Jews Claim Oliver Cromwell Wanted Jews Readmitted To England To Convert Them And Hasten The Second Coming Of Christ

Jews had been expelled from England and Wales in 1290 by Edward I, the culmination of decades of prejudice and hate. A small Jewish presence came and went over the following centuries: merchants and traders in the City of London, a tiny outpost in the port of Bristol, but they would not reside legally for more than 350 years.

Cromwell’s desire to see the return of Jews to England was not humanitarian but theological. According to the millenarian worldview of Cromwell and his circle, the mission of the English, an elect nation, was to convert the Jews, another chosen people, to Protestant Christianity and, in doing so, bring Christ’s return ever closer.

The Reformation had led to a renewed interest in Judaism among Protestants. One passage from the book of Romans — and all Israel shall be saved” — inspired a great deal of speculative scholarship. Many of England’s radical sects identified with Jews, a people who had, like them, suffered persecution and exile. And it was in England — “the only place”, in Cromwell’s words, “where religion was taught in its full purity” — that Jews would be most likely to convert to Christianity, the prerequisite of Christ’s second coming.

In 1649, soon after the execution of Charles I, Cromwell wrote to a fellow cavalry officer, Robert Hammond: “I have waited for the day to see union and right understanding between the godly people.” Cromwell then listed those who came under this banner: “Scots, English, Jews, Gentiles, Presbyterians, Independents, Anabaptists, and all.” It is a capacious list, at least by the standards of mid-17th-century Europe, then emerging from the sectarian slaughter of the Thirty Years’ War.

Cromwell’s unlikely ally, Menasseh ben Israel, born in Lisbon in 1604, had fled the persecutions of the Inquisition to settle in Amsterdam. In his early twenties, he established a printing press. Increasingly wealthy and influential, he became preoccupied with finding a haven for Jews enduring a new round of persecution in Eastern Europe. In 1650, he published his own work, “Hope of Israel” in Latin, English and Spanish…

…Menasseh came to England himself in September 1655….He was welcomed by Cromwell, who offered him rooms on the Strand, near the centre of government in Whitehall. A fortnight after his arrival, Cromwell took a petition from him to his Council of State, in which he sought “graces and favours by which the re-admission of the Jews should be effected”.

England, in its efforts to teach the true religion, would be the land most able to reveal the true faith to Jews. Cromwell was especially well disposed to such a request because of the help given to his regime by another Jew, Simon de Caceres, who had helped the Protectorate salvage something — Jamaica — from the failed invasion of the Spanish-held island of Hispaniola

…[However] much of the clergy maintained its opposition to readmission, so Cromwell introduced Hugh Peters to the fray, a fierce Puritan divine who had argued for the readmission of Jews as early as 1643. His arguments emphasized a shared patriarchal descent, a common humanity and the suitability of England as a base for conversion

The most significant opposition came from merchants fearful of competition from the business skills, experience and networks of Jewish traders. According to Jessey, City merchants claimed that “such an inlet would… enrich Foreigners, and impoverish English Merchants”…

…The Admiral Commissioner expressed a widespread sentiment when he asked “whether a nation shall be suffered by a law to live among us to blaspheme Christ”. Even so, observers, including Royalist opposition, thought Cromwell would eventually get his way. The Jews, one Royalist newsletter wrote, “will be admitted by way of conniving, though the generality oppose”.

Crucially, there was a legal ruling that, because of the use of the royal prerogative in 1290, no law existed that forbade the return of Jews into England. Cromwell, insistent again, asked “if it be lawful, then upon what terms is it meet to receive them?”

…Menasseh died on November 20, 1657 at Middelburg, where he had returned to bury his son Samuel. Cromwell died on September 3, 1658 and there were concerns among the Jewish community at the death of the Protector — their protector.

A petition against the Jews was raised, predictably, by the City of London Corporation in 1660 soon after the Restoration of Charles II. But Jews were to be beneficiaries of a continuity between the Protectorate and the Restoration. Charles had been aided by Jewish bankers during his exile and he preserved the Cromwellian policy. “They may enjoy the same favour as before”, he proclaimed, “as long as they demean themselves peacefully and obey the laws.” It was a rare and welcome moment of accord between Cavalier and Roundhead.

Reading between the lines, both Oliver Cromwell and Charles II were beholden to wealthy Jews whose money financed their rise to power.

