Posts Tagged ‘flush’

Interview 1891 – Canada Prepares to Flush Turdeau (NWNW 560)

This week on the New World Next Week: Trudeau (and every other incumbent) is in trouble as half the world goes to the polls this year to throw the bums out; Monsanto drops its lawsuit against the Mexican government over its GM corn ban; and a convicted rapper is ordered to submit his song lyrics […]

The Royal Flush: 2,400-Year-Old Toilet Used by Emperors Unearthed in China

Archaeologists have unearthed the bottom half of a manual flush toilet that dates back 2,400 years in the Yueyang archaeological site in China’s Shaanxi province. Yueyang served as a capital city under multiple ancient Chinese dynasties. It will likely reveal a lot about the eating habits of ancient people by analyzing soil samples taken from […]

Law to Liquefy Corpses & Flush Them Down the Drain Passed in Washington State

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses before activating covid concentration camps The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses  just one year before the state activated covid concentration camps, providing for an efficient, stealth mechanism for mass disposal of human corpses.Washington’s legalization of this “flesh goo” mechanism for […]

Pervywood ~ Part 6 ~ Royal Flush. Connecting The Dots With Lady Di, JFK Jr, Justin Trudeau And His Father Fidel Castro And False Prophet Francis And The Vatican

Before It’s News | Candle Lighting For The Truth Thursday, April 22, 2021 15:33  PERVYWOOD ~ PART 6 ~ ROYAL FLUSH Connecting the dots of Lady Di, The Royal Family, Justin Trudeau and his father Fidel Castro, JFK Jr. and the Vatican. The Pervywood Series has explored much of the domestic perversions and hypocrisies within […]

Pervywood Part 6 | Royal Flush | Connecting The Dots Of Lady Di, JFK Jr, Justin (Castro) Trudeau And The Vatican

The Pervywood Series has explored much of the domestic perversions and hypocrisies within Hollywood. . . but what about internationally? Enjoy this extra special, feature length, Pervywood 6 Royal Flush as we take the Pervywood Series International.  Written by Nick Alvear

Revolving Door In Office Of U.S. Trade Representative, Part 1

Endnotes [1] Letter of December 17, 2014, to Ambassador Michael Froman, from U.S, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, and Ed Markey, [2] “The trade ministers get together to set the rules of trade. They don’t worry about the environment; that’s somebody else’s agenda. Trade above all — that’s the way they approach it. And as […]

FDA document admits vaccines are linked to autism

(NaturalNews) I’ve just posted a new video detailing the discovery of a vaccine document on the FDA’s own website that openly admits vaccines are linked to autism. This document, an insert sheet for the Tripedia vaccine, openly admits to the vaccine being linked to “idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand […]


This is not just about your GUNS! Pre-Crime has been a debate brought forward by the government in regard to your Guns, Property, Person and Effects. This means the government regardless of your position of innocents can determine to confiscate anything they deem needed in order to restrict you from objectionable actions against the current […]

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