Posts Tagged ‘geoterrorism’

GEOTERRORISM ALERT! Weather Warfare is the preferred method of attack of the NWO globalist cabal because….

…the geoengineers always enjoy plausible deniability especially during the historical bad weather seasons of the targeted city or state. Submitted by The Weather Warfare Watcher SOTN Exclusive First watch this bombshell video presentation from May 2, 2024 of Gov. Ron DeSantis tearing apart the New World Order globalist agenda in Florida. For those who didn’t […]

GEOTERRORISM ALERT! Did anyone catch the geoengineered superstorm Hurricane Daniel that set up the Libyan dam collapse killing up to 20,000?!

The utter devastation wrought by Hurricane Daniel is completely without precedent for this part of Northern Africa. SOURCE: SOURCE:   Source

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