Posts Tagged ‘geoterrorists’

NWO Geoterrorists Slam An Apocalyptic Frankenstorm Into Southern California—WHY NOW?

Don’t you love how the NWO geoengineers name their cataclysmic acts of geoterrorism after things like the “Pineapple Express”? SOTN Editor’s Note: There are actually several reasons why the New World Order globalist cabal has been aiming their most powerful weather weapons at the United States for many years now.  Not only is each geoengineered […]

SMOKE & MIRRORS: NWO Geoterrorists, Pyroterrorists and Ecoterrorists working overtime to stage OPERATION TORCH CANADA so that the American audience will stay fully captivated by the dramatic Climate Change show.

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Here’s why the Pentagon geoterrorists just aimed their most powerful tectonic weaponry at Turkey.

By Peter Koenig Global Research Excerpt taken from Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Is This An Act of Terror? 1. Turkey has entered an alliance with Russia – which for a NATO-member is like “sleeping with the enemy”. (Michel Chossudovsky) See this and this. Such a partnership with a NATO enemy is indeed an absolute no-go for the west. Under this alliance, Turkey […]

NWO Geoterrorists Targeting California With Serious Weather Warfare


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