Posts Tagged ‘generated’

AI Generated low quality content, the new normal?

We’ve come to a new age, where A.I. generated ‘content’ will saturate the internet. The worst part about it that it’s absolute garbage, low quality and low value to the user. It’s bad enough that Google has screwed the internet, where approximately 60% of one’s traffic now is ‘advertising’ material, we the ‘consumers’ or products […]

Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!

What do you get when you mix AI-generated nonsense with AI-driven peer review? A story that undermines the Trust The Science! injunction of the technocratic tyrants once and for all, that’s what! Source

Big Media spamming Google with AI-generated fake reviews and other garbage to deceive you and steal your money

(NaturalNews) Pretty much everything that turns up in a Google Search nowadays is bogus thanks to Big Media’s collusive efforts to populate the entire internet… Source

World’s democracies threatened by disinformation generated by artificial intelligence

AI is a critical arena in which democracy is being challenged. Source

Adobe Is Selling AI-Generated Images of Violence in Gaza and Israel

Adobe is selling AI-generated images showing fake scenes depicting bombardment of cities in both Gaza and Israel. Some are photorealistic, others are obviously computer-made, and at least one has already begun circulating online, passed off as a real image. As first reported by Australian news outlet Crikey, the photo is labeled “conflict between Israel and […]

Meta’s Deranged AI-Generated Stickers Include Waluigi with a Gun, Child Soldiers, Naked People

Meta has started slowly rolling out its new AI-generated stickers for Messenger, and the results so far are totally unhinged.  The company, which owns Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, announced that it would be introducing AI tools to Messenger last week, starting with a limited rollout in the US. On Tuesday night, examples of the kinds […]

AI-Generated ‘Subliminal Messages’ Are Going Viral. Here’s What’s Really Going On

Every week, the social media hype-train seems to find new ways to sensationalize generative AI tools. Most recently, a new technique that allows users to produce optical illusions went viral, with some describing the results as AI-generated images with “subliminal” messages.  The technique, called ControlNet, essentially lets users have more control over the generated image […]

AI-generated ads and addicting psychiatric medications make for a “deadly cocktail”

(NaturalNews) The mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) recently warned about the potential dangers of targeted marketing and… Source

Viral AI-Generated Drake Song ‘Heart on My Sleeve’ Removed from Spotify

This week, the world was introduced to the first AI-generated viral hit by a mysterious sheet-wearing producer who goes by Ghostwriter. But just as quickly as “Heart on My Sleeve” took off, it was wiped from Spotify after rightsholder Universal Music Group expressed its displeasure.  Ghostwriter used AI to create vocal realistic clips that sound […]

Moldova threatened by ‘hybrid warfare generated by Russia’ to destabilise government

Moldova does not currently face “imminent military danger”, but is subject to “hybrid warfare generated by Russia” in a bid to “overthrow state power”, according to its defence minister Anatolie Nosatii. On the border with Ukraine, and cheek-to-cheek with Russian-controlled breakaway region, Transnistria, Moldova is in a precarious geographical and political position within Europe. One […]

Thousands of People Can’t Stop Watching AI-Generated Sitcom ‘Nothing, Forever’ 

Thousands of people at a time are watching “Nothing, Forever,” an AI-generated and nonsensical version of “Seinfeld” that streams perpetually on Twitch. When Motherboard reported on the show on Tuesday, the Twitch account that the show runs on, @watchmeforever, only had around a hundred followers and sixteen viewers. By Thursday morning, the channel rose to […]

OpenAI Can’t Detect Its Own ChatGPT-Generated Text Most of the Time

In response to the growing concern from educators over ChatGPT’s ability to help students cheat, OpenAI released a tool on Tuesday that can detect AI-written text. However, the company said, “Our classifier is not fully reliable.”  “In our evaluations on a ‘challenge set’ of English texts, our classifier correctly identifies 26% of AI-written text (true positives) […]

Artificial Intelligence generated code. Skynet 2.0 is now live

“Skynet” with reference to the Terminator film. Skynet is a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general superintelligence system that serves as the antagonistic force of the Terminator franchise. In the first film, it is stated that Skynet was created by Cyberdyne Systems for SAC–NORAD. When Skynet gained self-awareness, humans tried to […]

FDA acknowledges that pulmonary embolism generated a safety signal

FDA acknowledges that pulmonary embolism generated a safety signal However, I pointed out this safety issue >1 year ago! It was obvious at that time since it was the top safety signal in VAERS, elevated nearly 954x. Today, the CDC still hasn’t found the signal!!! Steve Kirsch Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs) is […]

Shutterstock Is Removing AI-Generated Images

Well, that was inevitable.  The popularity of tools like DALL-E and Midjourney has exploded in recent months, with thousands of amateur artists using the AI systems to generate surreal images from short text prompts. Now, generated images are starting to appear for sale on stock photo websites like Shutterstock and Getty Images—and some appear to […]

Global Electricity Generated by Hydropower Hit Hard by Severe Droughts

Electricity generation from hydropower generation fell to its lowest level globally since 2000, owing to low rainfall last year. It is expected to drop further this year as heat waves and droughts sweep across China, the United States, and Europe. According to Global Electricity Review 2022 by Ember, an independent energy and environment think tank, […]

Global Electricity Generated by Hydropower Hit Hard by Severe Droughts

Electricity generation from hydropower generation fell to its lowest level globally since 2000, owing to low rainfall last year. It is expected to drop further this year as heat waves and droughts sweep across China, the United States, and Europe. According to Global Electricity Review 2022 by Ember, an independent energy and environment think tank, […]

SHEDDING CONFIRMED: mRNA-generated covid spike proteins found in skin lesions MONTHS after vaccination

(Natural News) Japanese doctors have reported that mRNA-induced spike proteins from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do persist in the body for at least several months post-injection. Contradicting government and media claims that jab spike proteins dissipate almost immediately, the discovery was made on a 64-year-old person who developed persistent and painful skin lesions just days […]

SHEDDING CONFIRMED: mRNA-generated covid spike proteins found in skin lesions MONTHS after vaccination

(Natural News) Japanese doctors have reported that mRNA-induced spike proteins from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do persist in the body for at least several months post-injection. Contradicting government and media claims that jab spike proteins dissipate almost immediately, the discovery was made on a 64-year-old person who developed persistent and painful skin lesions just days […]

Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen

By Mike Whitney | Unz “If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President “And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard is coming; […]

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