Posts Tagged ‘backpedals’

The Media Slowly Backpedals

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Early in my legal career, I handled many one-day trials. Late one afternoon, I returned to my office. Still wearing my suit and carrying my briefcase, I passed the open office door of a senior colleague named Ben. He called out to me, “How’d you do today?” I stood in […]

Moderna Backpedals, Promises ‘Free’ Covid Shots After Demand For mRNA Vaccines Plummets

In January Moderna announced plans to charge consumers between $110 and $130 per dose of Covid-19 vaccine when the US government stops buying shots. However, the Big Pharma giant has been forced into a humiliating […] The post Moderna Backpedals, Promises ‘Free’ Covid Shots After Demand For mRNA Vaccines Plummets appeared first on News Punch. […]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Backpedals After Azov Surrender

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the gay porn actor turned crisis actor in chief who cheerleads for World War 3, is backpedaling after a recent surrender by his neo-Nazi forces, the Azov battalion.

WHO Backpedals on COVID-19 Scam as Criminal , Civil Charges Filed

WHO backpedals on Covid-19 scam as criminal, civil charges filedOCTOBER 12, 2020 AT 8:00 AMWeekly Geo-Political News and Analysis  /  Benjamin Fulford Benjamin Fulford The WHO has suddenly backpedaled on the Covid-19 scam, as criminal and civil charges are filed against their leadership. This is part of an autumn offensive by the White Hats in the ongoing […]

US diplomats say Western Wall is in West Bank, and Nikki Haley backpedals

We Israelis love walls. They can be so tall, provide us with a sense of security (who cares if it’s real or not), and serve as a manifestation for that blindness to the ‘others’. Whatever you do, don’t take our walls from us. But lo and behold, those American Consulate diplomats, they took our Western […]

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