Posts Tagged ‘lasts’

Enjoy Warmth While It Lasts. Meteorologist Warns Of Winter’s Return Next Week

Punxsutawney Phil – the famous groundhog weather oracle – called for early spring last Friday, having not seen his shadow. However, a new forecast by Arcfield Weather indicates that the above-normal temperatures across the Central US and East Coast could end as early as next week, ushering in another vicious round of winter.  “A pattern change to […]

The longer Trump lasts, the greater the damage, the more degraded is America. Is the end in sight?

No politician survives endless, humiliating court cases (results or timing aside), and no third-rate PT Barnum fools more than a shrinking minority over time. Source

Inspiring: Uber Driver Lasts .09 Seconds Before Volunteering That This Isn’t His Main Job

PHOENIX, AZ — Local Uber driver Michael Skinner set a new record today, waiting nearly a tenth of a second before telling his passenger that Uber isn’t his main job. “Are you Sarah?” asked Michael as he pulled up to the airport. “Great, well you can put your bag in the trunk and just so […]

Here’s How Long a Cannabis High Actually Lasts, According to Science

Here’s How Long a Cannabis High Actually Lasts, According to Science Health14 October 2022By Michelle Starr   (Tim Foster/Unsplash)   With the decriminalization of cannabis comes a list of questions and concerns over its medical and recreational use – including figuring out how long the drug’s effects actually last for. While society has had decades […]

Data Shows J&J Vaccine Deaths Higher, Shot Lasts Longer

Data Shows J&J Vaccine Deaths Higher, Shot Lasts Longer Date: March 29, 2022Author: Nwo Report Source: Carolyn Crist – WebMD March 29, 2022 — The COVID-19 death rate among people who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was more than double the rate of other vaccinated Americans during the Omicron wave, according to the latest […]

COVID Vaccine Protection Lasts 3-6 Months, Then ‘Vanishes’

COVID Vaccine Protection Lasts 3-6 Months, Then ‘Vanishes’Published on December 17, 2021Written by Kenneth Richard A summary of some of the latest research affirms COVID vaccine effectiveness at preventing and reducing disease/viral load is very temporary and prone to disappearing. This suggests shot after shot in perpetuity is required to maintain one’s “vaccinated” status.Disturbing research on […]

Swedish study reveals how long immunity lasts after mild COVID

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Natural News announces recipients of the 2015 Journalist Courage Awards

(NaturalNews) This past year saw a great number of journalists – new media and old – who took a stand for liberty, personal responsibility, […]

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