of Palestinian children, the […]

Culture Wars reader sees communist narratives, warns Michael Jones ‘trying to fool you’

Front cover of E. Michael Jones’ magazine Culture Wars in 2009. By Tradition In ActionLetters to the Editor SectionMay 13, 2014 Anno Domini TIA, When I found a Culture Wars magazine left for people to circulate at a Latin Mass Church, I became concerned about the content of this magazine. It seems that conservative Catholics […]

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