Posts Tagged ‘obsession’

Edward Curtin – The Immense Hunger: US-Israel Joint Obsession to Obliterate the World By Edward Curtin Global Research, April 19, 2024 Region: Middle East & North Africa, USA Theme: Law and Justice In-depth Report: PALESTINE  3 0  8 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the  … Read the rest Source

Haley calls ‘obsession’ over Taylor Swift conspiracy theory ‘bizarre’

Haley calls ‘obsession’ over Taylor Swift conspiracy theory ‘bizarre’ lead image Source

The Search for Z: Colonel Percy Fawcett’s Obsession with the Golden City (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

The Best Gifts for Aquarius, Other Than Another Fleeting Obsession

Think of Aquarius Season as a chaser for hard-assed Capricorn Season. That isn’t to say that these air signs aren’t ambitious, too, but they operate on a more eclectic intellectual vibration; famous real-life Aquarians include Yoko Ono, Angela Davis, and Julia Fox; unofficial Aquarians include Jules from Euphoria, Janice from The Muppet Show, and that […]

The Elite’s Obsession With Achieving Total Financial Control

Federal bureaucrats use proxies to stifle all kinds of activities they don’t like. The “Twitter Files” are revealing this tactic to a new wave of Americans, but it has been around a long time. Source

ADL’s Schwartza Obsession

ADL’s Schwartza Obsession November 21, 2022 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More! The Advancing Battle For Twitter Here! ADL’s Depraved Books For Children Here! ADL’s Hate Symbols In Reverse Here! +BN Classics! War On White Christians Here! Black Lives Matter-Who Benefits? Here! The Jews Behind Michael Jackson’s Life And Death Here! Requiem For The Republic Here! […]

South Korea Slams North’s ‘Obsession’ With Nukes After 4th Missile Test In A Week

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol warned of an “overwhelming response” from South Korean and U.S. militaries should nuclear weapons be used. Source

The Mysteries of Machu Picchu and Archaeological Obsession

Hidden away within the Andes, 2,430 meters (7,972 ft) above sea level, the Inca site of Machu Picchu near Cusco in Peru is often referred to as the lost city of the Incas. These days you couldn’t claim it’s still lost. With over one and a half million tourists visiting in 2018 (pre-pandemic), it is […]

Rand Paul: Thousands Dying Every Month Because Of Fauci’s Obsession With Pushing Vaccines

New figures out of England show that 65% of people described as ‘COVID patients’ only tested positive for COVID after being admitted to hospital for something else. Citing official government statistics, the numbers are contained in a report by MailOnline’s Senior Health Reporter. “In the two weeks to December 21, hospitals in England recorded 563 […]

Bill Gates’ Obsession With Abortion, Contraception & Population Control Started With His Father

Bill Gates has an obsession with funding abortion, contraception and population control projects in developing nations. However, not many are aware that it was his father who inspired him to carry out the depopulation agenda. In 2003, Bill Moyers, an American journalist, asked Bill Gates a question. Moyers wanted to know why he was so interested in […]

The U.S. Has an Unhealthy Obsession With Cuba

Photograph: Yander Zamora / EFE The piggy bank was rattled again. In September 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) gave $6,669,000 in grants for projects aimed at “regime change” in Cuba, a euphemism to avoid saying “direct intervention by a foreign power.” The United States’ current Democratic administration has especially favored the International Republican […]

Chris Hedges, Alan MacLeod on Media Bias and the Christian Right’s Obsession with Israel

By Mnar Muhawesh Adley Chris Hedges and Alan Macloed join MintCast to talk about Israel, Christian Zionism, and media bias. [embedded content] mages from the Israeli onslaught against Palestine have dominated both news broadcasts and social media as the world expresses its outrage over the bombing of civilian targets. While the latest violence was triggered […]

Age-Old Obsession with Planet Mars Culminates in Multiple Missions

In an extraordinary confluence of events, three nations from three separate regions of the globe—the United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates —launched spacecraft headed for planet Mars within a 12-day period in July 2020. Earth and Mars were aligned perfectly for a complication-free trip during this window, and consequently the UAE’s orbiter probe […]

Spokesman derides outgoing Pompeo’s obsession with Iran

TEHRAN – Iran’s Foreign Ministry has reacted to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s obsession with Iran, saying the U.S. regime is responsible for coups and wars against regional countries. “The outgoing Mr. #WeLiedCheatedStole is obsessing with Iran again,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh wrote in a tweet on Saturday. Khatibzadeh was making a reference […]

Jay Leno: Anti-Trump Obsession Has Made Late-Night TV Sh*t

Jay Leno has slammed Hollywood over its anti-Trump coverage, claiming late-night chat shows have become “utterly sh*t.” In an interview released Wednesday, Leno told The Hollywood Reporter that late-night hosts are making audiences depressed, instead of making them laugh. From The Hollywood Reporter: THR: What do you think of how late-night has evolved to cover […]

UK Cop’s Obsession With ‘Breaking Bad’ Lands Him Behind Bars

London – A police patrolman who ‘revelled’ in his double life as head of a cannabis gang was behind bars on Tuesday night. PC Daniel Aimson was said to have been obsessed with TV drama Breaking Bad, in which a chemistry teacher turns to manufacturing drugs in a makeshift laboratory. University graduate Aimson, 36, even […]

George W. Bush Slams America’s Obsession With “Conspiracy Theories,” Bashes Trump

George W. Bush – who peddled the most harmful conspiracy theory of modern times when he asserted Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, is today decrying America’s obsession with conspiracy theories. Oh, the irony. “Discontent deepened and sharpened partisan conflicts,” the former President said during a speech for the George W. Bush Institute. “Bigotry seems […]

The Media’s Odd Obsession With Perseverance Porn

You’ve seen or heard or read the personal interest story a thousand times: An enterprising seven-year-old collects cans to save for college, a man with unmatched moxie walks 15 miles to his job, a low-wage worker buys shoes for a kid whose mother can’t afford them, an “inspiring teen” goes right back to work after […]

The Russian Obsession Goes Back Decades

The Russian Obsession Goes Back Decades By Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation, Just consider the accusations that have been leveled at the president: He has betrayed the Constitution, which he swore to uphold. He has committed treason by befriending Russia and other enemies of America. He has subjugated Americas […]

Trump’s North Korean Obsession

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