Posts Tagged ‘shoplifting’

Shoplifting losses double in a year – British Retail Consortium

Shoplifting losses double in a year – British Retail Consortium  Tue 12:56 pm +01:00, 16 Apr 2024   posted by Tapestry  16 April 2024 Police Commissioner Elections BRC calls on Police and Crime Commissioner candidates to combat retail crime 16TH APRIL 2024 BY MAY GARLAND Ahead of the upcoming Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections […]

Dallas, Los Angeles see largest increases in shoplifting as U.S. economy falters

Retail theft is up bigtime across the United States – but not necessarily in the places you might think. According to a new report from the nonpartisan Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ), Los Angeles and Dallas saw the largest increases in retail theft during the first half of both 2022 and 2023. Retail theft in […]

A New SideWalk Dance Emerges, The Kalifornia Shoplifting Shuffle

MUST WATCH: Jewelry store owners give a would-be robber a surprise beat down in El Monte, California. Small business owners are fighting back amid the Democrat fueled retail crime spree. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 3, 2023 In Arizona a new dance is emerging called the Pistol Packing (Stealing) Felon Street Scuffle. Bystanders stop […]

Legalise Shoplifting? Officers Should Use ‘Discretion’ with Stealing Suspects, Argues Police Watchdog

Police should use “discretion” when deciding to prosecute shoplifting in Britain due to the cost of living crisis, a police watchdog argued.

29 Charged in 6-State Shoplifting Ring That Hit Pharmacies

TULSA, Okla.—State and federal authorities announced Thursday that they arrested and charged more than two dozen people for taking part in a multistate shoplifting ring that made off with more than $10 million in stolen goods over the past few years, most of which was over-the-counter medications. U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson in Tulsa and Oklahoma […]

‘People Are Scared’: Casual Shoplifting Plaguing Residents, Stores In San Francisco

[embedded content] (Daily Caller) — Shoplifters are targeting stores across San Francisco at higher rates, officials say, with thieves frequently stealing in front of security and the onlookers filming them before casually walking out with their items. One video captured June 14 by a local Bay Area reporter showed a shoplifter in a local Walgreens […]

NYC Getting Looted as Shoplifting Mobs Have Free-for-all Without Fear of Prosecution—WHY? Recall that in late May as George Floyd and Black Lives Matter related protests reached a peak, so did reports of mass theft targeting high end neighborhoods of New York known for luxury boutiques. In one particular instance the NYPD had over the summer sought looters responsible for stealing $1,511,000 in merchandise from the Celine clothing […]

Shoplifting scandal forces Madrid premier to resign

CCTV footage published by OK Diario Wednesday showed Cristina Cifuentes emptying her handbag in front of a supermarket security guard after being accused of taking two pots of anti-aging cream worth €40 ($50). The 53-year-old politician from the ruling People’s Party (PP) said taking the cream was an “involuntarily error.” The incident took place in […]

BREAKING: Lena Dunham’s Grandmother Apprehended For Shoplifting, Resisting Arrest

The maternal grandmother of liberal television star and Planned Parenthood supporter Lena Dunham has been arrested in New York City for shoplifting, according to sources close to the actress. Dunham’s grandmother, Rose, was reportedly apprehended by a clerk earlier this evening in a neighborhood convenience store while trying to steal a bottle of tequila as […]

Mark Dice: Reverse Shoplifting at Kohl’s Department Store September 27, 2011 Getting out the truth in a new and unique way. Can’t make it to Kohl’s? Get the t-shirt at the Infowars Shop. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tweet about it   Print this page. Comment Rules 137 Responses to “Mark Dice: Reverse Shoplifting at Kohl’s Department […]

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