Posts Tagged ‘packard’

From Pioneer To Fallen Giant: How Hewlett Packard’s Long List Of Failed Acquisitions Cost Its Reputation

Part 1 – Billion dollar bungles In February, The Sunday Times interviewed the CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Antonio Neri. The story highlights that HPE, once a Silicon Valley pioneer, is now a fallen giant, completely eclipsed by the likes of Google, Amazon and Meta. Hewlett Packard was one of the very first Palo Alto […]

Wells Fargo, Target, CitiBank, Hewlett-Packard Sponsor Child Drag Performances

Wells Fargo, Target, Hewlett-Packard, and CitiBank are sponsoring an event in Boise, Idaho, that will feature child drag performers. 

City of Cambridge should stand up for Palestine and dump Hewlett Packard

The City of Cambridge, Massachusetts has the chance to take action against Israeli violence and oppression at its upcoming City Council meeting Monday May 24th. At issue is a policy order re-introduced by Councilor Quinton Zondervan. Policy Order #109 would direct the City Manager to “identify any companies that are in violation of Cambridge’s policy […]

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