Posts Tagged ‘decisive’

Hezbollah: Israelis Reached Dead End, Victory Decisive

February 19, 2024 Head of Hezbollah’s Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, MP Mohamed Raad, said that the Israeli enemy has reached a dead end, and the victory over it in Lebanon and Gaza will be decisive. During a ceremony honoring Martyr Hasan Ali Najem who embraced martyrdom All the Way to Al-Quds, Raad expressed confidence in […]

DeSantis faces decisive moment with GOP debate

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is facing a make-or-break moment in next week’s second Republican presidential debate as he looks to give his campaign a boost amid falling poll numbers.  A CNN/University of New Hampshire poll released this week showed the governor dropping 13 points in the critical early state, falling behind candidates Vivek Ramaswamy,… […]

Decisive, literally defining ‘midterm’ for the ages

Does not this heart-warming stunner/ Fortify the winners as front-runner? Source

A Decisive Moment for the Iranian Nuclear Deal

Just a short while ago it seemed that the new Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran, the USA and a number of other major world powers was on the point of being signed, and all over the world people breathed a sigh of relief and welcomed the end of fear, doubt and uncertainty. […]

Iran warns U.S. “hours in Vienna are decisive”

TEHRAN— Talks to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which began on Thursday ended with Iran warning the United States that “hours in Vienna are decisive.” Source

Der Reichsführer Schutzstaffel Racial Policy: The Decisive Question for our People

Race is the decisive and molding force in the life of the nations. Language, culture, customs, reverence of nature, traditions, life style, but also laws, governmental forms and economies; the whole variety of life is racially determined. Source

Portugal heads to the polls in decisive parliamentary elections, analysts predict a tie

Portugal’s socialist prime minister Antonio Costa is facing a high-stakes snap parliamentary election in which the far-right could make a breakthrough. Polling stations opened at 8 am on Sunday, and exit poll projections will be released by 8 pm. “We have defeated austerity and stagnation, we were defeating the pandemic and on Sunday we will […]

China Gains Decisive Military Edge over US in Artificial Intelligence

24.10.2021 By Staff, Agencies US officials warned that China’s rapid advances in artificial intelligence could eventually give Beijing a decisive edge in military and dominance in other key sectors, as the world’s two largest economies compete for technological supremacy. Officials at the National Counterintelligence and Security Center issued dire warnings on Friday to local and […]

Hezbollah Officially Announces Providing Palestinian Resistance with Decisive Intelligence Reports during Al-Quds Sword Battle

July 8, 2021 Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stated that the Resistance in Lebanon provided the Palestinian resistance factions with decisive intelligence reports during “Al-Quds Sword” battle, adding that this informational coordination changed the course of the confrontation with the Israeli enemy. Sheikh Qassem told Al-Mayadeen […]

Right-Wing Epoch Times Urges Trump to Take ‘Decisive Emergency Actions’ to Deter ‘Attack’ on Election

The influential right-wing Epoch Times and its “sister” media outlet NTD released a “documentary” this week that urges President Donald Trump to take “decisive emergency actions” to resist the outcome of the 2020 elections. “Who’s Stealing America?” claims that the election is being stolen from Trump by an “extensive attack” from the Chinese government and […]

Iran Warns of Decisive Response to Any Cyber Threat

Posted on August 17, 2020 by martyrashrakat By Staff, Agencies The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces warned that cyber threats from any state, group or individual against Iran will be responded to decisively. The General Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces on Monday issued a statement about the cyberspace international law. According to the […]

A Decisive Election For Venezuela: Will The Bolivarian Revolution Continue?

A Decisive Election For Venezuela: Will The Bolivarian Revolution Continue? Note: This week I will be going to Venezuela at the invitation of Intrepid Media and Venezuela Analysis to observe and report on the upcoming election.  Please donate here to support this trip. It is a controversial election as the US and allies like Colombia […]

‘Final chapter’: Syrian FM on decisive battles, illegal US presence and post-war reconstruction

     Following a series of decisive battles, the Syrian Army is writing up the final chapter of the crisis, Syria’s FM told RT, emphasizing that once the terrorists are eradicated, the illegal US presence in the country will have to be resolved as well. The Syrian government with the help of its allies is committed […]

Russian Senator: Moscow to give decisive response to Washington if confronted in Syria

FNA- Russian Senator and intelligence veteran Igor Morozov said the US and Russia are likely to engage in direct military confrontation following Washington’s increased threats against Syria after its allegations that Damascus seeks to use chemical weapons. Morozov stressed that the US allegations against Damascus are not based on evidence of proof, adding that the […]

De-escalation Zone Memorandum – Decisive Step Towards Peace in Syria?

“Raisi very decisive, realistic in Presidential debate”

Raisi showed he has plans if elected president, said Mohsen Rezaei, the secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council and a former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). Raisi’s speech went beyond factional lines (conservatives and reformists), said Rezaei. “Raisi didn’t resort to deception, lies and slander, and appeared as a candidate on a par […]

CIA agent attacked US Embassy guard in Moscow – Russian Foreign Ministry

“US State Department and security services have been actively using the Washington Post for disseminating distorted information and outright lies about “harassment” of the US diplomats in Russia,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on a report by the US newspaper on the alleged beating of a US diplomat by Russian security staff. The […]

The Nationalist Review Online 17: Implicit British Sovereignty

The Right Stuff June 27, 2016 Today Florian fills in for NO1, and sits down with autistocrats Dr. Mayham, Freelance Autist, and Yayo for a discussion on Brexit, the SQ(Sodomite Question) and various other assorted triggering news topics. Source Article from

Iran to launch satellite this year

TEHRAN (ISNA)- Head of Iranian Space Organization Mohsen Bahrami said that the country would launch at least one satellite in the current Iranian calendar year, (started on March 21, 2016). “We will have at least one satellite launch this year based on the planning,” he said. Bahrami also said that some projects on indigenizing telecommunications […]

Oscars of the web: RT wins ‘People’s Voice’ award at Webbys for work in social media

     RT Social Media has won its first-ever Webby Award, after beating established rivals in the popular vote for the world’s most prestigious internet accolade. And it’s all thanks to you! After three weeks of online voting, RT scored a confident popular victory over BBC News, the New York Times, NBC News & Nightly News, […]

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