Posts Tagged ‘chernobyl’

Interview 1787 – “Ohio Chernobyl” – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: Ohio Chernobyl produces the largest dioxin plume in history; sanctions on Syria interfere with earthquake relief aid; and the Bing Search AI chatbot goes rogue and starts threatening people. The post Interview 1787 – “Ohio Chernobyl” – #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

Why is Europe Silent on Ukraine’s Attempts to Create a New Chernobyl?

Ukraine, on the eve of a decision by residents liberated from Kiev’s Nazi regime to hold a referendum on Zaporozhye Region becoming part of Russia, has turned to nuclear terrorism, trying to destroy nuclear power plants, intimidate civilians and force residents to leave the region. To this end, Kiev’s regime attacked the Zaporozhskaya NPP with […]

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Site Knocked Off Power Grid, Generators On, Ukraine Says

LVIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian authorities say the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear plant, site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster, has been knocked off the power grid. Emergency generators are now supplying backup power. The state communications agency says the outage could put systems for cooling nuclear material at risk. Advertisement The cause of the damage […]

Nuclear reactions found smoldering at Chernobyl ‘like embers in a barbecue’

Scientists monitoring the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine have discovered fission reactions erupting within an inaccessible chamber in the ruins of the complex, raising concerns that a further explosion at the site could take place. Anatolii Doroshenko of the Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants (ISPNPP) in Kiev reported a 40 […]

Thirty-five years after Chernobyl, what’s the future of nuclear energy in the EU?

Thirty-five years since the Chernobyl disaster, nuclear power is being phased out, slowly, around the world. But some countries, especially in the EU, are still reliant on it. Fourteen of the 27 member states still use it, and some, like France, are particularly hooked. In 2019, nuclear plants generated around 26.4% of the bloc’s electricity […]

Bucking fears, Israeli Chernobyl survivors have normal hospitalization rates

Israel’s population of Chernobyl survivors is hospitalized with surprising infrequency, new research indicates. In the aftermath of the disaster, which took place exactly 35 years ago, almost 200,000 people who lived in affected areas immigrated to Israel – and many doctors expected them to need disproportionate hospital care for life. But compared to other immigrants […]

Ukraine remembers 1986 Chernobyl disaster

Ukrainians lit candles and laid roses on Monday to commemorate those who died after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, during a ceremony at the memorial to Chernobyl firefighters in the city of Slavutych. Attendees marked the 35th anniversary of the disaster at 1:24am (2224 GMT the previous day), the same time when Reactor No. 4 […]

Ukraine seeks UNESCO status for Chernobyl to help manage visitors to nuclear site

Ukraine is seeking UNESCO World Heritage status for the site of the world’s worst nuclear accident. In the ghostly town of Pripyat, and its better-known neighbour Chernobyl, many visitors wander among the buildings and streets from where thousands were evacuated over three decades ago. “The Chernobyl zone is already a world famous landmark,” guide Maksym […]

Chernobyl: the people who risked the radiation to return to their homes

“My husband saw a bright flash as he worked on a tower crane. He didn’t pay much attention as there were often flashes like that, but later, he felt ticklish in his throat, and his mouth was dry. He told his friends: I don’t feel well. And they said: you have to drink vodka but […]

Fukushima Passes Chernobyl as Worst Nuclear Disaster in History: Does Anyone Care?

TOKYO – According to peace and environmental justice watchdog NukeWatch, the Fukushima disaster has overtaken Chernobyl as the worst nuclear disaster in human history. Writing in CounterPunch, John LaForge, co-director of NukeWatch, noted that the meltdown at the Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan in 2011 is now believed to have released between 5.6 and […]

Move Over Chernobyl, Fukushima is Now Officially the Worst Nuclear Disaster in History

The radiation dispersed into the environment by the three reactor meltdowns at Fukushima-Daiichi in Japan has exceeded that of the April 26, 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe, so we may stop calling it the “second worst” nuclear power disaster in history. Total atmospheric releases from Fukushima are estimated to be between 5.6 and 8.1 times that […]

Chernobyl disaster site repurposed for solar energy (PHOTOS)

READ MORE: To bot-ly go: VR robots will do space work & defuse bombs – where humans can’t venture (VIDEO) The 3,800 photovoltaic panels installed in a 16,000 square-meter (3.95-acre) area are expected to produce a total of one megawatt of energy for the local grid – enough power for roughly 2,000 homes reports Science […]

Legacy of Chernobyl: Boar shot in Sweden Found to have 10 Times the Accepted Amount of Radiation

On April 26, 1986, a disastrous accident at the power station in Chernobyl, Ukraine led to the release of more radiation into the atmosphere than the nuclear bomb released over Hiroshima, Japan in the Second World War. A routine test gone wrong resulted in what has been called the worst power plant accident in history – comparable […]

First Chernobyl hostel opens doors to tourists daring to explore Exclusion Zone (VIDEO)

More than 30 years after the 1986 disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, hundreds of tourists are flocking to the site to get a firsthand impression of the scale of the incident, despite the remaining risk of radiation exposure. “The idea was very good – when it’s a [tourist] season and tourists arrive, there is […]

French diplomatic missions in Turkey closed until further notice over security concerns

“The Embassy of France in Ankara, as well as the Consulate General in Istanbul will be closed from Wednesday July 13, 1pm, until further notice,” the embassy said in a statement. Earlier on Wednesday French diplomatic missions in Turkey canceled France’s July 14 Bastille Day events, the consulate general in Istanbul said. “Information points to […]

FSB searches Russia’s leading opposition radio station over ‘hate speech’ article

Tweets about the raid sent out on Tuesday morning by its long-serving editor Aleksey Venidiktov about the unscheduled visit from seven investigators spread social media panic about the fate of the iconic station. Founded in 1990, Ekho Moskvy rose to fame as the first non-government owned news outlet, and was the only internal media to […]

Wine & coffee are good for your gut, scientists say

Large-scale DNA analysis enabled researchers to examine what factors affect the diversity of the microbiome, the intestinal bacterial community unique to each individual. Coffee and wine can increase the diversity of gut bacteria, while whole milk or a high-calorie diet can decrease it. Most alcohol industry profits come from problem drinkers – studies “In total […]

Noam Chomsky: How Bernie Sanders Has Created A “Mobilized Force That Could Change The Country”

Bernie Sanders caught the attention of Collective-Evolution long ago, and when he finally said something that no other presidential candidate has ever admitted to during his or her campaign, it really hit home. It’s something that North America needed to hear on a stage where millions of people were watching—during a debate between Sanders and […]

Latest round of peace talks in Geneva constructive: Syria

Syria’s chief negotiator says the latest round of UN-brokered indirect peace talks in Geneva were constructive as important issues were raised during the discussions. “I can describe this particular round as useful and productive,” Bashar al-Ja’afari told reporters in Geneva on Tuesday after meeting Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations special envoy for Syria. The […]

100 Kg Cocaine and Heroin Bust in the UK leads to Raid at Dutch Cocaine Lab

nsnbc : One person was arrested on drug trafficking charges on the M26 motorway after police observed that he picked up sports bags that were being thrown out of a helicopter in the county of Kent. Later police arrested two who had flown the helicopter from Belgium to the UK. The bust led to raids and the discovery […]

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