Posts Tagged ‘apparently’

What Do Joe Biden and Pete Davidson Have in Common? These Socks, Apparently

We don’t condone showing your feet for free— those photos could be worth hundreds of dollars! Instead, you’ve got to wrap your highly coveted extremities in a pair of good-quality socks.  So, what’s the hottest sock brand du jour? Having only launched this past June, Doublesoul is a newbie on the market, but thanks to […]

The World Is Beginning To See The True Face Of Zionism & Apparently The Collective West

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/14/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Soldier who crossed into North Korea apparently back in US

Army Pvt. Travis King, who was released from North Korea this week after crossing over into the country this summer, is back on U.S. soil, according to videos shared by local news outlets in Texas. King was seen departing from a plane that landed in San Antonio, Texas, where he is expected to receive treatment… […]

NTSB Says Medical Plane Apparently Broke Apart Before Crash

STAGECOACH, Nev.—A medical transport flight that crashed in a mountainous area in northern Nevada, killing five all five people aboard the plane including a patient, apparently broke apart before hitting the ground, authorities said Sunday. The National Transportation Safety Board has sent in a seven-member team of investigators to the site of Friday night’s crash […]

‘I Just Love S’mores!’ Says Woman Who Has Apparently Never Tasted Good Food In Her Life

WHEATLAND, MO — While camping in the woods, local woman Sandra Peppertree reportedly shared with a group of close friends that she “just loves s’mores” and “can’t get enough of them” leading to speculation that she has never tasted good food in her life. “I just love s’mores!” Peppertree exclaimed while roasting marshmallows with her […]

‘I Just Love S’mores!’ Says Woman Who Has Apparently Never Tasted Good Food In Her Life

WHEATLAND, MO — While camping in the woods, local woman Sandra Peppertree reportedly shared with a group of close friends that she “just loves s’mores” and “can’t get enough of them” leading to speculation that she has never tasted good food in her life. “I just love s’mores!” Peppertree exclaimed while roasting marshmallows with her […]

Mazie Hirono, a Democrat senator for Hawaii, apparently wants Democrats to SHOOT pro-life advocates

(Natural News) The infamous Hawaiian Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono is once again calling for violence against her political opponents, including her constituents who support the preservation of unborn human life. In a rant she spewed on the Senate floor the other day, Hirono blasted the pro-life movement and issued “literally” a “call to arms in […]

Teenagers are apparently identifying as household pets nowadays

(Natural News) A couple of months back, I was told that in an Ontario public school (which I will not name), there was a student identifying as a cat—and the teachers were going along with it. At the time, I thought it must be a joke. Sure, there’s been the occasional story of people identifying […]

The Pomegranates Know – Humans Apparently Don’t

The Pomegranates Know – Humans Apparently Don’t December 13, 2021 Who wants to write (or read) about deep, philosophical horseshyte, or an old guys’ sarcastic take on current events of insanity around Christmas – the Holy Day turned into a personal debt-inducing season for the benefit of lousy, plastic peddling corporations? Not many.So instead of […]

Queen Elizabeth’s New Great-Grandson Apparently Couldn’t Wait To Be Born

LONDON (AP) — Queen Elizabeth II’s granddaughter Zara Tindall and her husband, the former rugby player, Mike Tindall, are celebrating the birth of their third child, who was born at home on the bathroom floor after the couple were unable to get to a hospital in time. Lucas Philip Tindall was born Sunday, weighing in […]

First Temple-Era Gold Bead, Apparently Lost on Temple Mount 3,000 Years Ago, Found by 9-Year-Old

(The Times of Israel) — A first ever First Temple-era gold granule bead was discovered during wet sifting of earth from the Temple Mount by a nine-year-old. Jerusalemite Binyamin Milt uncovered the perfectly preserved minute cylinder, created by four layers of tiny gold balls. The bead was in such outstanding condition that it was initially dismissed […]

‘Deal is done’ reports say, as UK & EU apparently strike post-Brexit trade accord after 11th hour talks

A post-Brexit trade deal between the EU and UK have been reached, the media is reporting, according to sources from No. 10 Downing Street. Reports came out of Downing Street, the prime minister’s residence, on Wednesday that a trade deal between the UK and EU has been agreed. However, these reports have been challenged and […]

2 arrested after man waves gun, apparently a toy, at anti-Netanyahu protesters

Two men have been arrested after one of them allegedly brandished what appeared to be a gun at demonstrators protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Herzliya, police said Sunday. Protesters said a man waved what appeared to be a pistol as he drove by them at a junction in the central city on Saturday […]

With Gyms Closed Apparently Forever, UK to Encourage Biking to Fight Obesity During Eternal Virus Hoax

The gyms are closed, probably forever. But hey – at least you can ride around on a bicycle like an asshole. The Guardian: GPs will be encouraged to prescribe cycling as a way for patients to lose weight, as part of a new government strategy to tackle the nation’s obesity crisis to […]

Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons

According to the Tampa Bay Times, Governor Rick Scott’s proposals include: “— $450 million to put a law enforcement officer in every public school, and 1 officer for every 1,000 students by 2018 school year… “— Increased Safe Schools funding to provide metal detectors, bulletproof glass, steel doors. Safety plans would be required before money […]

Can a Nation Be Mentally Deranged? Apparently so. America is Exhibit A, run by recklessly dangerous lunatics

Can a Nation Be Mentally Deranged? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Apparently so. America is Exhibit A, run by recklessly dangerous lunatics no matter which right wing of its duopoly governance holds power. Clear proof is overwhelming. Madness defines US policy. The nation is permanently at war on humanity, naked aggression […]

This is Fine: Theresa May Apparently Refusing to Resign, Apparently Going to be Forced Out

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 10, 2017 Due to the Daily Stormer’s get-out-the-vote push, Theresa May was destroyed in the snap election this week. She is apparently refusing to resign as her people try to force her out. Washington Post: On the day after British voters delivered an astonishing repudiation of Prime Minister […]

Jewing Intensifies: Sebastian Gorka Also Apparently Getting Fired from the White House

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 1, 2017 Welp. Looking like another one of our guys is out. Washington Examiner: Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, will soon accept a position outside the White House, two sources told the Washington Examiner on Sunday. Gorka’s new role will deal with the “war of ideas” […]

Best Korea Calls US Sanctions “An Act of War”

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 7, 2016 Kim Jong Un is well-known to be bro-tier. He is a fan of Adolf Hitler and he has approval ratings we haven’t seen since Adolf Hitler. Instead of insulting and threatening this guy, the US government should be asking him for advice. What did North Korea even do? Or […]

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