And now for the story behind the story — how the Freemason Oliver Cromwell cynically used these religious appeals to grant his Amsterdam-based Jewish backers readmission to England so that they could take over the English markets and ultimately establish the privately-owned Bank of England:

It’s worth noting that Phil Young is, in fact, an Identity Christian who has produced numerous videos on the connection between the “lost” tribes of Israel and Anglo-Saxon Europeans.

Here we provide a transcription of Young’s video on The English Revolution — and the judeo-Freemasonic machinations behind the scenes.

For clarity, we have included some [parenthetical notes] found in the comments section for this video — along with some highlighted hyperlinks for some background information:

“In 1492 Columbus captured 500 Native American slaves, but they were no good at working, so Africans became popular.

It was Marrano Jews from Portugal who were the first to begin transporting African slaves to Brazil in 1526.

First they were sold to plantations in Brazil that produced coffee, sugar, tobacco, and cotton for sale at European ports.

Aside from commodities — gold and silver were also mined and brought back to Europe, creating a new rich class.

The European ports the slave ships came from were Portuguese, British, French, Spanish and Dutch.

In London, the supply of Third World goods created a new prosperous merchant class which practiced Freemasonry in places like the Goose and Gridiron and met at St. Paul’s Churchyard, City of London.

The invisible Masonic Arm guiding Oliver Cromwell was Jewish-controlled anti-Christian Rosicrucian Freemasonry.

Cromwell used to meet at a Masonic Lodge called the Crown. The Rosicrucians made it the most powerful Lodge in London.

The Levellers were an opposition Masonic sect whose symbol was the compass and square.

These Levellers were English Knights Templar Royalists who were later the last men standing in the Rump Parliament.

Oliver Cromwell lived from April 1599 to September 1658. He was Lord Protector of the Commonwealth from 16 December 1653 to 3 September 1658.

In 1642, Civil War began in England between King Charles I and Oliver Cromwell’s new Army of Roundheads.

Oliver Cromwell’s road to executing Charles I began by dismissing three-quarters of the English Parliament — the Presbyterians. Next Cromwell dismissed those who accepted the concessions which Charles I made with Parliament.

It is difficult to see why some historians today call Cromwell a “Puritan” when in truth he was a Rosicrucian Zionist Freemason who met at the Crown Lodge in London.

8 years after St. Ignatius Day Massacre in 1641 in Dublin in 1649-50, Cromwell arrived for the Irish Campaign — and at Drogheda Cromwell’s troops massacred 3,500 Catholics.

Cromwell created the Protestant Northern Ireland we see today. Dublin’s Orangemen order was named after William of Orange. Freemasons and Rosicrucians have pro-Jewish Zionist ideals just like the Knights Templars.

There was division between Cromwell’s Zionist Rosicrucians and the Royalist Templar Freemasons in the City of London.

Stuart Freemasonry became known as Jacobite Freemasonry until 1688 when it became known as Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

[YT Note: “Among the Freemasons there were once two groups the white Lodges (white people) and Red Lodges (Jewish Lodges). Today most Lodges are Red Lodges since Adam Weishaupt infiltrated the white Lodge with Grand Orient Zionist pro Jewish Freemasonry. WW II saw the Red Lodge in London overpower the White Lodge in Germany. Read “Pawns in the Game.” The other book to read is Occult Theocracy.” End Note.]

Oliver Cromwell’s “New Army” was made up of some locals plus some German mercenaries first brought in on ships by the Marrano Jews from Lisbon and Copenhagen for revolution in England, then later in France.

In return for the Jews helping Cromwell both financially and militarily, he would help them rebuild Solomon’s Temple — a promise he was unable to keep, so he was not the Messiah after all.

Certain foreign merchants joined Cromwell’s Crown Lodge in the City of London — Rosicrucians in particular. Cambridge University was a support stronghold for Cromwell.

After Cromwell had captured Charles I, no lawyer in London would help him draw up the false and fictitious charges of treason against Parliament.

Fernandez Carvajal was the Marrano Jew from Portugal who equipped and paid for the mercenary Roundhead soldiers.

Fernandez Carvajal utilized his Rosicrucian network to employ lawyer Ebenezer Pratt from Mulheim, Germany.

Oliver Cromwell’s letter to Ebenezer Pratt was found in the Synagogue at Mulheim, Germany — dated 16th of June, 1647.

Cromwell’s letter said, “In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews. But this is impossible while Charles still alive….

