Posts Tagged ‘footprints’

Green grandstanding expands Councils’ carbon footprints

Anti green policies are now blighting many local communities. Individual Councils declare a climate emergency and take it out on motorists. They wish to grandstand whilst often adding to emissions. Create worse traffic jams and fuel use rises for a journey. Lib Dem Wokingham Council hates drivers. They do not want us driving to work, […]

Nearly 6 Million year old Footprints found in Greece say Europeans did NOT Originate from Africa

Home » Archaeology, Europe » Nearly 6 Million year old Footprints found in Greece say Europeans did NOT Originate from Africa     A trail of 5.7 million-year-old fossil footprints discovered in Crete could upend the widely accepted theories on early human evolution. The new prints have a distinctly human-like form, with a similar big […]

Sudeley Castle’s ‘Footprints’ Of The Tudors

Awarded the accolade as “one of England’s most picturesque castles”, the manor of Sudeley Castle lies just to the east of the picturesque River Isbourne, a few miles from Cheltenham, on the edge of the Cotswold Plateau.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Ancient ‘Bear’ Footprints in Laetoli Tanzania Belonged to Human Ancestor

While exploring the Laetoli fossil site in the foothills of northern Tanzania in 1978, a team of anthropologists led by the renowned Mary Leakey discovered the oldest footprints of a human ancestor found anywhere in the fossil record. These tracks were estimated to be approximately 3.66 million years old and are believed to have been […]

Tracing The Footprints Of The Philistines To Minoan Knossos On Crete

The year 1185 BC heralded a diaspora of the so-called Sea Peoples to the south-western coast of the Levantine. From the west they came in ships via the Mediterranean Sea and from the north they crossed the land over what is now Syria. They were not only warriors, but they trekked with their whole communities including […]

Cretan Footprints Challenge Darwin’s Out of Africa Theory, Says Study

The evolution of human bipedalism is supposed to be 4 million years old, beginning with primates, which caused the separation of the first hominids from the rest of the four-legged apes. Walking on two feet allowed humans to free their arms completely, eventually allowing them to make tools (and grip them, thanks to the opposing […]

23,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Found In New Mexico Are Revolutionary

Multiple patches of human footprints found alongside a long-vanished Ice Age lake in New Mexico have finally been dated, many years after they were first discovered. Scientists used radiocarbon techniques to test plant samples embedded in the footprints, and much to everyone’s surprise they confirmed the footprints were made by human adolescents and children traveling […]

Tibetan Hand and Footprints May Be Oldest Prehistoric Art

Scientists have discovered an exciting new example of prehistoric art high on the Tibetan Plateau: a set of ancient children’s hand and footprints. If the dating of between 169,000 and 226,000 years ago is correct, this find represents “the oldest example of parietal [prehistoric] art ever discovered,” claim the researchers. Ancient Art or Accident? Until […]

Paleolithic Age Footprints of Children Discovered in La Garma Cave

Cantabria in northern Spain is famous for its cave systems that are adorned with deeply-ancient prehistoric drawings . In archaeological terms National Geographic calls the Museo de Altamira “the Sistine Chapel of paleolithic art,” while Altamira is a renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site. Now, cave explorers have discovered 16,500-year-old Paleolithic Age children’s footprints on an unexplored galley high […]

Footprints, Fairies and even a Foreskin: 10 Bizarre Relics from History

From time immemorial, people had the need to venerate objects of great significance: religious relics, mythical symbols, or depictions of holy figures. And as if answering this need, the religious establishment has provided. Throughout time relics have been widely worshiped throughout the world. Some of them are relics in the true meaning of that term: […]

Finns create breathtaking snow artwork from thousands of footprints (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

With the help of 11 snowshoe-clad volunteers, a Finnish artist has created an incredible ethereal and ephemeral ‘landscape’ artwork near the Finnish capital Helsinki, all made with thousands of footsteps. Local resident and amateur artist Janne Pyykko designed on his computer the complex geometric patterns which would later adorn the snow above a local golf […]

10,000-Year-Old Footprints Tell Amazing Story of Human Encounter with Megafauna

Archaeologists at White Sands National Park in New Mexico examining a 10,000-year-old track of human footprints, have made more fascinating discoveries. But they’ve also unearthed a trowel-full of unanswered questions about the timeworn mystery of the relationship between humans and ice age megafauna. Archaeology Detectives: Following Fossilized Footprints to Retrace Ancient Footsteps The Alkali Flat […]

Footprints show humans reached Saudi Arabia almost 120,000 years ago – or did they?

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Footprints Reveal Passage of Early Humans From Africa Through Arabia

In Saudi Arabia , an astonishing discovery has been made in the north-western desert. A team of archaeologists have found evidence of the oldest human habitation in the Arabian Peninsula . Several ancient footprints, made by humans, have also been found. These ancient footprints and other artifacts found in the area are providing researchers with […]

What ancient footprints may tell us the life of children in prehistoric times

     Western society has a rather specific view of what a good childhood should be like; protecting, sheltering and legislating to ensure compliance with it. However, perceptions of childhood vary greatly with geography, culture and time. What was it like to be a child in prehistoric times, for example – in the absence of toys, […]

5.7-Million-Year-Old Hominin Footprints Challenge Human Evolutionary Timeline

If the discoveries over the past few decades have told us anything, it’s that the evolution of humans is anything but simple. Now, a new discovery on the Mediterranean island of Crete might be about to put yet another cat among those pigeons, as researchers claim that hominin footprints found on the island date back […]

Do These Jumbo Footprints Prove Giants Stepped On Ancient China?

The strange discovery was made on August 24, 2016 in Pingyan, a small village in southwest China. The mysterious giant footprints show signs that they are the real deal and not some artistic carving. The erosion of the rock in which the footprints are embedded suggests an age of several thousand years, possibly more. Many […]

Fossilised Giant Footprints Discovered in China

Last year, a team of photographers discovered a set of fossilized giant footprints in a village in SW China. They still defy all explanations. The strange discovery was made on August 24, 2016 in Pingyan, a small village in southwest China. The mysterious giant footprints show signs that they are the real deal and not […]

5.7 Million-Year-Old Hominin Footprints Challenge Human Evolutionary Timeline

A new discovery on the Mediterranean island of Crete might be about to put yet another cat among those pigeons, as researchers claim that hominin footprints found on the island date back some 5.7 million years. by Josh Davis, guest author If the discoveries over the past few decades have told us anything, it’s that […]

Mysterious Devil’s Footprints Around The World

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