Posts Tagged ‘rebuttal’

The Rafah Massacre: A Detailed Rebuttal Of Israel’s Contradicting Narratives

Israel launched airstrikes, on May 26, against civilian tents north of Gaza’s Rafah city, murdering at least 45 people and injuring over 200. The initial Israeli response was to claim the strikes were legal, later stating that it was a mistake, before finally attempting to blame the incident on Hamas. This reaction from the Israeli […]

Kimmel knocks Britt for SOTU rebuttal at Oscars: She’s an ‘adult woman with the brain of a child’

Jimmy Kimmel is taking a knock at Sen. Katie Britt at the Academy Awards for the Alabama Republican’s much-mocked State of the Union rebuttal. The late-night TV host took to the stage at the 96th annual Oscars on Sunday with a series of rapid-fire wisecracks mostly aimed at the Hollywood stars in attendance at the Los… […]

Scarlett Johansson parodies Katie Britt’s SOTU rebuttal in ‘SNL’ cold open

Actress Scarlett Johansson parodied Sen. Katie Britt’s (R-Ala.) rebuttal to the State of the Union last week in “Saturday Night Live’s” cold open after the response was met with widespread criticism and mocking on social media.  The episode opened with a brief introduction from cast member Ego Nwodim, who was playing CNN’s Abby Phillips, before… […]

Dr Sam Bailey’s further rebuttal of NZ media’s ‘egregious attempt at character assassination’ of Dr Simon Thornley

LISTEN to Dr Sam Bailey at: Channel profile pictureDr. Sam Bailey@drsambaileyFollow Dr Sam takes her gloves off in this video! Watch her rebuttal against a character assassination attempt on Dr Simon Thornley. Please support my channel ▶ Leave me a tip! ▶ Virus Mania Paperback: Abe (lots of suppliers):–srp1-_-PLP1 US Independent Bookseller […]

Our vaccine rebuttal competition – Honourable mentions, Part 1

ByThe Conservative Woman -May 28, 2021 AS Kathy said in yesterday’s TCW, we have been amazed and delighted at the number and quality of the entries for our competition for the best way to deal with the question ‘Have you had the jab yet?’ or the follow-up, ‘You ought to.’ It is true to say that every […]

First Gassing at Auschwitz: Rebuttal to Joachim Neander

By Carlo Mattogno Published: 2010-02-08 Joachim Neander claims that he is able to give the name of two prisoners who were gassed at Auschwitz. He notes that the “Bunkerbuch” on 5 September 1941 has recorded the death of three detainees, Fritz Renner, Bruno Grosman and Roman Drost, of which the first two are Germans. Since […]

First Gassing at Auschwitz: Rebuttal to Joachim Neander

By Carlo Mattogno Published: 2010-02-08 Joachim Neander claims that he is able to give the name of two prisoners who were gassed at Auschwitz. He notes that the “Bunkerbuch” on 5 September 1941 has recorded the death of three detainees, Fritz Renner, Bruno Grosman and Roman Drost, of which the first two are Germans. Since […]

Iran President Rouhani’s ‘Clear and Calm’ Rebuttal to Trump’s UN Neocon Rant

21st Century Wire says… This week, US President Donald Trump did what every US President before has done – he read from his teleprompter script provided to him by his handlers. As far as this year’s United Nations General Assembly was concerned, Trump’s address is now widely recognized as perhaps the worst such address made […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

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