Posts Tagged ‘entity’

LEGAL PROOF that the Zionist State of Israel is an illegitimate entity, rogue nation, apartheid regime, war criminal and serial perpetrator of countless crimes against humanity


How a foreign entity removed Australian parliamentary records from the internet

MANY people believe that Australians live in a democratic nation, but the reality is far from this. People may also believe that ‘free speech’ is available to them on this medium called the internet. One way of describing the reality we live in is that of a totalitarian, fascist corporatocracy both in reality and on […]

A crumbling entity: ‘Israel’ today is truly weaker than a spider’s web

4 Nov 2023 Source: Israeli Media By Mohammad Al-Jaber The Israeli occupation is being hit on numerous fronts, and it is not doing well on any of them, proving its weakness and fragility as it teeters on the verge of crumbling. “Israel” is as weak as it can get, and its weakness is not just […]

The Armed Forces Announce The Targeting Of The Zionist Entity With Large Groups Of Ballistic Missiles And Drones

October 31, 2023Ansarollah website – Sana’a Today, Tuesday, the armed forces announced that they launched a large number of ballistic missiles and drones on the Zionist enemy entity. “In front of what the Gaza Strip is exposed to a brutal American aggression that we must have to trust in God and a victory for the […]

Evil Scientists Create a ‘Human-Like Entity’ Without a Mother or Father

Scientists all over the world continue to “play God”, and we are all going to have to live with the consequences. Every single day, incredibly bizarre experiments are being conducted in secret laboratories all over the planet. I have frequently warned my readers about the very deadly diseases that are being developed in such laboratories, […]

Evil WEF Scientists Create ‘Human-Like Entity’ That Has No Mother or Father

WEF-linked scientists have announced that they have created the world’s first ‘human-like entity’ that has no mother or father. According to the reports, the human-like creature was created “without using sperm, an egg or a […] The post Evil WEF Scientists Create ‘Human-Like Entity’ That Has No Mother or Father appeared first on The People's […]

Scientists Create Human “Entity” That Has No Mother Or Father

Scientists Create Human “Entity” That Has No Mother Or Father Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse Blog, Scientists all over the world continue to “play God”, and we are all going to have to live with the consequences.  Every single day, incredibly bizarre experiments are being conducted in secret laboratories all over the […]

Exclusive: Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Controls Entity with 10% Stake in Chinese State-Backed Investment Fund

Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, controls an entity with a ten percent stake in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund founded just days after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013, a source confirmed Friday to Breitbart News. Source

The More the Palestinian Resistance Grows the Weaker the ‘Israeli’ Entity Turns

February 1, 2023 By Mohammad Youssef Palestine today is the major headline of all the news in the region. The resistance of the Palestinian people, particularly the youth, has ushered in a new era of struggle against the ‘Israeli’ occupation. One day, after the horrible massacre by the ‘Israeli’ forces in Jenin, which left ten […]

 Standard to Ben-Gvir Announcing the Fall of the Entity

Dec 15, 2022 by Nasser Kandil Those talking day and night about a wave of normalization invading the Arab world, in the midst of whom voices for resistance have been a dissonant chord, should fall silent. Suffice it for them to read or listen well or view and consider the hundreds of reports swarming in […]

Gilboa Prison: The Zionist Entity’s Guantanamo

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Source

Ukraine is a Terrorist Entity like al-Qaeda and ISIS

The current Kiev regime can hardly be called a “state” even with certain reservations. Just like the notorious terrorist groups banned in Russia and in many countries around the world, such as Al-Qaeda or ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The behavior of the Kiev authorities is typically terrorist: terror against civilians, fighting […]

World Economic Forum: Why Does This Unelected Globalist Entity Really Exist?

When Canadian parliamentarian, Colin Carrie, of the Conservative Party, asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government this week how many Canadian ministers were actually “on board with the World Economic Forum agenda” — before his connection “broke up” in the videoconference — he and the Canadians he represents deserved an honest response rather than accusations of […]

Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?

If I had gone to the dark side, I would have made the Rothschilds and their rule the whole world organization of minions look like the bumbling idiots they are. I understand manipulation, blackmail, bribes, scamming, scheming perfictaiy.I have a very devious mind.I use it to fight evil. If one is going to send a […]

The Pfizer vaccine, “a new biological entity”

Very important info Kiwis Red Sky in the morning On the day Jacinda Ardern announced that the Pfizer vaccine had now been approved for use in New Zealand, TV One news ran this news item :Misinformation a ‘threat’ as Government prepares for Covid-19 vaccine rollout. Out came the labels and the tropes for those who […]

Zionist Entity Admits Failure in Preventing Hezbollah from Possessing Precision Missiles

Sourt Source The Zionist entity finally acknowledged it has failed in preventing Hezbollah from having precision guided missiles, Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported on Monday. In an article published on Monday, Al-Akhbar’s Yahya Dbouk reported, citing Israeli intelligence, that Hezbollah’s arsenal of now includes hundreds and not dozens of precision guided missiles. “After a long time […]

Cuomo Comes Out Swinging As He Blames Every Single Entity Under The Sun Except Himself

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (July 13, 2020 file photo) has blamed President Donald Trump for his state’s Covid-19 woes. © REUTERS/Mike Segar New York’s abysmal pandemic performance is everyone’s fault but his own, Governor Andrew Cuomo has seemingly argued, blaming the ‘incompetence’ of others, from Dr Fauci to President Trump. “Donald Trump caused […]

If a ‘Person’ is a Legal Entity, What is Your Identity?

Suppose that the word ‘person’ (by definition) has been misconstrued in meaning. Suppose that in our society, a ‘person’ is a LEGAL ENTITY, a thing, an artificial construct and not a ‘living being’. Suppose that you are blissfully ignorant of this deception, and truly believe that you are a “person”. What if your government considers […]

Zionist Entity Concerned about Syrian Army, Allies Advance into Border with Occupied Golan Heights

December 28, 2017 The field advance achieved by the Syrian army and allies in the southwestern countryside of Damascus into the border of the occupied Golan heights triggered the Zionist concerns about the complete collapse of the ‘security zone’ controlled by the militant groups, according to the Israeli media. The Zionist media has expected that […]

Zionist Entity Takes Threats by Yemen’s Ansarullah into Consideration

October 5, 2017 Israeli media reported that a new side has joined the group launching threats against the Zionist entity, which is Yemen-based revolutionary group, Ansarullah. “As if Hezbollah and Hamas were not enough! Ansarullah now threatens to fire missiles on Israel” by these words Israeli Channel Two’s website commented on threats made last week […]

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