Posts Tagged ‘advocacy’

Biden memos show Palestine advocacy is working

Two recent presidential orders show the Biden administration is feeling the heat from months of protests against his support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Source

Stop the suppression of Palestine advocacy across Big Ten Universities

Palestinian rights advocacy is being regularly demonized and criminalized across each Big Ten University. We reject this suppression and will continue holding our universities accountable for their complicity in the Palestinian genocide.  Source

US Supreme Court upholds free speech in Palestinian rights advocacy case

Does the high court’s decision mark a significant moment for free speech and Palestinian rights advocacy in the U.S.? Source

Maryland lawmakers threaten leading immigrant advocacy group for urging Gaza ceasefire

The retribution from state lawmakers was swift and severe after Gustavo Torres, the executive director of CASA de Maryland, posted a tweet and statement on November 6, calling out Israel’s “terror” against Gaza and urging a ceasefire. Outrage and threats rained down from donors and politicians against the largest immigrant rights group in the Mid-Atlantic […]

How the IHRA definition of antisemitism is chilling Palestine advocacy in Europe

A new report from the European Legal Support Center shows how the IHRA working definition of antisemitism is used to suppress Palestinian rights activism and silence criticism of Israel. Source

Consumer Advocacy Group Releases Report Warning Congress About Dangers of ESG Investing

Consumers’ Research, an advocacy group, sent a letter and an extensive report this week to Congressional leaders, explaining the inner workings of environmental, social, and governance (ESG), which lays out a roadmap to prevent the movement’s growing influence. Source

Discharge Abuse of Injured US Military Troops Claimed by Advocacy Group

By J.M. Phelps November 13, 2022  A member of the U.S. military receives the Moderna coronavirus vaccine at Camp Foster on April 28, 2021 in Ginowan, Japan. (Carl Court/Getty Images) Injured active-duty service members have been subjected to abusive discharge practices by senior leadership, according to an advocacy group, calling it a scarcely documented trend that […]

There are plenty of opportunities for Palestine advocacy following the U.S. midterm elections

Control of Congress remains up in the air following the 2022 U.S. Midterm elections but the outcome still has some interesting implications for Palestine advocacy.  Source

Transgender advocacy group recommends sex swap surgery for 15-year-olds

(The Christian Institute) — Gender confused girls as young as 15 should be allowed to have double mastectomies, a global pro-trans organization has recommended. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (Wpath) is an unofficial group which recommends “standards of care” for transgender people. Other advice includes cross-sex hormones for… Source

Mixed lessons for Palestine advocacy from the Democratic primaries

Two Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania this week were particularly instructive for advocates of Palestinian freedom and rights but carried very different lessons. Source

Andy Manatos Awarded for His Passionate Advocacy of Hellenism

Andy Manatos speaks at the event earlier in December. Credit: GANP/Dimitrios Panagos Hellenic Public Radio – COSMOS FM presented its prestigious Phidippides Award for Passionate Advocacy of Hellenism to Andy Manatos at their 26th annual Gala in New York City on December 2. Previous recipients of this award have included: His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, Senator […]

Pfizer has secret government contracts for COVID vaccines: Advocacy group says company puts profits over public health and reveals seven of its contracts are worth $5BILLION

Advocacy group Public Citizen gained access to several leaked and unredacted contracts between Pfizer and both domestic and foreign governments The company has 73 formalized deals for its COVID-19 vaccine, but only five have been formally published and include redactions Seven unredacted contracts reviewed by Public Citizen are worth more than $5 billion Public Citizen claims […]

Pro-Palestine political advocacy groups are building political power in Washington D.C.

Subscribe: Overcast / Apple / Google / Spotify / Stitcher / TuneIn / Deezer Just a few years ago the idea of a pro-Palestine political action group in Washington D.C. seemed ridiculous. But U.S. politics around Palestine are shifting and a number of political advocacy groups have sprung up recently. The latest grows out of […]

Palestinian advocacy is not ‘terrorism’

Editor’s Note: The following statement was issued on March 22, 2021 by the Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. On February 28, 2021, Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz declared that he was adding the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner […]

Itzhak Perlman, Rep. Jamie Raskin and rabbi call for disability advocacy

When Israeli-American violinist Itzhak Perlman debuted at Carnegie Hall in 1963, he performed while seated — a consequence of the polio that left him unable to walk without leg braces or crutches since age 4. “I got a standing ovation, but The New York Times reviewer wasn’t sure if that was because of the way […]

On JPAC Advocacy for an Improved Ethnic Studies Curriculum

In recent days, several articles have appeared about the proposed Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum in California. Some include inaccuracies and misrepresentations of the plan’s current state and ignore the vital advocacy work that the Jewish Public Affairs Committee (JPAC), the largest single-state alliance of Jewish organizations in the United States, and others accomplished during the […]

Homeless Advocacy Group Occupies Family Hotel, Refuses to Pay Bill

A small family-run hotel already on its knees as a result of the pandemic was suddenly occupied by a homeless advocacy group which booked 16 rooms and then refused to pay the bill. “On Christmas Eve, a homeless advocacy group booked 16 rooms at the Travelodge Motel at 3518 Pacific Hwy. E. and paid for […]

Homosexual Advocacy Group’s ‘Blueprint for Positive Change’ Includes Revoking Religious Exemptions

WASHINGTON — The homosexual advocacy group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a self-titled “Blueprint for Positive Change” document that outlines 85 policy recommendations it would like to see under the Biden administration. Included in the items listed are the revocation of religious exemptions put in place by the Trump administration that protect Christian schools, […]

Open Letter to the U.N. Seeking Advocacy, Education, Regulation of 5G and Other EMF Sources of Radiation

Open Letter to the U.N. Seeking Advocacy, Education, Regulation of 5G and Other EMF Sources of Radiation Activist Post / Activist Post By B.N. Frank Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums on deployment. The majority of scientists worldwide oppose 5G until […]

Persecuting Assange Is A Blow To Reporting And Human Rights Advocacy

Above photo: Chip Gibbons. CounterSpin interview with Chip Gibbons on Assange extradition. Janine Jackson interviewed Defending Rights & Dissent’s Chip Gibbons about Julian Assange’s extradition hearing for the October 9, 2020, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. Janine Jackson: If it were not for a tiny handful of journalists—ShadowProof’s Kevin Gosztola preeminent among them—Americans might be utterly […]

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