Posts Tagged ‘barron’

Right Wing Round-Up: The Cult Of (Barron) Trump

Sarah Rumpf @ Mediaite: Tommy Tuberville Seems to Admit Republicans Went to Trump’s Trial to Circumvent the Gag Order Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) was unabashed when asked about attending former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial, telling Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo that Republicans did it to “overcome this gag order” on Trump. Riley Rogerson @ The […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: King Barron

Rudy Giuliani can’t stop spreading lies about the 2020 election and now it has cost him his radio show. A school board in Shenandoah County, Virginia, has voted to rename two local schools in honor of Confederate military leaders after having removed those names just a few years ago. Televangelist Benny Hinn says that he […]

Barron Trump to step into the political arena as a Florida delegate at the Republican convention

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Donald Trump: FBI Did ‘Deep and Ugly Search’ of Barron Trump’s Room

Former President Donald Trump announced the FBI conducted a “deep and ugly search” of his son Barron Trump’s room during last month’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. During a Save America rally in Pennsylvania, Trump called the FBI raid a “shocking” abuse of power and criticized President Joe Biden’s administration for conducting it. Trump criticized President Joe Biden’s administration […]

US first lady: Son Barron also had coronavirus, but no symptoms

WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump said Wednesday that her and the president’s teenage son, Barron, tested positive for the coronavirus not long after his parents, but had no symptoms. She made the revelation in a lengthy note chronicling her personal experience with COVID-19, including being hit with a “roller coaster” of symptoms that she treated […]

ISIS Calls for Assassination of Barron Trump

Pro-ISIS internet channels are calling for the assassination of President Donald Trump’s son, Barron, and have shared personal details of the child’s life on its social media networks, including the address of his school, according to a media monitoring organization. ISIS supporters, on a well-known Telegram channel, shared the name and address of Barron Trump’s […]

FBI Director: Filming Police Increases Crime Rates

James Comey, FBI Director, proclaimed that people filming police caused crime rates to increase, while admitting that he had absolutely no legitimate proof for it. In fact, he argued that people filming police increased the amount of felonies committed last year. On Wednesday, at a University of Chicago law forum, he said that this “Era […]

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