Posts Tagged ‘brewing’

Upset brewing in New York: Trump looks poised to end GOP’s 40-year dry spell in Empire State by defeating Biden there

(NaturalNews) For the first time in four decades, a Republican has a legitimate shot to take New York’s 28 electoral votes.A recent Siena College poll shows… Source

Josh Shapiro’s star is rising. But trouble may be brewing back at home.

BEDFORD, N.H. — As Gov. Josh Shapiro takes his first concrete steps on the national stage, a cloud of a scandal involving one of his former top aides is emerging back home. Last week, Mike Vereb, a member of Shapiro’s cabinet and a longtime ally to the Pennsylvania Democratic governor, abruptly resigned. A day later, […]

An Israeli Civil-War Brewing Over Judicial Overhaul, Or A New War?

In July, the Israeli Knesset ratified the first of a wave of bills that seek to curtail the powers of Tel Aviv’s supreme court, dividing Israel’s Jewish population between supporters of the current “liberal western democracy” model and those seeking a more radical system. While hundreds of thousands of Israeli protesters packed the streets, Israeli […]

Athletic Brewing Co.’s New Coffee and Protein Beer Is My New Fave Breakfast

When I was in grad school, my girlfriend of three years broke up with me. It was a pretty rough experience, especially since I wasn’t the paragon of great mental health that I am today (LOL, I could barely get that on the page before cackling). I dealt with it using various degrees of destructive […]

Senate Republicans get front seat to brewing Indiana Senate clash

Mitch Daniels is on a Goldilocks mission: Finding out whether the Senate is just right for his deal-cutting style. The former Indiana governor and Purdue University president embarked on a tour of Capitol Hill Wednesday to figure out whether running for his state’s open Senate seat makes sense, talking to senators both happy and frustrated […]

The “Brewing” Israeli Civil War – Does The US Have A Hand In Creating It?

As Israel’s far-right fascist government ushers in a new era of hardship for the Palestinian people, it’s also causing massive divisions in both Israel’s Jewish society and the regime’s political & military leaderships. Such is the state of Israeli politics that former minister of war, Benny Gantz, has warned of civil war. An ongoing feud […]

From Mink to Drink: The Danish farmers who are moving into brewing

Reinventing himself as a beer brewer was the last thing Danish mink farmer Poul Erik Vestergaard thought he’d do. Source

Union Organising Is Brewing In Starbucks: 100 Stores And Counting

Above Photo: Starbucks Memphis 7. @SBWorkersUnited / Twitter. Report On The Rapidly Spreading Unionization Drive At Starbucks Stores Across The US Despite The Company’s Union-Busting Tactics. More union organizing is brewing at Starbucks. In December 2021, staff at a Starbucks in Buffalo, NY became the first US branch to successfully vote to form a union. […]

Peru: A Coup Brewing

Above photo: A supporter of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo at a rally. File Photo. The onslaught of the Peruvian right wing against the government of President Pedro Castillo Terrones began long before he was proclaimed president after many delays—it began when his passage to the second round of the elections was confirmed—and has been intensifying […]

New Indigenous Land Dispute Brewing In Norfolk

Forty acres of Norfolk County farmland is poised to become the next front in the ongoing battle over Indigenous land rights. In 2015, the Haudenosaunee Development Institute bought a property on Concession 2 Townsend for $310,000 and has not paid property taxes since. The HDI, which is the development arm of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council, argues […]

Worldwide Face Mask Emergency Brewing!! We Don’t Know What Percentage Of Several Billion Mas ks Are Infected With Nanoworms!!

Worldwide Face Mask Emergency Brewing!! We Don’t Know What Percentage Of Several Billion Masks Are Infected With Nanoworms!! Tap News / Weaver Hot moist air… activates the mask nanoworms! “It’s trying to find the source of the moisture”. -Max Igan Worldwide Face Mask Emergency Brewing!! We Don’t Know What Percentage Of Several Billion Masks Are […]

Is a Cultural Revolution Brewing in America?

The lesson of China’s Cultural Revolution in my view is that once the lid blows off, everything that was linear (predictable) goes non-linear (unpredictable). There is a whiff of unease in the air as beneath the cheery veneer of free money for almost everyone, inequality and polarization are rapidly consuming what’s left of common ground […]

Biden’s Push for Restoring Aid to Palestinians Faces Legal Hurdles and Brewing Political Crisis

(JNS) In recent days, the Biden administration has moved rapidly to restore funding to the Palestinians that had been largely severed during the Trump administration. Concerns are being raised, however, that the funding could both violate existing U.S. law, while also rewarding bad behavior by the Palestinian leadership through their continued support of terrorism, their […]

Is There A Coup Brewing In The US?

Source Written by Leonid SAVIN on 28/09/2020 In August, a curious document emerged in the US entitled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition“. It was prepared by a group called the Transition Integrity Project, which includes more than one hundred current and former senior US officials alongside experts from various fields. The group announced that they had […]

There is a water war brewing out West that will decide the fate of 40 million Americans while changing political, social paradigms

(Natural News) Everyone knows how important water is to sustain life, but we’re about to find out how important water is to sustain American life as we know it.  Weather patterns and conditions have been changing for years throughout the American West — no, not due to “human-caused climate change,” but just […]

Powerful Economic Justice Movement Is Brewing

Powerful Economic Justice Movement Is Brewing Above Photo: Enrique Romero / An American Democracy Movement is fighting brutal capitalism and the culture of blame. In this tumultuous world, one thing seems certain: today’s dire threats to our democracy did not arise out of nowhere. Every culture thrives, or not, on whether its core narrative—the causation […]

Labor Storm Brewing From Below As Workers Attacked From Above

Labor Storm Brewing From Below As Workers Attacked From Above Above Photo: A protestor is taken into custody outside the Willis Tower where United Continental Holdings, Inc. (UAL), the parent company of United Airlines, was holding its shareholder’s meeting on May 24, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) The first year of […]

Widespread Protests To Tax Bill, Backlash Brewing

Widespread Protests To Tax Bill, Backlash Brewing Above: Rev. Liz Theoharis (left) and Rev. William Barber II (right) with activists and leaders at the U.S.-Mexico border, October 2017. While Republicans may succeed in scoring a short term win for their donors, their tax plan is sparking a new moral movement against inequality. If you’re expecting a […]

Is a New ‘Kosovo’ Brewing in Myanmar?

Is a New ‘Kosovo’ Brewing in Myanmar? Whenever western governments and mainstream media start shedding crocodile tears over a minority community of «peaceful Muslims»© being persecuted by some nasty non-Muslim government somewhere, with demands that the «international community» do something about it, it should be treated with a big, fat dollop of skepticism. At issue at […]

Financial Instability, Retreat of the Bond Market, Is a Global “Bond Rout” Brewing?

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