Posts Tagged ‘anyone’

As Expected by ANYONE READING THE PFIZER Report on Deadly Vaccine Adverse Reactions

Cancer Surging in People Under the Age of 50 By infostormer  – September 7, 2023 5 There is a surge in cancer among people under the age of 50.   This happened after people were coerced into taking a deadly fake vaccine product for a totally fake pandemic. The BBC and other corporate Jew media […]

250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids

Some 250 woke Hollywood celebrities from movies, TV and music have signed their names to an open letter urging big tech companies to crack down on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with the trans agenda, including advocating life changing gender surgeries on children. Source

Walensky Ludicrously Claims Anyone “Hit by a Truck” Would Count as a VAERS COVID Vaccine Death if it Followed Vaccination

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky makes up out of whole cloth that the VAERS is over-reported because, for example, “if you got hit by a truck after the vaccine,” that would count as an “adverse event” and “be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.” Walensky attempted to tell Congress that getting hit by a […]

Iran Unveils ‘Quantum’ Device That Anyone Can Buy for $589 on Amazon

Last week, Iran’s military unveiled what it called “the first product of the quantum processing algorithm” of the Imam Khomeini Naval University of Nowshahr. During a ceremony at the university, the Islamic Republic’s military revealed a bit of electronics sealed under glass. It appeared to be a common development board, available widely online for around […]

Gaslighting at its finest: Trudeau claims he DID NOT force anyone to get vaccinated

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has irked many by claiming that he never forced anyone in his country to get vaccinated.During an April 24 speech at the University of Ottawa, Trudeau said he merely incentivized people to get the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. “And that’s exactly what they did. We got … […]

Video: Legislator Switches To GOP, Says Democrats “Villainize Anyone Who Has Free Thought”

A North Carolina Democratic legislator handed a decisive victory to the Republican party Wednesday by defecting and ensuring a veto-proof majority. Announcing the switch, Tricia Cotham declared that “The modern-day Democratic Party has become unrecognizable to me and others across the state,” adding “I will not be controlled by anyone.” “If you don’t do exactly what the Democrats […]

Response to be swift if ‘Israel’ attacks anyone in Lebanon: Nasrallah

22 Mar 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah touches on numerous domestic, regional, and international issues, from the Israeli occupation to Palestine and Yemen. The incident that took place earlier in the month in Northern occupied Palestine caused confusion for the Israeli occupation, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Wednesday. […]

Maryland Democrat’s Bill Will Block Anyone Under 25 From Being Charged With Felony Murder Due to ‘Frontal Lobes Not Being Fully Developed’

By Chris Menahan In the name of “racial justice,” Democrats in Maryland are pushing a new bill to prevent anyone under 25 from being charged with felony murder due to their “frontal lobes not being fully developed.” WATCH: [embedded content] From Fox Baltimore, “Proposed bill would prevent anyone under 25 with being charged with felony murder”: […]

Anyone Living Near or East of the Ohio Train Derailment Will Want to Hear This; How to Detox From America’s Toxic Ecocide

In this special interview, Dr. Henry Ealy lays out the necessary protocols to keep yourself healthy during America’s rising ecocide insanity. Reinette Senum Feb 24 2023 Anyone you know who is near the recent horrific East Palestine, Ohio derailment, including everyone east of the Mississippi River, will want to hear this interview. Dr. Henry Ealy […]

RIDICULOUS: German Ethics Council chair says anyone who advocates review of COVID-19 policy is an enemy of democracy

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) German Ethics Council (DE) Chair Alena Buyx said any plans to investigate the German government’s policy regarding the Wuhan coronavirus  (COVID-19) is “dangerous to democracy.” According to Buyx, anyone who advocates a fundamental review of COVID-19 policy and demands personal and legal consequences is an enemy of … [Read More…] Source

Housing Affordability Worsens As Homeownership Out Of Reach For Anyone Making Under $100k

The US housing affordability crisis continues to worsen as mortgage rates skyrocket to two-decade highs while the cost of an average home is still at bubbly levels. Financing costs are through the roof, and anyone earning less than $100,000 has been priced out of homeownership.  Source

Everyone, before you react to anyone out in public, please become aware of this increasingly common Covid ‘vaccine’ adverse effect!

COVID-19 pandemic triggers SURPRISING changes in personality, new study suggests by: Stephanie Woods NaturalHealth365 (NaturalHealth365)  It seems that there is yet another thing that we can blame on COVID-19: a bad attitude.  Or at least a worse one. If you’ve noticed that people aren’t quite as nice as they used to be pre-pandemic, you’re in […]

CHEATING IN PLAIN VIEW: Arizona judge bans anyone from using cameras to catch ballot stuffing MULES at drop boxes

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A Trump-appointed federal judge this week has delivered a blow to election integrity in Arizona.There, a group called Clean Elections USA was using cellphone cameras to monitor ballot drop boxes in order to prevent the kind of election theft that occurred there and in several other battleground states in 2020, costing … [Read […]

Did Anyone Really Vote For Joe Biden?

Santa Clara, UtahSeptember 23,2022 by Rich Scheck I am not a big Trump fan or MAGA movement “patriot!” But it is beyond my ability to comprehend why anyone in the USofA would have voted for Joe Biden. I understand there are folks who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and found it easy to look at […]

Ukraine Threatens 5-Year Prison Sentence for Anyone Voting in ‘Sham Referendums’

    Starting last month Ukrainian lawmakers began seeking to implement severe consequences for those participating in Russia-sponsored referendums in occupied territories of Ukraine. For example, a law is being pushed through parliament which criminalizes obtaining a Russian passport in temporarily occupied territories, Ukrainian sources reported last week, according to Yahoo News. Proposed possible punishments […]

No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID Vaccines, UK Mathematician Says Amid Autumn Booster Rollout


No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID Vaccines, UK Mathematician Says Amid Autumn Booster Rollout


No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID Vaccines, UK Mathematician Says Amid Autumn Booster Rollout


LA Homeless Authority Doesn’t Want Anyone Saying The Word ‘Homeless’

The LA Homeless Services Authority has put out a call for the word ‘homeless’ to be dropped, claiming that the term is ‘outdated and dehumanising’, and leads to ‘othering’. The Authority, which has the word Homeless in its name, wants to see it replaced with terms such as ‘people who live outside’ in order to […]

Video: Fauci Claims Lockdowns Have Not “Irreparably Damaged Anyone”

In addition to claiming he has nothing to hide and was not responsible for shutting down anything, Anthony Fauci claimed Thursday that COVID lockdowns have not “irreparably damaged anyone”. Fauci made the comments in an interview with FOX News host Neil Cavuto, who asked “do you regret that it went too far, whatever your original […]

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