Quisling UK Govt Allows US Nukes At RAF Lakenheath

Not content with emptying the treasury and ammunition depots of the UK to further the US proxy war in Ukraine our Quisling government of occupation have quietly green lighted the storage of US nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath making the UK an instant target should the war in eastern europe go nuclear.

As is common with any US puppet regime the UK population were neither informed or consulted.

Evidence at the link

New U.S. Air Force budgetary documents strongly imply that the United States Air Force is in the process of re-establishing its nuclear weapons mission on UK soil.

The Air Force’s FY 2024 budgetary justification package, dated March 2023, notes the planned construction of a “surety dormitory” at RAF Lakenheath, approximately 100 kilometers northeast of London. The “surety dormitory” was also briefly mentioned in the Department of Defense’s testimony to Congress in March 2023, but with no accompanying explanation. “Surety” is a term commonly used within the Department of Defense and Department of Energy to refer to the capability to keep nuclear weapons safe, secure, and under positive control.

The justification documents note the new requirement to “Construct a 144-bed dormitory to house the increase in enlisted personnel as the result of the potential Surety Mission” [emphasis added]. To justify the new construction, the documents note, “With the influx of airmen due to the arrival of the potential Surety mission and the bed down of the two F-35 squadrons there is a significant deficiency in the amount of unaccompanied housing available for E4s and below at Royal Air Force Lakenheath” [emphasis added].

Increasing Evidence that the US Air Force’s Nuclear Mission May Be Returning to UK Soil


Of course we don’t hear a peep out of faux opposition cheerleader Kier Starmer, he’s far too busy kissing US arse, licking CIA boots and promoting conflict on behalf of global fascism.

Keir Starmer joined secretive CIA-linked group while serving in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet

Starmer served on the Trilateral Commission alongside two former heads of the CIA without telling Jeremy Corbyn—who would have blocked it, Declassified can reveal.

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former commander of Britain and Nato’s Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Regiment, said that the facility appeared to be a nuclear warhead store.

“In this case, a surety dormitory is a bunker used to house nuclear missiles and warheads. It needs to be hardened and a secure place – if the Russians wanted to drop a bomb on them it wouldn’t create a nuclear accident,” he told The Telegraph.   https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/08/29/united-states-britain-nuclear-weapons-raf-lakenheath/

What Soaking Up Russian Missile Inventory To Save The US Homeland Means To You !

Reviewer: MalcFfavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – June 25, 2023
Subject: Horrific reality of Nuclear war

Threads, filmed in Sheffield (my home city) in 1984 presents a warts and all view of the horrors of nuclear war and its aftermath.
Writer Barry Hines and director Mick Jackson deserve recognition for coming up with this movie. If you’re not yet awake to the insanity of nuclear conflict, you will be after watching this movie.
I first saw this movie back in the 80’s when I was in my 20’s. I watched it again today (June 2023) and it still packs a mean punch in the guts.
Most nuclear war movies leave you with a glimmer of hope for the future, but Threads doesn’t. It is raw and real and not for the faint hearted. It should be compulsory viewing for everyone, particularly those who believe that an all out nuclear war can have winners.





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