After Charles I was beheaded, Rabbi Mannaseh ben Israel petitioned Cromwell to allow Jews back into England.

So Cromwell appointed an assembly of lawyers and divine to consider the petition — and they came back in favor.

[YT Note: “It was actually Charles II who at last legally readmitted Jews in 1664. Charles II was thankful for the support some Jews in Holland had given to him. Cromwell had yet to legally readmit Jews by the time of his death (although he wanted to but hadn’t been able to because English merchants regarded Jews as competition and were opposed to it). Cromwell knew there were already Jews passing of Catholics from Spain in England though. For instance, when England went to war to Spain the Spanish merchants were to be kicked out as ‘enemy aliens’, but some admitted to being Jews and were granted permission to stay so it was known that Jews lived in England, but didn’t practice their religion openly.

“The expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal at the end of the fifteenth century had made England a place of refuge for a number of their former Jewish inhabitants, known as Marranos, who formed private colonies in London, Dover and York. They passed of course for “Spaniards” or “Portuguese” — and used on occasion to attend the Catholic Ambassadorial chapels by way of disguise. So long as they did not parade their Jewish religion, the Marranos were left in peace.”

“A man of superb and florid personality, Carvajo was known as “the Great Jew”; he rode fine horses, collected armour. In 1645 he was denounced by an informer for not attending a Protestant church, but was defended by the leading merchants of the day, as a result of which the House of Lords quashed the proceedings.” End Note.]

In December 1655 the legal prohibition of Jews was removed — and 11 years later in 1666, the Great Fire of London happened.

[YT Note: “In 1664 the Jews were readmitted by Charles II and they celebrated by burning the commercial center of London down in 1666 thereby wiping out most of the opposition in the City. So Abraham Israel Fernandez Carvajal, was 59 after settling in London around 1632 at the age of 42. A Marrano Jew posing as a Portugese Catholic Merchant came originally from Lisbon Portugal and for a time in France. Mr Carvajal is called the First English Jew or the Great Jew – who with a group of 20 fellow Marrano families – had gained their wealth from the slave trade between Africa and the Americas – then took over London and Great Britain. By 1694 these Jewish families had established East India and Dutch India Companies and by 1694 the Bank of England.” End Note.]

Edith Starr Millar in “Occult Theocracy” explained how anti-Jewish sentiment grew after the execution of Charles I.

Anabaptists denounced Cromwell as the Apocalypse Beast because of the messianic way he presented himself to Jews.

Jews were blamed for Charles’ execution and the plague — as well as deliberately setting London on fire in 1666.

The commercial center of London was almost wiped out, but strategically Westminster, the political heart, was saved.

After Cromwell had dethroned the Stuart monarchy, he dissolved Crown-protected monopolies, like British East India Co.

For three years the British East India Company did not exist as a Chartered corporation.

But in October 1657, Cromwell was short of capital for his new government, so he granted a new charter for financial aid.

[Because] everything wrong was blamed on the newly admitted Jews, support for Cromwell’s government dissipated.

But when the Cromwell’s faltered, the Rosicrucians and Jews quickly jumped aboard the Levellers’ Stuart king “ship”.

Now the Rosicrucians and Jews even supported the return of the Stuart Templar King Charles II to sit on the throne.

They became aligned to the Royalists, and after Cromwell was out, restored Charles II to the throne of England.

After Cromwell died, some Londoners stole his bones from Westminster Abby and chopped off his skeleton’s head.

And before the Glorious Revolution of 1688 took place, the Levellers had put Charles II, a Stuart king, back on the throne.

And after the English Revolution, Freemasonry and guilds became the way to do business and were in all walks of life.

Charles II, King for 1660 to 1685. After he died, there were no more Stuart kings — and William of Orange, a Dutch Rosicrucian, became King of England, i.e., a Dutch foreigner.

In 1694 the English government received 1.25 million pounds raised from Jewish moneychangers — and in return, subscribers are given the Bank of England charter to issue government bonds.

After the Bank of England has been formed, England was plunged into years of costly wars.

The Bank of England is still privately owned by Jewish bankers today, as this plaque outside the banks says, “The Bank of England was founded in 1694 as a private company and now exercising the functions of a State Bank.”

And so with the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 began the expansion of the British Commonwealth because Jewish money was pouring into London at that time — and it expanded as Far East as India where the Hole of Calcutta took place — and also to China with the Opium Wars.


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