Posts Tagged ‘emerged’

Syria: A State that Withstood a Global War and Emerged Victorious (Part I)

 March 21, 2023 Somaya Ali Translated by Areej Fatima Husseini “No external factor enables a government or an army to stabilize, unless this government and this army enjoy a popular support that safeguard them.” Egypt’s former Assistant Foreign Minister Hussein Al-Haridi in a recent interview The pre-planned war in Syria has spanned twelve years and is […]

Two new cannabinoids have emerged on the cannabis scene. What are they and how are they different?

Delta 10 vs. Delta 8: What’s the Difference?   By  Bobby Bernstein   Updated  Mar 13, 2023 at 8:46pm  The world of cannabis is always evolving, and as new cannabinoids are discovered and studied, we learn more about the complex interactions between these compounds and how our bodies react to them. Two of the latest […]

RH – How Judaism Supposedly Emerged from Hebraism

EURO FOLK RADIO RH – How Judaism Supposedly Emerged from Hebraism Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share How Judaism Emerged from Hebraism | The Holy Halfbreed ( Share this: Source

New Studies Bolster Theory Coronavirus Emerged From Wuhan Market

Two new studies provide more evidence that the coronavirus pandemic originated in a Wuhan, China, market where live animals were sold. Source

Operation ‘Gateway Process’: Reptilian Beings Emerged During CIA’s Interdimensional Experiments

In 1958 radio broadcasting executive Robert Monroe suffered a series of bizarre events. At the age of 43, he began feeling a strong vibration deep within his chest. Suddenly the sensation grew so intense that he was forced to lay down. Once reclined, the typically rational businessman found himself hovering outside of his body. He […]

Former State Department Official Says Idea COVID-19 Emerged Naturally is “Ridiculous”

More prominent scientific figures have thrown their weight behind calls for investigating the lab leak theory as the cause of the coronavirus pandemic, with some revealing they were previously ostracised for presenting research that suggested the scenario was realistic. The Daily Mail reports that British vaccine researcher and professor of oncology Angus Dalgleish struggled to […]

Chile Is Reborn: A (Political) Earthquake Emerged From The Streets

Above Photo: Pressenza Agency. What happened in Chile this past weekend seems to be one of those historic events that cannot but follow its inexorable course. It is like an enormous, powerful tsunami wave whose size cannot be appreciated on the high seas, until it comes crashing into the coast, stunning everyone with its massive […]

ISIS emerged under US watch in Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai

nsnbc : Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai has implied that U.S. armed forces are directly aiding the Islamic State in Afghanistan (ISIS-K), among others with […]

Assad Emerged Victorious, Several Western & Arab States Decided to Rebuild Ties with Syria: Israeli War Minister

Updated October 3, 2017 The Zionist war minister Avigdor Lieberman said Tuesday that President Bashar Assad has emerged victorious from the war against the terrorist groups in Syria, adding that several Western and Arab states have decided to rebuild their ties with the Syrian government. It is unprecedented that Assad has emerged victorious despite the […]

Russia Asks How White Helmets Emerged Unharmed In Syrian Sarin Attack

The Russian Defense Ministry is demanding that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) explain how members of the White Helmets remained unharmed by the sarin used in the attack in Khan Shaykhun. More than 80 people died in the alleged alleged gas attack on the town in Idlib Province earlier in April, […]

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