Every A$$ Hole Claiming To Be American Who Commits Treason Against America For Rothschild’s IsraHELL & IsraHELL’s Blackmailed & Bribed Bit#hes in DC & “State governments”, Must Be Given A Fair Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Trial

No mercy, no forgiveness, no pardons.

Galatians 6:7:
7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”.

Luke 3:7:
“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”.

Here and there an evil ass hole singing HOLY-HOLY-HOLY the loudest on Sunday morning in a church may slip through life without being made to pay for their evil on this side of the vail, but on the other side there is no mercy, no forgiveness, no pardons for evil done.

Claiming ignorance, stupidity, following orders, the devil made me do it, I did not know are not allowed as a legal defense.

On this side of the vail folks refer to it as Karma.
All evil done by a soul must be induced by that soul.
All Karma bills come due and must be paid.

Hanging treasonous evil fucks asses on this side is just an example, a vaccination if you will for the minds of those who are temped to do evil for shekels in the future.

True justice belongs to God and will be administered by a much higher power than exist on this rock!

The Ole Dog!


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