Posts Tagged ‘generators’

Green fail: Many of Scotland’s wind turbines are being powered by diesel fuel generators that are leaking hydraulic fluid

(Natural News) The lunacy of the far left’s ‘climate change’ agenda is once again coming home to roost, this time in Scotland, where Western civilization essentially began and where it’s gone to die. According to Breitbart News, scores of the country’s ‘green energy’ windmills are being run by diesel generators, many of which are leaking hydraulic […]

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Site Knocked Off Power Grid, Generators On, Ukraine Says

LVIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian authorities say the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear plant, site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster, has been knocked off the power grid. Emergency generators are now supplying backup power. The state communications agency says the outage could put systems for cooling nuclear material at risk. Advertisement The cause of the damage […]

Power Outage? Too Bad. California Just Banned the Sale of Gas-Powered Generators, Lawnmowers, & Leaf Blowers

In an effort to limit greenhouse gas emissions, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted this month to ban the sale of new off-road engines such as those found in leaf blowers, lawn mowers and other equipment by 2024. The ruling also bans portable generators by requiring new models to meet more stringent standards in […]

NYC: Blacks Find Actual Unarmed Teen, Rob Him

Daily Stormer January 10, 2016 Usually when they say “unarmed teen” in the media, they mean a 20-somthing Black man carrying one or more deadly weapons. Not so in this particular case. This teen literally had no arms. PIX11: Police are looking for two young men and a young woman caught on surveillance video who […]

Robotic Deer Will Help Catch Wildlife Poachers In Arizona

There are robots that can serve you food and predict your next move, why shouldn’t there be robots to catch hunters gaming out of season? In an ingenious move by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, a robo-deer will be used to catch unsuspecting – and illegal – hunters preying on animals before the deer season starts. The robotic deer, which […]

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