Posts Tagged ‘kohls’

Researchers discover native malaria parasite in American white-tailed deer

     Two years ago, Ellen Martinsen, was collecting mosquitoes at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, looking for malaria that might infect birds—when she discovered something strange: a DNA profile, from parasites in the mosquitoes, that she couldn’t identify. By chance, she had discovered a malaria parasite, Plasmodium odocoilei—that infects white-tailed deer. It’s the first-ever malaria parasite […]

Mark Dice: Reverse Shoplifting at Kohl’s Department Store September 27, 2011 Getting out the truth in a new and unique way. Can’t make it to Kohl’s? Get the t-shirt at the Infowars Shop. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tweet about it   Print this page. Comment Rules 137 Responses to “Mark Dice: Reverse Shoplifting at Kohl’s Department […]

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