Posts Tagged ‘disability’

Woman With Severe Mental Disability Raped by Illegal Migrant at French Psychiatric Hospital

An illegal migrant staying at a psychiatric hospital was arrested for raping a patient with a ‘severe mental deficiency’ last week in France, according to reports. The disturbing incident unfolded on Friday at a facility in Évreux, a commune in the department of Eure. Authorities were called by staffers after they learned a 24-year-old woman […]

Hackers Steal a ‘Very Large’ Batch of Private Data from Australia’s Disability Scheme

Hackers Steal a ‘Very Large’ Batch of Private Data from Australia’s Disability Scheme Medicare and tax file numbers are publicised after the scheme’s client management platform was breached last month. Hackers have obtained and published part of a “very large” batch of medical records and other sensitive information belonging to participants of Australia’s National Disability […]

Hackers Steal a ‘Very Large’ Batch of Private Data from Australia’s Disability Scheme

Hackers Steal a ‘Very Large’ Batch of Private Data from Australia’s Disability Scheme Medicare and tax file numbers are publicised after the scheme’s client management platform was breached last month. Hackers have obtained and published part of a “very large” batch of medical records and other sensitive information belonging to participants of Australia’s National Disability […]

“Neither the wheelchair nor my disability has ever determined who I am” – Teresa Perales

If you’ve followed the Paralympic Games throughout recent years, you would have certainly heard of Teresa Perales, Spain’s most decorated Paralympian with a staggering 27 career medals to her name. From losing the use of her legs at the age of 19 to becoming a swimming legend, Teresa has inspired many along the way and […]

Helping Voters With Visual Disability

How Image text to speech conversion (ITTS) technology can be used to help voters with disability in seeing verify their cast votes Section 11 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, states that the Election Commission of India and the State Election Commissions shall ensure that all polling stations are accessible to persons […]

German police arrest disability hospital worker over deaths of four people

German police have arrested a 51-year-old woman on suspicion of killing four people at a hospital in Potsdam. Authorities were called to the Oberlin clinic in the eastern German city shortly before 21:00 CET on Wednesday. Four people were found dead, and a fifth person seriously injured, in patient wards at the facility, Brandenburg state […]

Jonah Sanderson Overcomes His Disability, Aims to Make Jewish Community More Inclusive

Thirty-two-year-old Jonah Sanderson describes himself like a bottle of his favorite single malt scotch. “When you first put your nose to it, the smell is caramel, shoe leather and tar and you think, ‘This is strange, who would drink this?’ But then you sip it and you get to love it. And that’s who I […]

YULA Boys Student Participates in National Yachad Disability Training

Nearly 40 teens from across the United States met virtually this month to receive training focused on making Jewish communal life more inclusive for individuals with disabilities. Yachad, the Orthodox Union’s (OU) organization for individuals with disabilities, organized the sessions which coincide with Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) celebrated annually in February. After […]

Ruderman foundation ends disability giving, opens void in Jewish inclusion

To many in the Jewish world, the Ruderman Family Foundation is synonymous with efforts to increase inclusion for Jews with disabilities. Based in Boston, but active across the United States and in Israel, the foundation has doled out some $75 million over the past 18 years to support inclusion. Just this month — Jewish Disability […]

Itzhak Perlman, Rep. Jamie Raskin and rabbi call for disability advocacy

When Israeli-American violinist Itzhak Perlman debuted at Carnegie Hall in 1963, he performed while seated — a consequence of the polio that left him unable to walk without leg braces or crutches since age 4. “I got a standing ovation, but The New York Times reviewer wasn’t sure if that was because of the way […]

RespectAbility Launches Jewish Disability Speakers Bureau

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 adults has a physical, sensory, cognitive or mental health disability. Yet, in a 2018 survey, disability awareness and education non-profit RespectAbility determined that fewer than 15 percent of people could name a single Jewish leader with a disability. This is why on […]

Defense Ministry rejects Hebron shooter’s appeal for disability status

The Defense Ministry on Tuesday rejected the request of a former Israeli soldier, convicted of killing an incapacitated Palestinian attacker in 2016, to be recognized as a disabled veteran. The ministry’s rehabilitation branch cited Elor Azaria’s “malicious and severe behavior” in its decision, according to Channel 13 news. The ministry noted Azaria may appeal the […]

Colleges: “Snowflake” Disability Now Gets You More Time on Tests

NOUN …2. derogatory, informal An overly sensitive or easily offended person, or one who believes they are entitled to special treatment on account of their supposedly unique characteristics. — Oxford English Dictionary Is being a snowflake a disability? This is apparently the case at (pseudo)elite U.S. colleges, where up to one in four students […]

ADAPT Holds Annual Fun Run For Disability Rights And Independent Living

ADAPT Holds Annual Fun Run For Disability Rights And Independent Living Above Photo: By Anne Meador Washington, DC–Disability rights organization ADAPT held its 13th annual Fun Run in Spirit of Justice Park near the U.S. Capitol on Mother’s Day. Several hundred people took part in the event, which kicked off its Week of Action in […]

Add 7 disability-free years to your life by simply practicing healthy lifestyle habits

(Natural News) It looks like its time to get up from the couch, turn off the TV, and put on your running shoes. Aside from making you fit and strong, a study has confirmed that living a healthy lifestyle can also help add seven disability-free years to your life. The results of […]

Disabled Man Lives On Disability Checks, Learns How Much Family Heirloom Is Worth

People have a tendency to collect things. Whether it’s items of sentimental value, little knick-knacks, or simply small things we find fascinating, humans can collect and store things to the point where they don’t even realize their true worth. That’s what happened to a man named L.T. who collected a valuable treasure years ago and […]

Thank Disability Rights Activists, Not John McCain For Defeat Of Trumpcare

Protesters supporting people with disabilities gather outside the White House in Washington, May 15, 2017. (AP/Susan Walsh) Following the Senate’s vote on Friday that dealt a crushing blow to the GOP’s hopes of repealing Obamacare, major media outlets, Democratic lawmakers, and high-profile pundits singled out Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) vote against the so-called “skinny repeal” measure as the […]

Theresa May’s Cleavage Sparks Debate On Budget Day

The dress worn by Home Secretary Theresa May during the 2016 budget in Parliament on Wednesday has caused a debate. Observers of George Osborne’s 2016 budget were distracted by the appearance of the Home Secretary sitting next to the Chancellor in a cleavage-boosting red outfit. The Mirror reports: As George Osborne ploughed through the budget, […]

Is Cameron a Chamberlain pretending to be a Churchill? – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]


Related front page panorama photo credit: US House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi Hearing (BENGHAZI.HOUSE.GOV). Montage including images of President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and others walking towards the podium during the transfer of remains ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. CIA Director David Petraeus testifying before […]

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