Posts Tagged ‘schwartza’

Schwartza Lloyd Austin Declares War From Bedpan

Schwartza Lloyd Austin Declares War From Bedpan The optics don’t look so hot. “Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered strikes on Yemen from his hospital bed using a full suite of secure communications,” per CNN. You can’t make this stuff up. At bottom, the Schwartza ‘blasted away’ while soiling his bedpan. Rectify all of this with […]

ADL’s Schwartza Obsession

ADL’s Schwartza Obsession November 21, 2022 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More! The Advancing Battle For Twitter Here! ADL’s Depraved Books For Children Here! ADL’s Hate Symbols In Reverse Here! +BN Classics! War On White Christians Here! Black Lives Matter-Who Benefits? Here! The Jews Behind Michael Jackson’s Life And Death Here! Requiem For The Republic Here! […]

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