Posts Tagged ‘banana’

Banana Republic: Argentinian Presidential Front-Runner Javier Milei Placed Under Criminal Investigation Days Before Election Over Speech – Just Like They Do Trump!

Banana Republic: Argentinian Presidential Front-Runner Javier Milei Placed Under Criminal Investigation Days Before Election Over Speech – Just Like They Do Trump! Source

Genetically modified banana plants – DIR 199

See document: within the link: Source

Ramaswamy: Trump’s Indictments Making U.S. a ‘Banana Republic’

Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that former President Donald Trump’s indictments were making the United States a “banana republic.” Source

Hogwash! That the US goes full banana republic by prosecuting endless Trump crime sprees

The siege against core values worsens by NOT prosecuting calculated, sneering subversion of laws Amidst the ever-sprawling, incendiary investigations of Trump’s criminality, reactionaries caution that any indictments of an ex-president – whether guilty as hell or not – send America into banana republic spirals of descent. As when tin-pot potentates appoint servile judges who prompt courts to shred the opposition and oppress the people? Does such fear-mongering against simply enforcing the law not award popular demagogues automatic immunity, however infamous? Indictment and conviction are the only bulwarks against further legal/Constitutional disintegration, let alone electoral politics as vicious, open warfare. So, imagine a truculent, unrepentant outlaw, already under the gun for inciting violence, playing the inevitable, Trumpian extortion card: “prosecute me and mass violence erupts.” Ferocity is […]

Hogwash! That the US goes full banana republic by prosecuting endless Trump crime sprees

The siege against core values worsens by NOT prosecuting calculated, sneering subversion of laws Amidst the ever-sprawling, incendiary investigations of Trump’s criminality, reactionaries caution that any indictments of an ex-president – whether guilty as hell or not – send America into banana republic spirals of descent. As when tin-pot potentates appoint servile judges who prompt courts to shred the opposition and oppress the people? Does such fear-mongering against simply enforcing the law not award popular demagogues automatic immunity, however infamous? Indictment and conviction are the only bulwarks against further legal/Constitutional disintegration, let alone electoral politics as vicious, open warfare. So, imagine a truculent, unrepentant outlaw, already under the gun for inciting violence, playing the inevitable, Trumpian extortion card: “prosecute me and mass violence erupts.” Ferocity is […]

17 Potassium Rich Foods That Pack More Than a Banana

Asparagus being just one of them!… From Potassium is an essential nutrient that is, thankfully, naturally present in many foods. It is also readily available as a dietary supplement to boost your potassium intake. Potassium is required for normal cell function because of its role in maintaining intracellular fluid volume and transmembrane electrochemical gradients. […]

Turkey deports Syrians over ‘provocative’ banana videos

The Turkish authorities have started deportation proceedings against several Syrian migrants over “provocative” viral videos of them eating bananas. The eight Syrians, including one minor, are accused of “inciting hatred” amid growing tension between locals and refugees, and an economic crisis. According to Demiroren News Agency they were arrested on Friday in the western city […]

The US Is Officially A Banana Republic: The Top 1% Now Own More Wealth Than The Entire Middle Class

In some ways, we sympathize with Neel Kashkari’s fake “concern” about the unprecedented wealth inequality that has emerged in the US in recent years and which has resulted in a slow, methodical and relentless destruction of the US middle class … or rather make that precedented because there was another time when the top 0.1% had amassed as […]

America is a Banana Republic Worse Than a Third World Nation-British Empire Owned

By infostormer -January 13, 2021 POLITICO and other media operations have been running stories describing how lawmakers in both parties are fearful of their own voters after they approved a fraudulent presidential election result. Funny how that works isn’t it? How can these people honestly say that they are ruling with the consent of the governed? Especially […]

Amerikan Republic: Without the Banana!

You tune into the great BOOB and channel surf the ( so called ) News and News Talk shows, and you hear this over and over: We are a DEMOCRACY. The Democratic Party leaning stations love to ram this continually down our throats. The right wing outlets seem to be SO far gone that they […]

USA officially becomes Banana Republic with Election Fraud Never seen Before as Poll Watchers Banned

    We would first of all like to begin by stating clearly that WE DO NOT SUPPORT EITHER OF THE CANDIDATES!!! nor do we even CARE one bit of who is elected in USA. All that we wanna show and analyze in this story is that USA as a whole is a pretentious country […]

Australia’s First People Were “Hunter-Banana Cultivators”

Archaeologists from the Australian National University excavating at Wagadagam, on the island of Mabuyag, in the western Torres Strait, have published new evidence of early Indigenous communities having managed and cultivated crops 2,145 years ago suggesting these people who for so long have been called “hunters” were also “cultivators”. Mabuyag History is Bananas The island […]

Car-maker Audi apologises over ‘insensitive’ girl with banana ad

German automaker Audi apologised after a new ad showing a little girl eating a banana in front of a red high-performance vehicle stirred controversy. “We sincerely apologize for this insensitive image and ensure that it will not be used in future,” Audi tweeted on Monday after the ad drew a negative response. “Lets your heart […]

Banana-sucking pop singer jailed for video ‘harmful to Egyptian morality’ (VIDEO)

Shyma’s video for the song ‘I have issues’ caused immediate outrage in the highly socially conservative country. Since President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi came to power in 2014, authorities have used wide-ranging morality laws to clamp down on freedom of expression. “I didn’t imagine all this would happen and that I would be subjected to such […]

A Banana Cinnamon Tea Recipe That Works Just Like A Sleeping Pill

Next Story We’ve heard it for decades now and the truth is still clear: sleep is incredibly important. Whether you are young or old (or anywhere in between), skipping out on sleep can cause a number of health issues you should really watch out for. Your precious Z’s are linked to anything from hypertension to stress to poor […]

Scientists Create Super Banana That Could Save Lives Of 750,000 Children A Year

Scientists have developed a new super-banana that could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. Vitamin A deficiency leads to the deaths of around 750,000 children in developing countries every year. It is also the leading cause of preventable blindness, and increases the risk of contracting severe infections and diseases. To tackle this, […]

British Government Negligence and Our Banana Republic

Illinois Governor: “We’re Like a Banana Republic”

Illinois Governor: Were Like a Banana Republic By Illinois is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said this month: Were like a banana republic …. We cant manage our money. Well, yes … all of America has become a banana republic. View the original article at Washingtons Blog Posted in […]

Chiquita Papers: How the banana giant funded Colombia’s civil war

nsnbc : In February 2017 the office of Colombia’s Prosecutor confirmed that companies who financed armed groups, including Chiquita will face charges for crimes against […]

The Chilcot Report Is Out, Tony Blair Apologises But Still Justifies His Decision

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