Posts Tagged ‘reflections’

Reflections on the German state’s silencing of the Berlin Palestine Congress

The German state’s repression of the Palestine Congress in Berlin and its persecution of Palestine solidarity activists is a sign of the creeping resurgence of fascism in Germany. Source

Reflections on Brownstone’s Retreat

My mind “hurts.” I just got back from the Brownstone Institute’s Retreat in Avon, Connecticut, February 22-25, 2024. Thirty-five people from a diverse mix of backgrounds and professions were invited to participate in two and a half days of presentations, brainstorming, and discussions about some of the most critical issues facing America. The central rule […]

Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview

Tucker Carlson has conducted a brilliant interview with biologist and podcaster Bret Weinstein, who has been on the Covid case for a very long time. Weinstein speaks with erudition, expertise, and great precision about a number of features of the Covid response. Mercifully, Tucker lets him speak. I urge you to take an hour and […]

Reflections on Brownstone’s Conference 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The 2023 Brownstone Conference and Gala was truly an uplifting experience, with so many individuals from very different backgrounds and belief systems gathering for the noble cause of battling for the truth against those who have pushed an agenda of fear and lies beginning in 2020. During the panel on […]

Reflections on a Decade: when a youth movement attempted to redefine Palestinian politics

Mariam Barghouti introduces Mondoweiss’ Reflections on a Decade series, a collection of personal narratives by Palestinians who participated in a youth movement that attempted to redefine Palestinian politics in the wake of the Arab uprisings. Source

Reflections on the 4th of July

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” ― G. Michael Hopf 1 – From bondage to spiritual faith; 2 – from spiritual faith to great courage; 3 – from courage to liberty; 4 – from liberty to abundance; 5 – from […]

Oscillating between Ephemeral Life and Social Science Research: Reflections of a Pandemic

Courtesy : DOMINIC XAVIER / The corona virus has brought the entire humanity to a standstill. It has pushed the world to the domains of uncertainty and perplexity, making us question the inherent mystery of existence itself. While those who succumbed to the pandemic, their existence became statistics, but for the vast majority of […]

The Artist in Contemporary India: Reflections

[embedded content] I watched Vir Das’ performance with a sense of awe. His words were pure poetry, poignant and powerful. He had chosen each word carefully, with precision and perfection in every word, the essence of those words deeply disturbing yet patriotic. The video was equally communicative, and the loud applause followed by an eery […]

Reflections on Events in Afghanistan

The Taliban fighters posing for family photo and relaxing in the Presidential Palace, Kabul, Afghanistan, Aug 15, 2021 Afghan ambassador to Washington Ms. Adela Raz said that President Ghani and his cronies simply emptied the Afghan Treasury and left with the loot…India’s policymakers couldn’t have been unaware that a cabal was ruling Afghanistan but deliberately […]

PATCO Strike: Reflections On An Ominous Anniversary

Above Photo: Members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization picket outside a Federal Aviation Administration air route control facility in Leesburg, Virginia, on Aug. 5, 1981. Budd Gray/AP Photo. This week marks the 40th anniversary of an illegal strike by the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) that was decisively broken by President Ronald Reagan.  […]

The Rituals of War: Reflections on Israel and Gaza

Maybe it’s because my wife is a therapist. Or maybe it’s because my favorite religious literature is the writings of Hasidic masters. Both psychology and Hasidic thought aim to understand how our inner thoughts and impulses drive our perceptions of the world. Both recognize that the human soul carries within it many unknowns that create […]

Behind the blockade: reflections from a medical delegation to Gaza

In early March 2020, I was privileged to join a ten-person medical delegation to Gaza organized by the Washington state chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility.  Several among our group have long histories and deep personal ties with Gaza, which has been subjected to a harsh Israeli blockade for fourteen years.  The staff of our […]

Some reflections on the International Criminal Court decision on its territorial jurisdiction in Palestine

It is an understatement to say that the decision of the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court on the opening of an investigation in the situation of Palestine was awaited, given that the process of bringing before the ICC the examination of international crimes committed on Palestinian territory, in the context of the Israeli […]

What is to be done: reflections on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Gaza has been under a hermetic, medieval blockade for almost 14 years now since 2006. In that year, a fact-finding mission headed by anti-apartheid activist and Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu was denied entry to Gaza to investigate the Beit Hanoun massacre where Israel killed 19 civilians, including women and children, in a single airstrike. At […]

Reflections of a Retiring President

November 26, 2020 by   Read on for article New technology caters for a JCA President retiring in the middle of a pandemic…writes Stephen Chipkin. Stephen Chipkin addressing the JCA 2019 annual fundraising event The camera Zooms out and the screen fades to black. The easiest exit of all. Being an untitled member of the […]

Six Reflections On The Abolitionist Strike At The University Of Michigan

Above photo: Members of GEO and other University of Michigan students protested and marched in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Friday, Sept. 11. Sahil Kumar. In this piece, an anonymous abolitionist in so-called Ann Arbor presents six reflections on the fallout of the GEO 3550 Strike at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. After a week and a […]

Reflections On The Law

Reflections On The Law “There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity – the law of nature and of nations”.  “I wish the country to be governed by law, not by lawyers.” Edmund Burke 1729 – 1797 We […]

Nefesh Yehudi – Reflections On The Jewish Soul

The article below is a slightly edited version of a post published on my now-defunct blog in December 2014. Nefesh Yehudi – Reflections on The Jewish Soul כל עוד בלבב פנימהKol-‘od balevav penimahAs long as in the heart, withinנפש יהודי הומיה,Nefesh yehudi homiyahA Jewish soul still yearnsולפאתי מזרח קדימה,Ul(e)fa’atei mizrach kadimah,And onward, towards the […]

Passionate Drama and Sinister Tensions: Some reflections on Nicolas Flagello around his 90th birthday

Christoph Schlüren (nsnbc) : Born in New York City on 15 March 1928, the Italo-American composer and conductor Nicolas Flagello would have celebrated his […]

Reflections on Bettina Bien Greaves

Reflections on Bettina Bien Greaves By ns_admin I wanted to follow up on Dr. Pauls comments with my own memories of Bettina Bien Greaves. I met Mrs. Greaves in 1988 at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) seminar. Mrs. Greaves gave one of the opening lectures and I was fascinated by her overview of the […]

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