Posts Tagged ‘ambulances’

Why Do Ambulances Now Post Warning Signs of Sepsis, Not Covid-19?

Why Do Ambulances Now Post Warning Signs of Sepsis, Not Covid-19?  Tue 6:12 pm +01:00, 9 Apr 2024  1 posted by pete fairhurst 2 I’ve no idea if this is correct, but it certainly made me think that it could be….. The money shot: “COVID-19 is a social fiction, but the institutional reality of COVID-19 […]

Israeli troops target ambulances, kill medic in Gaza City

Maureen Clare Murphy –Electronic Intifada Feb 9, 2024 Israeli troops deliberately targeted a Palestine Red Crescent Society convoy, killing a paramedic and wounding two others, the humanitarian group said on Thursday. The convoy was attempting to transfer patients from al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City to facilities in the south when it was attacked on Wednesday. […]

New FOIA’ed Data Reveal NY Vaccine Clinics Called Ambulances to be “On Standby”

Right before the recent Christmas holiday, I received a call from a friend and colleague named Louis Conte regarding a “contact” of his with knowledge of the inner workings of Emergency Medical Services in Westchester County, New York. Louis’s contact had been monitoring EMS dispatches in Westchester County and saw, subsequent to the jab rollout […]

Sweden is Preparing its Medical Ambulances for World War 3

In response to the escalating global tensions and the potential for World War III, the Swedish government is taking proactive measures to expand its medical transport capabilities. Concerned about the impact of a potential outbreak of war, the government has tasked several authorities with coordinating transports to ensure the nation is adequately prepared. The National […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 29: Israel hits hospitals, ambulances, and schools across Gaza

Israel targeted an ambulance convoy at al-Shifa hospital, while other schools and hospitals were targeted as Israel doubles down on lifesaving civilian infrastructure. Meanwhile, Palestinian workers from Gaza return, recounting torture. Source

ADL head smears Tlaib as antisemitic for pointing out Israel blocked ambulances

On Monday Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO Jonathan Greenblatt condemned Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and implied she was antisemitic for criticizing Israel’s deadly invasion of Jenin. He also dismissed evidence that Israel has prohibited Palestinians from receiving medical attention, despite video evidence and testimony from multiple individuals in the area. “Israeli forces are now blocking ambulances […]

Tennessee ambulances warn that medication shortages are affecting their ability to treat patients

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) As shortages of critical medications continue throughout the nation, Tennessee ambulances are struggling to provide patients with much-needed care in the most efficient way.The president of the Tennessee ambulance service association, Rick Valentine, has warned that diabetics are particularly at risk. Many of the calls … [Read More…] Source

Tennessee ambulances face drug shortages as supply chains crumble

(Natural News) America is in the throes of a growing pharmaceutical shortage, and ambulances in Tennessee are reportedly feeling the pinch in a major way. Some of the most commonly-used medications are in such short supply that some Volunteer State emergency vehicles are no longer able to help patients in desperate need of medicine. Rick […]

No ambulances amid the bombings: How Gaza’s COVID-19 patients survived Israel’s military assault

When Imad Alhour, 33, realized it was time to get admitted to the closest hospital treating COVID-19, he had to first figure out the safest route to avoid airstrikes. Next, he needed to hail a taxi. Alhour lives in Gaza City and fell sick with coronavirus symptoms a few days before a violent escalation broke […]

Vegas Bombshell: Video Shows 17 Ambulances Pulling Bodies Out of HOOTERS

On the night of October 1, Youtuber Benjamin Franks and his friend had just grabbed some tacos and were heading back to their hotel room at the MGM when they noticed a separate disturbance at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Tropicana Ave. Fifteen-minutes later, from the leisure of his hotel room, Franks managed to […]

Palestinian killed as Israel uses Hannibal Directive in refugee camp

Maureen Clare Murphy Rights and Accountability 1 March 2016 Mourners carry the body of 22-year-old Iyad Omar Sajadiyya during his funeral in Qalandiya refugee camp on 1 March after the university student was shot in the head by Israeli forces who raided the camp to extricate two soldiers. Shadi Hatem APA images A Palestinian was […]

OSCARS: Dumb as A Rock Nigger Chris ‘The Chimp’ Rock At The Hollywood Oscars Wake

“Lawks a’ mercy dem niggers is burnin’ down da Oscars woodpile! Who let dem niggers in? Da Jews let them in to help dem genocide da white folks ma’am! Lawd a’mercy dem Jews will burn in der own fire!” Dem white folks were mostly watching Donald J Trump’s revolution hitting the state of Alabama while the […]

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