Posts Tagged ‘estonia’

Nord Stream 2.0? Finland-Estonia Undersea Pipeline In Baltic “Has Been Deliberately Damaged”

… queue Western media outlets who will likely place blame on Moscow – just as they did after the September 2022 bombing of the Nord Stream undersea pipeline that once connected Germany with cheap natural gas from Russia. Source

Estonia votes to legalise same-sex marriage

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas says the new legislation will take effect next year. Source

Your quick and easy guide to Estonia’s general election

Voters go to the polls this weekend to choose new MPs for the 101-seat Riigikogu. Source

Estonia will no longer accept any Ukrainian refugees

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has stated that Estonia won’t be able to absorb a potential fresh wave of migrants from Ukraine and that she expects other EU countries, including Finland, to take them in. She said on Tuesday in a radio interview that Tallinn and Helsinki have already reached a provisional agreement on the matter. […]

Russians and Belarusians from Estonia Will have Guns Confiscated by the Government

Home » Activism, Europe » Russians and Belarusians from Estonia Will have Guns Confiscated by the Government     A new legislation mandates that police may forcibly seize weapons from Russian citizens residing in Estonia if they refuse to surrender them freely. The confiscation of firearms will also apply to Belarusians who reside in the […]

Russians and Belarusians from Estonia Will have Guns Confiscated by the Government

Home » Activism, Europe » Russians and Belarusians from Estonia Will have Guns Confiscated by the Government     A new legislation mandates that police may forcibly seize weapons from Russian citizens residing in Estonia if they refuse to surrender them freely. The confiscation of firearms will also apply to Belarusians who reside in the […]

Russians and Belarusians from Estonia Will have Guns Confiscated by the Government

Home » Activism, Europe » Russians and Belarusians from Estonia Will have Guns Confiscated by the Government     A new legislation mandates that police may forcibly seize weapons from Russian citizens residing in Estonia if they refuse to surrender them freely. The confiscation of firearms will also apply to Belarusians who reside in the […]

Russians Living in Estonia to Have Guns Forcibly Confiscated by the Government

Update (2305ET): The overnight outbreak of fighting in multiple spots along the Armenian-Azerbaijan border is serious enough for Yerevan to have asked for its powerful ally Russia’s help. This has been revealed hours after Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a late night telephone conversation with President Vladimir Putin. The Armenian government has since confirmed it has […]

MS Estonia: Filmmakers fined for exploring wreck of 1994 ferry disaster

Two Swedish filmmakers have been found guilty of illegally disturbing the MS Estonia ferry, which sank in 1994 killing 852 people. The men had recorded footage of the wreck for a 2020 documentary entitled “Estonia – the discovery that changes everything”. Director Henrik Evertsson and analyst Linus Andersson were arrested in September 2019 after using […]

Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Denmark pledge wind power increase

Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Denmark have committed to a seven-fold increase in wind power production. It’s part of a move to wean the region off its dependence on Russian natural gas. The septet agreed to produce 20 gigawatts of wind power by 2030, enough to supply electricity to 20 million households. The region’s […]

Estonia bans all Russian from entering their country, including Tourists

According to Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Russian tourists traveling to the EU present a security concern given the situation in Ukraine. Early this month, Estonia barred Russian visitors from entering the country. Since then, Estonia has pushed for restrictions on Russian tourists to be imposed across the whole EU as part of sanctions against […]

Medieval Colonialism: The Danish Duchy Of Estonia

Within the pantheon of great empires, the Kingdom of Denmark has received very little attention, yet this small European civilization was one the most enterprising of its day following its unification after the Viking period.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

NATO plan: Let Russia erase Estonia from the map

NATO does not plan to respond to a Russian takeover of the Baltics if Russia decides to enter Estonia, for example. Instead, NATO’s plan is to let the Russians take over the area and then try to resolve the issue militarily or diplomatically, according to Estonia. It was on Wednesday that Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja […]

Massive Medieval Hanseatic League Ship Found Near Tallinn, Estonia

One of the largest ports in the Baltic Sea, Estonia’s Tallinn Port is also one of the oldest in northern Europe, famous as trade center between Rurik Novgorod and Viking Scandinavia. Yesterday,  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later 

MS Estonia: New expedition confirms official accident report

A new research expedition to the wreck of the M/S Estonia ferry that sank in the Baltic Sea in 1994 has not provided fresh evidence contradicting the official accident investigation report, the Estonian, Finnish, and Swedish safety investigation authorities said on Tuesday. The sinking of the M/S Estonia ferry 27 years ago was one of […]

30 years after Soviet rule ended, Estonia faces an election with a single candidate

Estonia is gearing up for an unusual presidential election in parliament. So far, there is only one candidate in Monday’s vote, a situation unprecedented since the Baltic nation regained independence 30 years ago. President Kersti Kaljulaid’s five-year term expires Oct. 10, and lawmakers in the 101-seat Riigikogu must elect a new head of state to […]

Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia BAN AstraZeneca Vaccine for causing Fatal Blood Clots

Home » Health, North America, Social » Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia BAN AstraZeneca Vaccine for causing Fatal Blood Clots     The rollout of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine in Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia has been suspended as the health authorities investigate a possibly serious side effect in the form of fatal blood clots. […]

Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia suspend AstraZeneca Covid vaccine after reports of potentially fatal blood clots

The rollout of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine in Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia has been suspended as the health authorities investigate a possibly serious side effect in the form of fatal blood clots. On Thursday, Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke tweeted that the country would be suspending the use of the Anglo-Swedish vaccine, which has […]

MS Estonia: Two Swedish documentary makers on trial for illegally exploring 1994 wreck

Two documentary makers have gone on trial in Sweden concerning the illegal exploring the wreck of the 1994 MS Estonia ferry disaster. Director Henrik Evertsson and analyst Linus Andersson are accused of filming the shipwreck using a remote-controlled submarine in September 2019. They have denied any wrongdoing. In 1995, authorities in Estonia, Finland and Sweden […]

Estonia In Crisis As Prime Minister Resigns Over Party Corruption Scandal

Estonia has been plunged into a crisis after prime minister, Jüri Ratas, was forced to resigned over a corruption scandal involving his party. Ratas handed in his resignation to the Baltic country’s president early on January 13 after a corruption scandal forced several key officials in his Centre party to quit overnight. Al Jazeera reports: The […]

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