Posts Tagged ‘worsens’

Forecast worsens on eve of New York special election

A significant snowstorm is colliding with the high-stakes special election for Congress in New York on Tuesday, potentially making voting difficult in the race to replace expelled former Rep. George Santos. The National Weather Service on Monday issued a Winter Storm Warning for New York City and Long Island, predicting between four and 10 inches […]

Deadly Flooding In China Worsens As Rescues Intensify

China is struggling with record-breaking rains in some areas while others suffer scorching summer heat and drought that threatens crops. Source

Banking Crisis Worsens: Swiss Bank is First “Too Big to Fail” Bank to be Bailed Out as Saudis Withdraw Support

Banking Crisis Worsens: Swiss Bank is First “Too Big to Fail” Bank to be Bailed Out as Saudis Withdraw Support by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsSwitzerland’s second largest bank, Credit Suisse, which has been experiencing bank runs and plummeting stock valuations since the end of 2022, became the first SIFI (systemically important financial institution), or […]

Housing Affordability Worsens As Homeownership Out Of Reach For Anyone Making Under $100k

The US housing affordability crisis continues to worsen as mortgage rates skyrocket to two-decade highs while the cost of an average home is still at bubbly levels. Financing costs are through the roof, and anyone earning less than $100,000 has been priced out of homeownership.  Source

China’s property crisis worsens

China’s home prices slid at a faster pace in August, marking a 12th month of declines, underscoring how a revival of the country’s real estate market could take much longer despite a flurry of government support policies, Bloomberg reported. New-home prices in 70 cities, excluding state-subsidized housing, dropped 0.29% last month from July, when they […]

China’s property crisis worsens

China’s home prices slid at a faster pace in August, marking a 12th month of declines, underscoring how a revival of the country’s real estate market could take much longer despite a flurry of government support policies, Bloomberg reported. New-home prices in 70 cities, excluding state-subsidized housing, dropped 0.29% last month from July, when they […]

China’s property crisis worsens

China’s home prices slid at a faster pace in August, marking a 12th month of declines, underscoring how a revival of the country’s real estate market could take much longer despite a flurry of government support policies, Bloomberg reported. New-home prices in 70 cities, excluding state-subsidized housing, dropped 0.29% last month from July, when they […]

Shea Lies Through Her Teeth as Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis Worsens

August 30, 2022 By Mohammad Youssef More than a year ago, US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea has given a promise to help Lebanon with power supplies from Egypt and Jordan. A year later, all those promises have proven to be utter lies. Meanwhile, the new Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, has repeated his […]

Sunken Nazi WWII Warships Resurface In Danube River As Drought Worsens

Record-high temperatures across Europe have exacerbated regional droughts so heavily that dozens of German warships from World War II resurfaced in Serbia. Source

As food inflation worsens, GROCERY STORES are becoming frequent sites of violent fights and thefts… welcome to Joe Biden’s utopia

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” (6uild 6ack 6etter) plan for America is moving right along just as his regime planned, with widespread civil unrest incidents now occurring at grocery stores.Inflationary pressures coupled with food shortages is causing some Americans to suffer total meltdowns right there in aisle six. One … [Read More…] […]

Contamination of U.S. Food Supply Worsens as 50% of Foods Tested Contained Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide

It is sprayed world wide and they don’t it appears, intend letting up. See our Glyphosate pages (main menu) for further info on glyphosate and the Roundup and other brands (check labels) that contain it. A known ‘probable carcinogen’. EWR The Poison in Our Daily Bread by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The Detox Project […]

Will “Victory Gardens” Make Comeback As Global Food Crisis Worsens?

Will “Victory Gardens” Make Comeback As Global Food Crisis Worsens? 9 Mar 2022 Ryan DeLarme Spring in the Northern Hemisphere is two weeks away, and interest in planting gardens could rise as the breadbasket of Europe was choked off by the Russian invasions of Ukraine, jeopardizing global food exports resulting in skyrocketing prices.Even before the turmoil […]

Israel’s mass vaccination nightmare worsens as nation reaches a six-month HIGH in new covid cases

Israel’s mass vaccination nightmare worsens as nation reaches a six-month HIGH in new covid cases / Ethan Huff (Natural News) The Moronic (Omicron) variant of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is spreading fast in Israel, according to reports. Despite having an authoritarian police state that pretty much requires all citizens to get “vaccinated” in order […]

Border Crisis Worsens As Biden’s New Cat Stands At Gate To Mexico And Can’t Decide Whether To Go In Or Out

Border Crisis Worsens As Biden’s New Cat Stands At Gate To Mexico And Can’t Decide Whether To Go In Or Out OTAY MESA, CA—The border crisis just got a lot worse as President Biden’s new cat visited the border to try to assist with the crisis. Unfortunately, the cat instead stood at an open gate […]

West Bank hospitals reach full capacity as COVID-19 crisis worsens

Hospitals in Palestine are filled to the brim, as health officials and medical workers struggle to keep up with the rapidly rising rates of COVID-19 in the occupied West Bank.   Palestinian Minister of Health Mai al-Kaila said on Monday that hospitals in the West Bank had exceeded 100% capacity, describing the situation as “very dangerous,” […]

Hamas chief in Gaza contracts coronavirus as pandemic worsens in Strip

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Malnourished Children Starve as Pandemic Worsens Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis

By Ben Farmer – The Telegraph Starving children in Yemen are facing their worst levels of malnutrition since the country’s war began, as the Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically worsened the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Aid groups say the global spread of the new coronavirus has deepened economic chaos in the country of around 29 million […]

Saudi, Qatar Relationship Worsens, Leaving OPEC Deal & Oil Price Stability At Risk

King Salman of Saudi Arabia, right, welcomes Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani upon his arrival to Riyadh Airbase before the opening of Gulf Cooperation Council summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, May 5, 2015. (Saudi Press Agency/AP) UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, openly stated that the GCC was facing a […]

As Yemen Humanitarian Crisis Fueled by US-Assisted Food Blockade Worsens, Al Qaeda in Yemen Grows Stronger

As Yemen Humanitarian Crisis Fueled by US-Assisted Food Blockade Worsens, Al Qaeda in Yemen Grows Stronger By Robert Shortly after Donald Trump’s unauthorized rocket-attack on Syria in early April, which Trump said he carried out to avenge the deaths of ‘beautiful babies’ killed in an unattributed chemical attack*, Gelhorn prize-winning journalist Gareth Porter noted […]

Human rights a means to serve political goals of domineering powers

New York, July 14, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gholam Hossein Dehghani referred to human rights as a “common heritage of mankind” noting it has been used as a means at the service of foreign policy objectives of hegemonic powers. New York, July 14, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations […]

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