Posts Tagged ‘consistently’

Israeli Settlers Consistently Use Arson Attacks To Burn Palestinians Alive

Videos have recently resurfaced showing the results of Israeli settler attacks in the occupied West Bank, since October of last year, displaying that aggression committed by those Israel considers to be of its civilian population, somewhat match the spirit of the horrifying atrocities we currently see being carried out by the Israeli military in Gaza. […]

Netanyahu Approves Rafah Invasion & Israel Consistently Fires On Starving Palestinians Seeking Food

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/15/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

7 Tips for Keeping Your Life in Order by Consistently Cleaning

Cleaning is not really a task that most people enjoy. That’s why many people will assign their children chores or hire Mexicans to come mow their lawns and clean up after them. Other people will only really clean when they have company coming over; this is often the case with singles, even though they have […]

Kraken Rumors Rife as Giant ‘Sea Creature’ Spotted off Antarctica by Google Earth

The image of the elusive being was first spotted off the coast of Deception Island in the South Shetlands on Google Earth on April 9 and shared through a video on YouTube in an effort to solve the oceanic mystery. It’s estimated the creature measures up to a massive 120 meters in total, prompting some […]

Report: French Forces Building Military Bases In Syria

Western Special Forces and ground troops are in Syria under the guise of advising and supporting “moderate”rebel groups. What is behind the deployment is part of a bigger strategy by the west to divide up the country for the manipulation of resources and profit and re-draw the map of the region. But first, regime change […]

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