Posts Tagged ‘mommy’

Mommy May We Play A Pretend Game Called Voting For A President

Abraham Lincoln in 1861 KILLED the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union & Constitution and installing in it’s place a Soviet Styled Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic. 1938 red Russian Commie USA presidential Convention, where Lincoln was recognized as the Father of American zionism/Communism. In 1871 Lincoln’s Marxist dictatorship Incorporated. The UNITED […]

‘I Wish They Didn’t Shoot My Mommy’ Young Son Says After White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks in Indianapolis

    Her Name Is Wilma Hochstetler: White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks In Indianapolis; Young Son Says, ‘I Wish They Didn’t Shoot My Mommy’. Both victims of brutal black on violence in Indianapolis. Names you’ve never heard, drowned out in the cacophony of “Justice for George Floyd,” and “Black Lives Matter.” Her name […]

Clowns in hazmat suits and a bed for mommy: Hospital opens COVID kids facility

With clowns in hazmat suits and playrooms for the positive, a central Israel hospital is opening a dedicated children’s COVID-19 facility. Some Israeli hospitals are exceeding capacity for virus patients, leaving doctors wondering how to provide the specialist care that coronavirus-positive kids need. “A lot of small hospitals are struggling to care for coronavirus kids, […]

Trump Statement on Skipping the Fox Debates

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